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            Learning geoscience with diverse audiences requires agile and   Disciplines: Geoscience and Public Policy, Geoscience
          novel methods, including using social media and creating pop-  Information/Communication, Hydrogeology
          up museums. This session addresses the design, development,   Advocates: Jason P. Kenworthy; Matthew Dawson; Limaris R.
          implementation, and assessment of such communication meth-  Soto; Johanna Kovarik; F. Edwin Harvey; Scott E. Foss
          ods in the geosciences.                               This is an interdisciplinary forum for earth scientists, land
                                                               managers, Geoscientists-in-the-Parks and GeoCorps  America
          T180. Contentious Communication from the             participants or sponsors, and educators to present their work and
          Classroom to the Chat Room: How to Have              describe its relevance to the public and land managers.
          Productive Conversations about Emotionally
          Charged Topics                                                 T184. Geoheritage: Sharing Earth’s
          Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA    Legacy for Scientific, Societal, and Economic
          Committee on Geology and Public Policy; National Earth   Advancement
          Science Teachers Association; National Association of   Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA History
          Geoscience Teachers; GSA Geoscience Education Division  and Philosophy of Geology Division; Association of American
          Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,   State Geologists; National Association of Geoscience Teachers;
          Geoscience Education, Geoscience and Public Policy   American Geosciences Institute; National Park Service; U.S.
          Advocates: Wendy Bohon; Beth Bartel; Justin Samuel   Geological Survey; U.S. National Committee for the
            This session will examine the dynamics of communicating   International Union of Geological Sciences; National Academy
          contentious topics in the geosciences, with implications for more   of Sciences; GSA Geoscience Education Division
          scientifically based policy decisions, better learning outcomes in   Disciplines: Geoscience and Public Policy, Geoscience
          classrooms, more productive online conversations, and greater   Information/Communication, History and Philosophy of Geology
          appeal to diverse audiences.                         Advocates: Terri L. Cook; Tom Casadevall; Suzette Kimball
                                                                This session will highlight the relevance of geoheritage; explore
          T181. Collaborations between Science,                the history, current status, and future of the geoheritage movement;
          Emergency Management, and the Public—                and explore geoheritage’s potential for boosting rural economic
          Successes and/or Learning Experiences                development and increasing public interest in the geosciences.
          Cosponsors: GSA Environmental & Engineering Geology
          Division; GSA Geology and Society Division           GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION
          Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication, Geology
          and Health, Geoscience and Public Policy             T185. Time to Explore: Actively Engaging with
          Advocates: Brian Terbush; Stephen L. Slaughter       Rigorous Three-Dimensional Learning Materials
            Before, during, and after natural hazards occur, scientists,   Cosponsors: GSA Geoscience Education Division; American
          safety officials, and the public must work together to limit casu-  Geosciences Institute; American Geophysical Union; National
          alties and protect property. Share your own lessons learned, or   Association of Geoscience Teachers; National Earth Science
          come to learn from others’ experiences.              Teachers Association
                                                               Discipline: Geoscience Education
          GEOSCIENCE AND PUBLIC POLICY                         Advocates: Aida Awad; Carla McAuliffe; Ed Robeck
                                                                This active learning, hands-on approach session will allow
          T182. Practical Ways to Promote an Ethical,          participants to engage with curriculum materials and sample
          Diverse, Inclusive Culture across the Geosciences    activities from several organizations that are unified by their
          Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; Association   attention to Next-Generation Science Standards–aligned,
          for Women Geoscientists; GSA Diversity in the Geosciences   three-dimensional instruction that takes a phenomenon-
          Committee; GSA Geology and Public Policy Committee; Earth   based approach.
          Science Women’s Network
          Disciplines: Geoscience and Public Policy, Geoscience Education  T186. The Importance of Place to Effective K–16
          Advocates: Nan Stout; Billy M. Williams              Geoscience and Climate-Change Education
            Geoscientists are responsible for creating a professional cul-  Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience and Public
          ture based on a commitment to ethics, diversity, and inclusion.   Policy, Environmental Geoscience
          This session focuses on practical ways to drive culture change   Advocate: Sadredin Cyrus Moosavi
          through presentation of case studies and educational strategies.  This session will explore the unique role of place in effective
                                                               education in the geosciences.
             T183. Geoscience and Hydrology of Your
          Public Lands: STEM Internships, Research,            T187. The Evolution and Diversity of Virtual
          Science, Mapping, Resource Management, and           Fieldwork Experiences
          Education                                            Cosponsors: National Association of Geoscience Teachers;
          Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; National Park   GSA Geoscience Education Division
          Service; U.S. Forest Service; Bureau of Land Management;    Disciplines: Geoscience Education, Geoscience Information/
          GSA Karst Division                                   Communication

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