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          Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience,       T150. Advances in Understanding
          Geochemistry                                         Processes at or near the Groundwater–
          Advocate: Charles J. Paradis                         Surface-Water Interface
            The use of tracers is important for the accurate characteriza-  Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Soils and Soil
          tion of physical, chemical, and biological processes in aquifers.   Processes Division
          This technical session aims to share examples of applications   Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience
          and research involving tracers for aquifer characterization.  Advocates: Reza Soltanian; Robert Ritzi
                                                                The session will convey new insights on processes taking
                    T147. Evolution of Paleo to Modern         place at or near the interface between groundwater and surface
          Fluid Flow Systems in the Colorado Plateau and       water, including fluid, energy, nutrient fluxes, and bio-
          Other Sedimentary Environments                       geochemical processes. Field and lab studies, analysis, and
          Cosponsor: GSA Hydrogeology Division                 computational research are to be included.
          Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geochemistry, Structural Geology
          Advocates: Jennifer C. McIntosh; Mark Person; Peter W.   T151. Advances in Geophysical, Geological,
          Reiners; George H. Davis; Mark D. Barton; Grant Ferguson  and Geochemical Investigations of Hydrological
            This session aims to integrate multiple geologic, hydrologic,   Systems in the Basin and Ranges/Rio Grande
          and geochemical approaches to discover couplings, conse-  Rift Basins
          quences, and emergent properties of subsurface paleo to modern   Cosponsor: GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division
          fluids and mass/energy transfer between Earth’s lithosphere and   Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geophysics/Geodynamics,
          Critical Zone.                                       Geochemistry
                                                               Advocates: Lin Ma; Shari Kelley; Diane I. Doser
                 T148. Coastal Hydrogeology in an Age of        This session seeks contributions from across disciplines to
          Rising Seas                                          investigate valuable water resources in the Basin and Range/Rio
          Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Environmental   Grande rift basins using a broad array of geophysical, geologic,
          and Engineering Geology Division; GSA Karst Division;   and geochemical tools to better understand aquifers, geothermal
          American Geophysical Union; American Geosciences Institute;   resources, and surface waters in the extensional terranes.
          Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic
          Science Inc.; National Ground Water Association; International   T152. A Showcase of Undergraduate Research
          Association of Hydrogeologists; Soil Science Society of   in Hydrogeology (Posters)
          America; GSA Soils and Soil Processes Division       Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geoscience
          Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, Geoscience   Education Division
          and Public Policy                                    Discipline: Hydrogeology
          Advocates: Michael C. Sukop; Martina Rogers; Shellie L. Habel  Advocates: Laura K. Rademacher; Samuel J. Smidt; Tyler V. King
            As sea levels rise, hydrogeology is crucial in coastal areas.   This session is designed for undergraduates presenting
          Seawater intrusion can lead to loss of potable or agricultural   research and senior theses in the field of hydrogeology. Prizes
          water supplies. Water table rise from sea-level rise can increase   will be awarded for top presentations. Employers and graduate
          flooding and affect infrastructure.                  advisers are encouraged to attend.

             T149. Arsenic in Global Groundwater-Based         ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCE
          Drinking Water Systems—Source-Water
          Characteristics, Safe Limits, Human-Health                 T153. Urban Geochemistry
          Impacts, Innovative Treatment Systems, and           Cosponsor: International Association of GeoChemistry
          Policy Instruments                                   Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Geochemistry,
          Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA International;   Geology and Health
          GSA Geology and Health Division; International Society of   Advocates: W. Berry Lyons; David T. Long
          Groundwater for Sustainable Development (ISGSD); IWA   This session encourages presentations that qualify and quan-
          Specialist Group Metals and Related Substances in Drinking   tify the geochemical and biogeochemical impacts (temporal and
          Water (METRELS); GSA Karst Division                  spatial) of urbanization and urban activities on soil, water, and
          Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geology and Health, Geoscience   air resources, as well as on human and ecosystem health.
          and Public Policy
          Advocates: Prosun Bhattacharya; Arslan Ahmad; Dina L.             T154. Sigma Gamma Epsilon
          Lopez; Saugata Datta; Mohammad Alauddin; Jochen Bundschuh Student Research (Posters)
            This session will lead to a deep understanding of the fate and   Cosponsor: Sigma Gamma Epsilon
          behavior of arsenic and other geogenic co-contaminants in   Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Sediments, Clastic,
          groundwater systems, treatment innovations, epidemiological   Structural Geology
          impacts, human health impacts, and policy instruments.  Advocates: Diane Burns; James Walters

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