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            All Sigma Gamma Epsilon student members are encouraged   T159. Bio-Geochemistry of Petroleum-
          to submit their research to this poster session to compete for   Produced Water: Challenges and Opportunities
          awards. All geological investigations, from archaeological   toward Its Beneficial Use and Safe Disposal
          geology to volcanology, are encouraged to be entered.  Cosponsor: GSA Hydrogeology Division
                                                               Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Geochemistry,
                 T155. Mineral Dissolution and                 Hydrogeology
          Precipitation in Subsurface CO 2  Storage and        Advocates: Javier Vilcaez; Tracy M. Quan; Omar R. Harvey
          CO 2 -Plume Geothermal Energy Capture:                This session is to gather researchers and practitioners working
          Experimental and Modeling                            on various aspects of produced water, including its chemical and
          Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Energy Geology,   microbiological characterization, treatment, beneficial use/reuse,
          Geochemistry                                         and/or safe disposal.
          Advocates: Liwei Zhang; Christina Lopano
            This topical session aims to capture recent progress in investi-  ENGINEERING GEOLOGY
          gations of the pore-scale geochemical processes associated with
          CO 2 geological storage and CO 2-plume geothermal energy cap-  T160. Landslide Inventories, Hazard
          ture, which are recently hot research topics in geoscience.  Assessments, and Risk Reduction
                                                               Cosponsors: GSA Environmental & Engineering Geology
             T156. Microplastics in the Environment:           Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
          Methods, Findings, and Implications                  Division; U.S. Geological Survey Landslide Hazards Program
          Cosponsors: GSA Environmental & Engineering Geology   Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Geomorphology, Geoscience
          Division; GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Limnogeology   Information/Communication
          Division; GSA Geology and Health Division; GSA Geology and   Advocates: Matthew M. Crawford; Stephen L. Slaughter
          Society Division; GSA Soils and Soil Processes Division  This session will discusses landslide inventories that support
          Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Hydrogeology, Marine/  sophisticated efforts of hazard and risk assessment. Landslide
          Coastal Science                                      hazard assessment techniques yield not only variable landslide
          Advocates: Jacqueline A. Smith; Brian E. Bodenbender  behavior but also advancements and challenges of data resources
            Evidence for microplastic pollution in marine, freshwater, and   and communication.
          terrestrial environments continues to mount. This session
          encompasses all aspects of microplastic research, including field   T161. Environmental & Engineering
          and lab methodology, findings, education, and implications for   Geology Division Student Research Competition
          health and environmental stewardship.                (Posters)
                                                               Cosponsors: GSA Environmental & Engineering Geology
             T157. Intersections of Sustainability and         Division; Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists
          Geosciences                                          Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Environmental Geoscience
          Cosponsor: GSA Hydrogeology Division                 Advocates: Stephen L. Slaughter; Anne C. Witt; Robert J. Mitchell
          Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Geoscience     We encourage graduate and undergraduate students to submit
          Information/Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy  poster presentations on topics related to applied research in
          Advocates: Leslie A. North; Robert Brinkmann         environmental and engineering geology. Monetary awards will
            Papers are sought for a special session on sustainability and   be given to the top presenters at the Division awards ceremony.
          the geosciences. The session seeks to highlight works that
          combine the fields of sustainability and geoscience to examine   T162. Environmental & Engineering
          or educate about environmental and/or societal problems.  Geology Division
                                                               Cosponsor: GSA Environmental & Engineering Geology Division
             T158. Incorporating Place-Based Knowledge         Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Environmental Geoscience
          in Geoscience Research and the Classroom             Advocates: Anne C. Witt; Stephen L. Slaughter; Robert J. Mitchell
          Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Diversity   The oral session for the Environmental & Engineering
          in Geosciences Committee; GSA Environmental & Engineering   Geology Division gives an opportunity to the geoscience
          Geology Division; GSA Geoscience Education Division;   community to present their research, data, and work pertaining
          National Association of Geoscience Teachers          to environmental and engineering geology.
          Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience, Geoscience Education,
          Geoscience and Public Policy                         ENERGY GEOLOGY
          Advocates: Michael A. Phillips; Pauline W.U. Chinn
            This session will explore the use of indigenous and other   T163. Utilizing Field Tests and Numerical
          place-based knowledges to develop an understanding of earth   Simulations for Reservoir Characterization,
          processes and human impacts on those processes through   Risk Analysis, or Uncertainty Quantification of
          primary research and field and classroom instruction.  Engineered Fluid Systems
                                                               Disciplines: Energy Geology, Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology
                                                               Advocates: Richard Jayne; Yingqi Zhang

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