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Figure 1. Tectonic map of the southern U.S. continental margin. Northern boundary of the Gulf of Mexico basin is rep-
                       resented by the Cretaceous shelf edge, adapted from Harry and Londono (2004). Locations of the GUMBO lines and the
                       limit of oceanic crust in the Gulf of Mexico are from Christeson et al. (2014). Location of basinward salt limit is from
                       Hudec et al. (2013). Louann salt province in the Gulf of Mexico, denoted by gray shading, is from Diegel et al. (1995).
                       Locations of the Precambrian rift-transform margin, and other geologic structures and terranes, were derived from
                       Thomas (1991, 2011). MU—Monroe Uplift; BU—Benton Uplift; BBU—Broken Bow Uplift; LU—Luling Uplift; WU—Waco
                       Uplift; SMA—San Marcos Arch. L1 (onshore extension of GUMBO 1), L2, and L3 (onshore extension of GUMBO 3) are
                       locations of cross-sectional profiles examined in Figures 4 and DR2 [see text footnote 1]. AL—Alabama; AR—Arkansas;
                       LA—Louisiana; FL—Florida; GA—Georgia; KY—Kentucky; MO—Missouri; MS—Mississippi; NC—North Carolina; OK—
                       Oklahoma; SC—South Carolina; TN—Tennessee; TX—Texas; VA—Virginia; WV—West Virginia.

          2. The Grenville orogeny was followed by a   associated with basement highs, such   details of its evolutionary history remain
            Neoproterozoic rifting episode that   as the Sabine and Monroe uplifts in   unresolved. These include, but are not lim-
            resulted in the breakup of Rodinia and   Louisiana and the Wiggins Arch in   ited to, the geometry of the Precambrian
            the subsequent opening of the Iapetus   Alabama and Mississippi.    rift-transform margin, depth and spatial
            Ocean. The resulting passive margin,   4. Finally, Late Triassic rifting episodes,   extent of the allochthonous terranes that
            outlining the southeastern continental   during the breakup of Pangaea, led to   participated in the Ouachita orogeny, and
            margin of Laurentia, is widely thought to   the opening of the Atlantic Ocean and   variations in continental stretching and
            be composed of a series of rift and trans-  the Gulf of Mexico (Dickinson, 2009;   magmatic activity across the northern Gulf
            form segments (Hatcher et al., 1989;   Thomas, 2011; Huerta and Harry, 2012).   of Mexico during Mesozoic rifting.
            Thomas, 1991, 2011).               Continental extension, followed by mid-
          3. The closing of the Iapetus Ocean and   Jurassic seafloor spreading, produced   VELOCITY MODELS
            the consequent assembly of the Pangaea   the current configuration of an arcuate   The following eight models are com-
            supercontinent during the late     wedge of oceanic crust beneath the deep   pared in this study: DNA13 (Porritt et al.,
            Paleozoic included a collision between   Gulf of Mexico surrounded by transi-  2014); PLH15 (Porter et al., 2016); PM15
            Laurentia, Gondwana, and enclosed   tional continental crust of variable width   (Pollitz and Mooney, 2016); SR16 (Shen
            island arcs, which resulted in the   (Christeson et al., 2014).     and Ritzwoller, 2016); SLK15 (Schmandt
            Ouachita orogeny. Contemporaneous   Although there is general agreement on   et al., 2015); NA07 (Bedle and van der Lee,
            terranes that participated in the   the sequence of tectonic events that formed   2009); SL14 (Schmandt and Lin, 2014); and
            Ouachita orogeny, the composition and   the present-day crustal structure of the   YFCR14 (Yuan et al., 2014). Our compari-
            origin of which are widely debated, are   southern U.S. continental margin, several   son is limited to shear wave velocity (Vs)

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