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SUSavg model is also distinctly slower   models derives from the USArray’s   into differences in anomaly amplitudes,
          than the EUS model at all depths.  Transportable Array (TA), which has a   although patterns should be robust
                                             nominal station spacing of ~70 km. The   between techniques and parameterizations.
          Geologic and Tectonic Patterns     resulting relatively low horizontal resolu-  PM15 shows the least change in anomaly
            In the upper crust, large-scale patterns of   tion of these models makes it difficult to   pattern from 5 km depth to 5 km below the
          anomalies are consistent between all the   constrain effectively the exact geometry of   Moho, reflecting its decreasing resolution
          models, matching the geometry of major   small-scale geologic features in this region.  with depth. DNA13 has a relatively small
          features in the region; i.e., the Ouachita   Amplitudes of anomalies vary signifi-  range of anomaly amplitudes at depths of
          orogenic front and the Precambrian margin   cantly between models (note the different   5 km and 15 km, with less consistent
          (Fig. 3 with locations in Fig. 1). Areas to   ranges in the color bars). There are at least   anomaly patterns compared to the other
          the north of the Precambrian margin, which   two reasons to expect such variations.   models (Fig. 2). This difference, with
          comprise cratonic continental crust, are   First, constraints imposed by data on   respect to other models, is likely due to
          faster at shallower depths than in the region   model parameters usually range from    the lack of surface wave data in DNA13.
          enclosed between the Alabama-Oklahoma   overdetermined to underdetermined in
          transform and Texas Rift segments, which   tomography, so additional regularization is   Crustal Thickness Variations
          is covered by thick sediments. This latter   needed to stabilize the inversion numeri-  Figure 4 shows the Bouguer gravity
          region displays a reversal in anomalies in   cally. Choices of values for regularization   anomaly, topography, and crustal thickness
          three of the five models (PLH15, SR16, and   parameters are largely subjective and will   along the L1-GUMBO1 and L3-GUMBO3
          SLK15) at depths around the Moho. This   therefore differ between authors. Second,   profiles (onshore extensions of GUMBO1
          fast velocity zone could correspond to the   only a portion of the travel time variance    and GUMBO3; see locations in Fig. 1)
          base of the Sabine block, as proposed by   is explained by the 3D structure to be   based on the models discussed above.
          Clift et al. (2018). The Southern Oklahoma   resolved. Other components of the vari-  Similar profiles for L2, GUMBO2, and
          Aulacogen is consistently represented in   ance include random and systematic errors   GUMBO4 are shown in GSA Data
          the models by a slow anomaly, although   in the data, inaccuracies in the model   Repository Figure DR2 (see footnote 1).
          with varying size, geometry, and location.   parameterization’s representation of Earth,   A general trend exhibiting crustal thinning
          Conversely, the Llano Uplift is represented   and oversimplifications in the physical   toward the Gulf of Mexico basin, corre-
          by a fast anomaly that is especially promi-  theory that relates Earth’s structure to   sponding to a steady increase in Bouguer
          nent at shallow depths. A large proportion   travel time observations. Again, differ-  gravity anomalies, is consistent among the
          of the seismic data used to generate the   ences between individual choices will map   models. SLK15 and SR16 are consistent
                                                                                along the L1-GUMBO1 profile, while a
                                                                                crossover with PnUS2016 is observed
                                                                                around the 400-km profile distance, in the
                                                                                vicinity of the San Marcos Arch. The
                                                                                LITHO1.0 model has the largest deviations
                                                                                from the other models; due to its sparse
                                                                                parameterization, LITHO1.0 is not a reli-
                                                                                able benchmark in regional studies.
                                                                                  There is a lack of general agreement
                                                                                between models concerning the landward
                                                                                limit of oceanic crust in the Gulf of Mexico
                                                                                (arrows in Fig. 4). Along GUMBO3, the
                                                                                majority of the proposed locations are coin-
                                                                                cident with a sharp increase in Bouguer
                                                                                gravity, which is not the case along
                                                                                GUMBO1 in the western Gulf of Mexico,
                                                                                where the large Louann salt province com-
                                                                                plicates geophysical interpretation.

                                                                                Figure 4. Cross-sectional profiles of (A) the
                                                                                L1-GUMBO1 line and (B) the L3-GUMBO3 line
                                                                                (profile locations in Fig. 1), displaying lateral varia-
                                                                                tion in Bouguer gravity anomaly, topography, and
                                                                                crustal thickness based on models SR16, SLK15,
                                                                                PnUS2016, and LITHO1.0, along with that from the
                                                                                GUMBO studies. The colored arrows represent
                                                                                the proposed location of the ocean-continent
                                                                                boundary from Marton and Buffler (1994) (yellow);
                                                                                Bird et al. (2005) (purple); Hudec et al. (2013) (light
                                                                                green); Christeson et al. (2014) (red); Pindell and
                                                                                Kennan (2009) (orange); Sandwell et al. (2014)
                                                                                (dark green); Pindell et al. (2014) (dark blue); and
                                                                                Sawyer et al. (1991) (light blue).

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