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                            Award & Nomination Deadlines

          For details, see the October 2021 GSA Today or go to    Tim W. Wawrzyniec Fellowship at the Rocky You can also email awards@  Mountain Biological Laboratory                                        This fellowship is intended to support research conducted by
                                                               Ph.D.-holding investigators who have not previously worked
         2022 GSA Medals and Awards                            through the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (RMBL).
         • Penrose Medal                                       The intent is for this fund to award US$5k annually. The deadline
         • Day Medal                                           for new proposals to RMBL is 1 Feb. The deadline for the fellow-
         • Honorary Fellow                                     ship application form is 15 Feb. Visit the website to learn more
         • Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal)                about conducting research at RMBL:
         • GSA Public Service Award                            For information about fellowships and working at RMBL, please
         • Randolph W. “Bill” and Cecile T. Bromery Award for Minorities  contact
         • GSA Distinguished Service Award
         • Doris M. Curtis Outstanding Woman in Science Award  AGI Awards
         • Geologic Mapping Award in Honor of Florence Bascom   Submit nominations for the following awards at
         Nomination deadline: 1 Feb.                           direct/awards.html.
                                                               Nomination deadline: 1 Feb.
         • GSA International Distinguished Career Award        • AGI Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell for Superlative Service
         • James B. Thompson, Jr., Distinguished International Lecturer   to the Geosciences recognizes singular performance in and con-
          Award                                                 tribution to the profession of geology.
         Nomination deadline: 1 March 2022                     • AGI Marcus Milling Legendary Geoscientist Medal is given to a
                                                                recipient with consistent contributions of high-quality scientific
         John C. Frye Environmental Geology Award               achievements and service to the earth sciences having lasting,
         Nomination deadline: 31 March 2022                     historic value; who has been recognized for accomplishments in
          In cooperation with the Association of American State   field(s) of expertise by professional societies, universities, or
         Geologists and supported by endowment income from the GSA   other organizations; and is a senior scientist nearing completion
         Foundation’s John C. Frye Memorial Fund, GSA makes an annual   or has completed full-time regular employment.
         award for the best paper on environmental geology published
         either by GSA or by a state geological survey.         For a list of other national awards and nomination forms, go to
          The 2021 awardee is New Mexico Bureau of Geology and
         Mineral Resources Bulletin 162, “Lifetime projections for the   If you know of an award not listed, please send the details to
         High Plains Aquifer in east-central New Mexico,” by Geoffrey
         Rawling and Alex Rinehart.
         2022 Cole Research Grant Awards
          Learn more at
         grants/postdoc.aspx. Application deadline: 1 Feb. 2022.
         • The Gladys W. Cole Memorial Research Award for research
          on the geomorphology of semiarid and arid terrains in the United   Call for GSA Fellowship Nominations
          States and Mexico is awarded annually to a GSA member or   Deadline: 1 Feb.
          Fellow between 30 and 65 years of age who has published one    Nominate a deserving colleague with the honor of GSA
          or more significant papers on geomorphology.          Fellowship. GSA members are elected to Fellowship in recog-
         • The W. Storrs Cole Memorial Research Award for research on   nition of distinguished contributions to the geosciences. See
          invertebrate micropaleontology is awarded annually to a GSA   nomination requirements by visiting
          member or Fellow between 30 and 65 years of age who has pub-  Fellowship. Questions? Contact
          lished one or more significant papers on micropaleontology.

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