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George Burke Maxey Distinguished Service Award
Nominations due 1 Feb. kerrykelts
Submit nominations to
This award will be made in recognition of distinguished personal MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, PETROLOGY,
service to the hydrogeology profession and to the Hydrogeology AND VOLCANOLOGY DIVISION (MGPV)
Division. The award is based on a history of sustained creditable ser-
vice to the hydrogeology profession and to the Division. Please submit MGPV Distinguished Geologic Career Award
a letter of nomination that describes the distinguished service that Nominations due 31 Mar.
warrants the nomination. Supporting letters are helpful but not This award will go to an individual who, throughout his or her
required. career, has made distinguished contributions in one or more of the
serviceaward following fields of research: mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology,
volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-based contri-
Kohout Early Career Award butions. Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the United
Nominations due 1 Feb. States, and membership in GSA is not required. The award will
Submit nominations to not be given posthumously.
The award will be presented to a distinguished early career scien- mgpvdivision/awards/dgca
tist (35 years of age or younger throughout the year in which the
award is to be presented or within five years of receiving their high- MGPV Early Career Award
est degree or diploma) for outstanding achievement in contributing Nominations due 31 Mar.
to the hydrogeologic profession through original research and ser- This award will go to an individual near the beginning of his or
vice, and for the demonstrated potential for continued excellence her professional career who has made distinguished contributions
throughout their career. The nomination package must include the in one or more of the following fields of research: mineralogy, geo-
following (1) at least one letter of nomination with a description of chemistry, petrology, volcanology, with emphasis on multidisci-
the significant contributions or accomplishments; (2) a copy of the plinary, field-based contributions. Nominations are restricted to
nominee’s curriculum vitae with complete bibliography; and (3) at those who are within eight years past the receipt of their final
least four supporting letters. degree. Extensions of up to two years will be made for nominees
hydrodivision/awards/kohout who have taken career breaks for family reasons or caused by seri-
ous illness. Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the United
Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer States, and membership in GSA is not a requirement. The award
Nominations due 1 Feb. will not be given posthumously.
Submit nominations to mgpvdivision/awards/earlycareer
The lecturer is selected based on outstanding contributions to
hydrogeology or a closely related field through original research and PLANETARY GEOLOGY DIVISION (PGD)
public communication and the potential for continued contributions
to the profession. Include at least one letter of nomination, a copy of G.K. Gilbert Award
the nominee’s curriculum vitae, and at least two supporting letters Nominations due 1 Dec.
describing the significant contributions or accomplishments consti- This award recognizes outstanding contributions to the solution
tuting the basis for the nomination. https://community.geosociety of a fundamental problem(s) of planetary geology in its broadest
.org/hydrodivision/birdsall/past/about2020-2021 sense, including planetary geology, geochemistry, mineralogy,
petrology, tectonics, geophysics, and the field of meteoritics. Such
LIMNOGEOLOGY DIVISION contributions may consist either of a single outstanding publica-
tion or a series of publications that have had great influence on the
Israel C. Russell Award field.
Nominations due 15 Mar.
Nominations should be forwarded electronically to the Division The Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award
treasurer David Finkelstein. Nominations due 19 Aug.
This award recognizes major achievements in limnogeology This award is for undergraduate or graduate students, of any
through contributions in research, teaching, and service. Nominations nationality, working in any country, in the disciplines of geology,
should consist of a letter describing the nominee’s accomplishments geophysics, geochemistry, astronomy, or biology. The award,
in the field of limnogeology (broadly defined and including limnoge- which will include US$2500, is to be applied to the study of
ology, limnology. and paleolimnology), service to students and teach- impact craters, either on Earth or on the other solid bodies in the
ing, and contributions to GSA, as well as a curriculum vitae. https:// solar system. Areas of study may include, but are not limited to, impact cratering processes; the bodies (asteroidal or cometary)
that make the impacts; or the geological, chemical, or biological
Kerry Kelts Research Award results of impact cratering.
Nominations due 30 June pgd/awards/shoemaker
Nominations should be forwarded electronically to the Division chair.
This award is for undergraduate or graduate student research
related to limnogeology, limnology, or paleolimnology. https://
20 GSA TODAY | January 2022