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Pellas-Ryder Award biographical sketch; (2) a statement of no more than 200 words
Nominations due 31 Jan. describing the candidate’s scientific contributions to Quaternary geol-
This award, which is jointly sponsored by the Meteoritical Society ogy and geomorphology; (3) a selected bibliography of no more than
and the PGD, is awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student 20 titles; and (4) a minimum of four letters from colleagues support-
who is first author of the best planetary science paper published in a ing the nomination. Please submit electronically unless hardcopy pre-
peer-reviewed scientific journal during the year prior to the award. viously approved.
Potential topics are listed on the cover of Meteoritics & Planetary awards/distinguished-career
Science, and include asteroids, comets, craters, interplanetary dust,
interstellar medium, lunar samples, meteors, meteorites, natural Kirk Bryan Award for Research Excellence
satellites, planets, tektites, and origin and history of the Solar System. Nominations due 1 Feb. Submit to the Division secretary.
This award is recognizes the author or authors of a published
Ronald Greeley Award for Distinguished Service paper of distinction that advances the science of geomorphology or
Nominations due 30 June some related field, such as Quaternary geology. The paper constitut-
This award is given to members of the PGD, and those outside ing the basis of the award must fulfill the following requirements:
of the Division and GSA, who have rendered exceptional service (1) it will deal with geomorphology or with a bordering field; and
to the PGD for a multi-year period. The award is not open to serv- (2) it will have been published not more than five years prior to its
ing members of the management board but may be awarded to past selection for the award. Nominations should include (1) a letter
members of the management board who have provided exceptional (1–3 pages long) by the chief nominator outlining the significance
service to the PGD. Nominations, which should include a descrip- and importance of the nominated publication; (2) a copy of the
tion of what the nominee has given to the PGD community, may publication; (3) reviews of the publications that have appeared in
be made by any PGD member to the management board. https:// journals, newsletters, or books (if any); and (4) one or more letters from other supporters of the nomination. Please submit electroni-
cally unless hardcopy previously approved. https://community
Farouk El-Baz Award for Desert Research
Nominations due 1 Apr. Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology
Submit nominations to Anne Chin ( Nominations due 15 Feb.
This award recognizes excellence in desert geomorphology This award is given annually to a sedimentary geologist whose
research worldwide. It is intended to stimulate research in desert lifetime achievements best exemplify those of Larry Sloss; i.e.,
environments by recognizing an individual whose research has achievements that contribute widely to the field of sedimentary
significantly advanced the understanding of the Quaternary geol- geology and service to GSA. Submit (1) a cover letter describing
ogy and geomorphology of deserts. Although the award primarily the nominee’s accomplishments in sedimentary geology and contri-
recognizes achievement in desert research, the funds that accom- butions to GSA; (2) a curriculum vitae; and (3) any additional sup-
pany it may be used for further research. The award is normally porting letters electronically. Nomination materials remain active
given to one person but may be shared by two people if the recog- for three years. Monies for the award are derived from the annual
nized research was the result of a coequal partnership. Any scien- interest income of the Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary
tist from any country may be nominated. Because the award rec- Geology Fund, administered by the GSA Foundation. https://
ognizes research excellence, self-nomination is not permitted.
Neither nominators nor nominees need be GSA members.
Nominations should include (1) a statement of the significance of Sedimentary Geology Division and Structural Geology
the nominee’s research; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) letters of sup- and Tectonic Division Joint Award: Stephen E.
port; and (4) copies of no more than five of the nominee’s most Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research Award
significant publications related to desert research. Please submit Nominations due 1 Apr.
electronically unless hardcopy previously approved. Monies for This award promotes research that combines structural geology
the award are derived from the annual interest income of the and diagenesis and curriculum development in structural diagen-
Farouk El-Baz Fund, administered by the GSA Foundation. esis. It addresses the rapidly growing recognition that fracturing, cement precipitation and dissolution, evolving rock mechanical
properties, and other structural diagenetic processes can govern
Distinguished Career Award recovery of resources and sequestration of material in deeply
Nominations due 1 Apr. buried, diagenetically altered and fractured sedimentary rocks.
Submit nominations to the Division secretary. The award highlights the growing need to break down disciplinary
This award is presented annually to a Quaternary geologist or geo- boundaries between structural geology and sedimentary petrol-
morphologist who has demonstrated excellence in their contributions ogy, exemplified by the work of Dr. Stephen Laubach and col-
to science. Because the award recognizes research excellence, self- leagues. Graduate students, postgraduate, and faculty-level
nomination is not permitted. Neither nominators nor nominees researchers are eligible.
need be GSA members. Nominations should include (1) a brief sedimentarygeologydiv/awards/laubach 21