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                             GSA Scientific Division Awards

         ENERGY GEOLOGY DIVISION                               GEOARCHAEOLOGY DIVISION
         Gilbert H. Cady Award                                 Richard Hay Student Paper/Poster Award
         Nominations due 1 Mar.                                Nominations due 1 Sept.
         Submit nominations to the Cady Award chair (the past Division   Submit nominations to
         chair).                                                Richard Hay was a long-standing member of the Division and had
          This award recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of   a long and distinguished career in sedimentary geology, mineral-
         coal geology that advance the science both within and outside of   ogy, and archaeological geology. He is particularly well known for
         North America.  his work on the Olduvai Gorge and Laetoli Hominid-bearing sites
         awards/cady                                           and was awarded the Division’s Rip Rapp Award in 2000. The
                                                               Division is proud to have our student travel award bear his name.
         Curtis-Hedberg Award                                  The award is a travel grant for a student (undergraduate or graduate)
         Nominations due 1 May.                                presenting a paper or poster at GSA’s annual meeting. The grant is
         Submit nominations to the Curtis-Hedberg Award chair (the past   competitive and will be awarded based on the evaluation of the sci-
         Division chair).                                      entific merit of the research topic and the clarity of an expanded
          The inaugural Curtis-Hedberg Award will be made for    abstract for the paper or poster prepared by a student for presenta-
         outstanding contributions in the field of petroleum geology.    tion in the Division’s technical session at the meeting. https://
                                                               Claude C. Albritton, Jr., Award
         ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY                 Nominations due 15 Mar.
         DIVISION                                              Submit nominations to
                                                                The Albritton Award Fund provides research scholarships and
         E.B. Burwell, Jr., Award                              fellowships for graduate students in the earth sciences or archaeol-
         Nominations due 1 Feb.                                ogy. Recipients are students who have (1) an interest in achieving
         Submit nominations to Jim McCalpin at  a master’s or Ph.D. in earth science or archaeology; (2) an interest
          This award honors the memory of one of the founding members   in applying earth-science methods to archaeological research;
         of the Division and the first chief geologist of the U.S. Army   and (3) an interest in a career in teaching and academic research.
         Corps of Engineers. It is made to the author or authors of a pub-  Awards in the amount of US$650 are given in support of thesis or
         lished paper of distinction that advances knowledge concerning   dissertation research, with emphasis on the field and/or laboratory
         principles or practice of engineering geology, or of related fields   aspects of the research.
         of applied soil or rock mechanics where the role of geology is   geoarchdivision/awards/student/albritton
         emphasized. The paper that receives the award must: (1) deal with
         engineering geology or a closely related field, and (2) have been   Rip Rapp Award
         published no more than five years prior to its selection. There are   Nominations due 15 Feb.
         no restrictions on the publisher or publishing agency of the paper.   Submit nominations to  George “Rip” Rapp Jr. was one of the primary individuals
                                                               responsible for establishment of the Division and generously
         Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer               established an award fund with the GSA Foundation. Nominations
         Nominations due 31 Jan.                               should include a biographical sketch, a statement of outstanding
         Submit email nominations or questions to the EEGD chair.  achievements, and a selected bibliography of the nominee. https://
          This lectureship was established in 1988 by the Environmental
         and Engineering Geology Division and the Association of
         Environmental & Engineering Geologists to commemorate Jahns   GEOINFORMATICS DIVISION
         and to promote student awareness of engineering geology through
         an annual series of lectures at academic institutions. The award is   Outstanding Contributions in Geoinformatics Award
         given to an individual who through research or practice has made   Nominations due 15 Feb.
         outstanding contributions to the advancement of environmental   This award will be made to an individual who has contributed
         and/or engineering geology. The awardee will speak on topics of   in an outstanding manner to geology through the application of the
         earth processes and the consequences of human interaction with   principles of geoinformatics. The individual should be a member of
         these processes, or the application of geology to environmental   GSA.
         and/or engineering works. Award funds are administered by the   awards
         GSA Foundation.

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