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GEOPHYSICS DIVISION                                   Gerald M. and Sue T. Friedman Distinguished Service
         George P. Woollard Award                              Nominations due 15 Feb.
         Nominations due 1 Feb.                                Submit nominations to the Division’s secretary/treasurer.
         Submit nominations to the Division chair.              This award is presented for exceptional service to the advance-
          This award recognizes outstanding contributions to geology   ment of our knowledge of the history and philosophy of the geo-
         through the application of the principles and techniques of geophys-  logical sciences. Neither the nominator nor the nominee must be a
         ics. A highlight of the presentation is the honorary George P.   member of the Division or of GSA. The service to the history and
         Woollard Technical Lecture by the recipient before the award cer-  philosophy of geology may include, but is not limited to, the dis-
         emony. To submit a nomination, please provide the nominee’s name,   covery of and making available rare source materials; comprehen-
         contact information, and a short paragraph stating the nominee’s   sive bibliographic surveys; organizing meetings and symposia in
         qualifications, including a short summary of their specific work or   the history and philosophy of geology; and exceptional service to
         outcomes and how these have contributed to geology. A curriculum   the Division. The nomination packet should include (1) a letter
         vitae, if available, helps, but is not required. Please send as email   detailing the contributions that warrant the award; and (2) the
         attachments to the Geophysics and Geodynamics Division chair   nominee’s current curriculum vitae, including name, title, affilia-
         (see  tion, education, degrees, honors and awards, major career events,
         officers). Award funds are administered by the GSA Foundation.   and the contributions that warrant the award. The award is made  possible by a bequest from the estate of Mary C. Rabbitt. Monies
         woollard                                              for the award are administered by the GSA Foundation. https://
                                                               History and Philosophy of Geology Student Award
         Biggs Award for Excellence in Earth Science Teaching  Nominations due 15 June
         Nominations due 1 Mar.                                Submit nominations to the Division’s secretary/treasurer.
          This award recognizes innovative and effective teaching in col-  This award provides US$1000 for a paper to be given at the
         lege-level earth science. Earth-science instructors and faculty mem-  national GSA meeting. Awards may also be given for second place.
         bers from any academic institution engaged in undergraduate edu-  Oral presentations are preferred. Faculty advisors may be listed as
         cation who have been teaching full-time for 10 years or fewer are   second author, but not as the lead author of the paper. The proposed
         eligible (part-time teaching is not counted in this requirement). Both   paper may be (1) a paper in the history or philosophy of geology;
         peer- and self-nominations will be accepted. This award, adminis-  (2) a literature review of ideas for a technical work or thesis/disser-
         tered by the GSA Foundation, is made possible by support from the   tation; or (3) some imaginative aspect of the history or philosophy
         Donald and Carolyn Biggs Fund, the GSA Geoscience Education   of geology we have not thought of before. Students should submit an
         Division, and GSA’s Education and Outreach Program. An addi-  abstract of their proposed talk and a 1,500–2,000-word prospectus
         tional travel reimbursement is also available to the recipient to   for consideration. Currently enrolled undergraduates and graduate
         enable him or her to attend the award presentation at the GSA   students are eligible as are those who received their degrees at the
         annual meeting.  end of the fall or spring terms immediately preceding the national
         awards/biggsaward                                     GSA meeting. The award is made possible by a bequest from the
                                                               estate of Mary C. Rabbitt. Monies for the award are administered
         HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF GEOLOGY                     by the GSA Foundation.
         DIVISION                                              histphildiv/awards/student

         Mary C. Rabbitt History and Philosophy of Geology  HYDROGEOLOGY DIVISION
         Nominations due 15 Feb.                               O.E. Meinzer Award
         Submit nominations to the Division’s secretary/treasurer.  Nominations due 1 Feb.
          This award recognized exceptional scholarly contributions of   Submit nominations to
         fundamental importance to the understanding of the history of the   This award recognizes the author or authors of a publication or
         geological sciences. Achievements deserving of the award include,   body of publications that have significantly advanced the science
         but are not limited to, publication of papers or books that contrib-  of hydrogeology or a closely related field. The nomination must
         ute new and profound insights into the history of geology based on   cite the publication(s) on which the nomination is based and
         original research or a synthesis of existing knowledge. Neither the   describe the role of the publication(s) in advancing hydrogeology
         nominator nor the nominee need be a member of the Division or of   or a closely related discipline. Inclusion of up to three additional
         GSA. The nomination packet should include (1) a letter detailing   third-party letters in support of the nomination is encouraged.
         the contributions that warrant the award; and (2) the nominee’s
         current curriculum vitae including name, title, affiliation, educa-  meinzer
         tion, degrees, honors and awards, major career events, and contri-
         butions that warrant the award. Monies for the award are adminis-
         tered by the GSA Foundation.

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