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DIVISION Nominations due 1 Mar.
This award is given annually for a published work (paper, book,
Career Contribution Award or map) of exceptional distinction that clearly advances the science
Nominations due 1 Mar. of structural geology or tectonics. Nominations should include
This award is for an individual who throughout his or her career (1) a full citation; (2) nomination (as short as a paragraph; letters
has made numerous distinguished contributions that have clearly or reviews may also be included); and (3) the name and address of
advanced the science of structural geology or tectonics. Nominees the nominator.
need not be citizens or residents of the United States, and GSA outstandingpublication
membership is not required. Nominations should include the follow-
ing information: (1) name of nominee, present institutional affilia-
tion, and address; (2) summary statement of nominee’s major career
contributions to the science of structural geology and tectonics;
(3) selected key published works of the nominee; and (4) name
and address of nominator.
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22 GSA TODAY | January 2022