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2022–2023 GSA-USGS Congressional

                                 Science Fellow Announced

                           GSA and the U.S. Geological Survey are   Council on Science and Technology to communicate up-to-date
                         pleased to announce that Dr. Hannah Palmer   science on wildfire to state policymakers. Palmer also served as
                         will serve as the 2022–2023 GSA-USGS   the co-director of the Santa Rosa Junior College–Bodega Marine
                         Congressional Science Fellow. She will   Laboratory Internship Program in 2019–2020 during which she led
                         spend a year working in the office of Senator   a program to provide local community college students with oppor-
                         Tammy Baldwin (D-WI).                 tunities for research experience and professional development.
                           Palmer is a climate and environmental   Following her Ph.D., Palmer was awarded the University of
                         scientist dedicated to conducting science in   California Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University
                         service of the public and leveraging science   of California, Merced. In this role, she investigated how wildfire
          Hannah Palmer  to inform decision making. Her scientific   severity impacts the biogeochemistry of landscapes following wild-
         research focuses on investigating the biogeochemistry of a chang-  fire to both understand effects of modern fire as well as to improve
         ing world, impacts of environmental change on ecosystems, and   how we understand wildfire in the past. Palmer recently served
         human dimensions of global change.                    as an American Geophysical Union Thriving Earth Exchange
          Palmer earned her B.S. from the University of California, Los   Community Science Fellow in which she worked to connect scien-
         Angeles, in marine biology and her Ph.D. in earth and planetary   tists and community leaders to solve local challenges.
         sciences from the University of California, Davis. In her doctoral   Palmer enjoys taking on new challenges as she has continually
         research, she utilized the paleorecord to understand biogeochemical   worked to build new collaborations, investigate diverse study sys-
         and ecosystem change across systems and time scales. Specifically,   tems, interact across organizations, and to link science and policy.
         she focused on investigating marine sediment records to understand   When she is not working, she enjoys trail running, baking and
         oceanographic change and ecosystem responses to change through   eating delicious goods, jumping in the ocean, and spending time
         the past 12,000 years.                                with friends, old and new. She is eager to learn from her experi-
          As a graduate student, she served as the University of California   ence as a Geological Society of America Congressional Science
         Center Sacramento Presidential Graduate Opportunities for   Fellow and to continue to work to bridge the gap between science
         Leadership Development Fellow, working with the California   and policy.

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