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Overcoming Challenges for a Life-Changing Experience

          Unforgettable, pivotal, life-changing, crucial, invaluable, trans-            Some faced extra challenges out-
         formative—these are just a few of the words the 2022 J. David                side of the course itself, like Kristi
         Lowell Field Camp Scholarship recipients used to describe their              Rasmussen. “Field camp requires a
         field-camp experiences.                                                      huge commitment for students to
          Field camp can also be very challenging, said Benjamin Thomas:              leave work, family, and home for
         “Field camp was one of the most difficult experiences of my aca-             long periods of time. As a non-
         demic career, but also very rewarding. By the end of the final proj-         traditional student, and a mother,
         ect the land did reveal its secrets and I was finally able to make           the commitment was compounded.
         sense of what I saw. While mapping was difficult and even frustrat-          Receiving this scholarship is a
         ing at times, it was also one of the most enjoyable things I’ve done.        great honor and gives financial
         I’m incredibly thankful to the GSA for the J. David Lowell                   peace of mind knowing that the
         Scholarship for making this experience possible.”                            cost of this course was covered.”
          Kitsel Lusted, whose field camp took her to the Juneau Icefield               Every one of this year’s students
         Research Program (JIRP), had to learn a completely new skillset.             persevered through their various
         “I came into JIRP with no mountaineering experience, but by the   hurdles and are better prepared to enter the geoscience community.
         end of the program, I felt comfortable telemark skiing in a white-  Without the help of the J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarship,
         out with a 40-pound pack on my back! Without the money I   these challenges would have been even greater and possibly insur-
         received from the J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarship,    mountable. Easton Hitchens said, “I am truly grateful for my selec-
         I would not have been able to have this experience.”  tion for this award as it opened a door of opportunity that was
                                         Elysia Viengkham felt   previously shut. I hope this award continues to provide the same
                                       the toll of the last two years   opportunity to other students as it did for me.”
                                       of learning under COVID   Thanks to your support, this year we were able to provide fund-
                                       restrictions: “Heavy reli-  ing for a record 30 J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarships,
                                       ance on remote learning   10 more than when the program was solely funded by a corporate
                                       during the pandemic lim-  sponsor. With your help, lack of funding doesn’t have to be an
                                       ited my hands-on exposure   insurmountable challenge for students to participate in the life-
                                       to minerals, rocks, and   changing experience of field camp.
                                       geology tools. Because of   Please consider making a gift today to the J. David Lowell Field
                                       this lack of exposure, I was   Camp Scholarship at
         unsure of my ability to meet professional expectations as I ventured   -opportunities/. If you have any questions or would like to discuss
         out into the geoscience community. Fortunately, with the support of   ways to make an even greater impact, please contact Debbie
         GSA through the J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarship, I was   Marcinkowski at or +1-303-357-1047.
         able to afford this crucial educational capstone.”


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