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         Bookmark the Geoscience Job Board at   more faculty within our department and who  Assistant Professor of for up-to-the-  contribute positively to the diversity of the   Geosciences, Mineralogy/
         minute job postings. Job Board ads may also   department through outreach or other means.   Petrology, Tarleton State University
         appear in a corresponding monthly print issue   Both  domestic  and  international  applicants   The Department of Chemistry, Geosciences,
         of GSA Today. Send inquiries to advertising@  are welcome. A Ph.D. is required at the time   and Physics is seeking applications for a tenure-, or call +1-800-427-1988 ext.   of appointment, but candidates must have   track Assistant Professor in Geosciences in the
         1053 or +1-303-357-1053.            received their Ph.D. no more than three years   field of Mineralogy/Petrology to start Fall 2023.
                                             before their start date at Rice. Fellowships   The successful candidate will support the
                                             will be supported for two years pending sat-  geosciences program through engaging,
                                             isfactory progress with an annual stipend of
                 OPEN POSITIONS              $60,000, a benefits package, and an additional   student-centered teaching, develop an active
                                                                                research program that involves undergradu-
                                             annual research allowance of $3,500. Appli-  ates,  and actively contribute to  service  and
         Brian J. Skinner Postdoctoral       cants are requested to develop a proposal   outreach initiatives that advance the depart-
         Fellowship, Yale University         of research to be undertaken during their fel-  ment, college, and university. Candidates will
         The Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences   lowship that should encompass independent   be expected to instruct the following courses:
         ( announces a competi-  ideas and explore new directions beyond the   Mineralogy, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrol-
         tion for the Brian J. Skinner Postdoctoral Fel-  applicant’s Ph.D.     ogy, core geo- and earth sciences, and other
         lowship. We welcome applicants with research   Additional position details and requirements   courses  as deemed fitting. Primarily  respon-
         interests across the full range of disciplines   can be found at  sible for the teaching/learning process and will
         within Earth and planetary sciences, includ-  opportunities            also participate in the necessary operations of
         ing studies of geophysics, planetary sci-  Application deadline: November 14, 2022.  the institution. Work hours: Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–
         ences, tectonics, oceans, atmosphere, climate   Submit single PDF application to eeps-post-  5 p.m. or as work and teaching requirements
         dynamics, geochemistry, paleoclimatology, along with 2 letters of reference   indicate. Requires the ability to  teach and/or
         paleontology, geobiology, and the evolution   by the same deadline.    work remotely, at the University’s discretion.
         of life. The Postdoctoral Associate position is   Rice University is an Equal Opportunity   Applicants must have an earned doctorate/
         awarded for one year, subject to renewal for   Employer with commitment to diversity at all   terminal degree approved by the University and
         a maximum of two years, providing a stipend   levels and considers for employment quali-  recognized by the Southern Association of Col-
         ($63,000/yr) and research funds ($7,000/yr),   fied applicants without regard to race, color,   leges  and Schools Commission  on Colleges
         plus health care benefits and some funds for   religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender   with appropriate academic credentials verified
         relocation expenses. Applicants should con-  identity, national or ethnic origin, genetic infor-  by Tarleton’s faculty credentialing processes.
         tact a sponsor in the Department to discuss   mation, disability or protected veteran status.   All submissions must be made electronically
         potential research projects, and then submit   We encourage applicants from diverse back-  through Tarleton’s employment site, https://
         a short (2-3 page) statement of research inter-  grounds to apply. Must attach CV, cover letter,
         ests and proposed research (including poten-                           and unofficial transcripts.
         tial broader impacts),  a curriculum vitae with  Three Tenure-Track Faculty   Review of applications will begin immedi-
         a full list of publications, an endorsement let-  Positions, Physical Hydrology,   ately and continue until the position is filled.
         ter (max 1 page) from the sponsoring faculty   Geochemistry/Petrology, and   Tarleton State University (Stephenville,
         member, and names of three individuals who   Climate/Environmental Change,   Texas), a member of The Texas A&M University
         can provide confidential letters of reference.                         System, provides a student focused, value‐
         Broader impacts may include, for example,   University of Florida      driven educational experience marked by aca-
         public education and outreach activities,   The  Department of  Geological  Sciences   demic innovation and exemplary service, and
         impacts on diversity, equity, and inclusion,   ( invites applications for   dedicated to transforming students into tomor-
         and other positive societal benefits. Applica-  three tenure-track Assistant Professor positions   row’s professional leaders. With campuses in
         tions should be submitted online at http://apply   in the areas of Climate/Environmental Change,   Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Midlothian and The deadline for receipt   High-Temperature Geochemistry/Petrology,   online, Tarleton engages with its communities
         of all application materials is December 15,   and Physical Hydrology, which will begin August   to provide real‐world learning experiences and
         2022, and successful candidates are expected   16, 2023. The broadly defined positions repre-  to address societal needs while maintaining its
         to begin their program at Yale between July 1   sent distinct and independent areas of research   core values of integrity, leadership, tradition,
         and  December 31,  2023.  Applicants  should   and teaching. The successful candidate will   civility, excellence, and service.
         have a recent (within three years at the time of   have initiated a strong research program, dem-  Tarleton State University is an Equal Oppor-
         application) Ph.D. or should be a 2023-degree   onstrate a compelling plan for future research,   tunity/Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability
         candidate, and  they  need  to  have  documen-  be expected to contribute to the department   Employer. As a member of The Texas A&M
         tation of degree completion by the time they   curriculum, and demonstrate the desire to men-  System, Tarleton will provide equal opportu-
         start. Yale University is an Affirmative Action/  tor undergraduate, MS, and Ph.D. students.   nity for employment to all persons regardless
         Equal Opportunity employer. Yale values diver-  Many opportunities for collaborations and out-  of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age,
         sity among its students, staff, and faculty and   standing analytical and computational facilities   disability, genetic information, veteran status,
         strongly welcomes applications from women,   exist within the department and across the uni-  sexual orientation or gender identity and will
         persons with disabilities, protected veterans,   versity, a top-five public institution. Information   strive to achieve full and equal employment
         and underrepresented minorities.    about the positions, who to contact with ques-  opportunity through The Texas A&M System.
                                             tions, and how to apply can be found at https://
         Pan Postdoctoral Research 
         Fellowship, Rice University         The Department of Geological Sciences partic-  Tenure Track Assistant Professor
         The Department of Earth, Environmental and   ularly welcomes applicants who can contribute  in Landscape Evolution and Land
         Planetary Sciences is inviting applications for   to a diverse and inclusive environment through  Use/Cover, University of Dayton
         the Pan Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.   their scholarship, teaching, mentoring, and pro-  Are you looking for a university that will sup-
         We are seeking candidates with independent   fessional service. The University of Florida is an   port your commitment to preparing the next
         research interests that intersect with one or   Equal Opportunity Institution.  generation of Environmental Geoscientists;

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