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undergraduate (ug)  graduate (grad)  expert (exp)
                Never        Seldom                         Often                       Every day




          Figure 1. Participant ratings of 11 of the 20 chemistry-related skills surveyed, including three highest and lowest, and five most geoscience relevant topics.

         needed for an M.S. or Ph.D. geoscience   associated with  gas chemistry (Fig. 1).   back during the survey development process. Dr. Julie
         degree, while undergraduates reported an   Applying isotopes to scientific problems   Libarkin (MSU) and the GRL students provided sup-
         average of four courses for these degrees.   ranked highly but is not a focus of most gen-  port for data collection. Data for this study were col-
         Note: We did not ask which chemistry   eral chemistry courses. Second semester gen-  lected under approved IRB # HS18-0287 from NIU.
         courses should be required.         eral chemistry does focus on thermodynam-  Dr. Nicole James (Reed College) provided feedback
                                                                                on this manuscript and generated the figure.
          Figure 1 shows 11 of the 20 skills partici-  ics, which participants noted they use often.
         pants rated. For visual clarity, we only   The results of this pilot study provide pre-  REFERENCES CITED
         included the three highest- and three low-  liminary perceptions of the type and quan-  Anderson, S.W., and Libarkin, J.C., 2016, Conceptual
         est-rated  skills and  five  skills particularly   tity of chemistry content geologists value for   Mobility and Entrenchment in Introductory Geo-
         relevant to the geosciences (e.g., isotopes).   a geoscience degree. However, the survey   science Courses: New Questions Regarding Phys-
         Participants agreed that the most important   instructions did not define the parameters of   ics’ and Chemistry’s Role in Learning Earth Sci-
         skills (labeled “high”) related to applying   a “geoscience degree.” GSA attendees draw   ence Concepts: Journal of Geoscience Education,
                                                                                  v. 64, p. 74–86,
         properties, interpreting chemical data, and   from 22 scientific Divisions, and the survey   Barbera, J., 2013, A Psychometric Analysis of the
         performing analyses of solid Earth materi-  participants represented this perspective. We   Chemical Concepts Inventory: Journal of Chemi-
         als. The lowest-rated skills were those   did not analyze participants’ discipline of   cal Education, v. 90, p. 546–553,
         involving  gases.  Graduate  students  and   expertise. The findings suggest tutorials   Carpenter, M.B., and Keane, C.M., 2016, Geochem-
         experts indicated they “often” engage in   focused on improving geoscience students’   istry,  in The  Geoscience  Handbook,  AGI Data
         “applying isotope concepts to scientific   basic chemistry skills, similar to “The Math   Sheets: Alexandria, Virginia, American Geosci-
         problems” (n  = 7 of 41; n grad  = 22 of 36; n    You Need” tutorials (Wenner and Baer,   ences Institute, 478 p.
         = 21 of 31 (ug—undergraduate; grad—grad-  2015), may be useful for topics of high   Sullivan, G.M., and Artino, A.R., Jr., 2013, Analyzing
         uate student; exp—professional).    importance but absent from the general   and interpreting data from Likert-type scales: Jour-
                                                                                  nal of Graduate Medical Education, v.  5, no.  4,
                                             chemistry curriculum. Targeted training can   p. 541–542,
         DISCUSSION AND NEXT STEPS           alleviate  barriers associated with learning   Wenner, J.M., and Baer, E.M., 2015, The Math You
          Overall, the three expertise groups shared   chemistry as a geoscience major.  Need, When You Need It (TMYN): Leveling the
         general consensus regarding the importance                               Playing Field: Numeracy, v. 8, p. 1–20, https://
         and amount of chemistry necessary for the   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
                                              Funding for this project was provided by the North-
         geosciences. Participants ranked chemistry   ern Illinois University Goldich Fund. Drs. Jen Wenner   MANUScRiPT REcEivED 29 OcT. 2021
         content and skills associated with aqueous   (University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh) and Justin Dodd   REviSED MANUScRiPT REcEivED 14 JULy 2022
         and solid chemistry higher than those   (Northern Illinois University [NIU]) provided feed-  MANUScRiPT AccEPTED 18 JULy 2022

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