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Assistant Professor of the          ing in August 2023. Admission to the program for more information
         Practice in Environmental           includes five years of financial support for   or with questions.
         Geology, University of Kansas       Ph.D. students and two years of financial sup-
         The Department of Geology seeks an Assis-  port for MS students through graduate assis-  The Jonathan O. Davis Fellowship supports
                                                                                graduate students working on the Quater-
                                             tantships. Admitted students also receive a
         tant Professor of the Practice in the field of                         nary geology of the Great Basin. Desert
         Environmental Geology in support our growing   tuition waiver, 80% health insurance subsidy,   Research Institute. One Masters student will
         environmental geology master’s programs, to   annual conference travel funding, and research   be funded up to $2500 and one Ph.D. student
         begin January 1, 2023. The position is a non-  funding for graduate students on a competi-  will be funded up to $5,000. The national fel-
         tenure track, full-time, academic-year appoint-  tive basis. Candidates should have at least an   lowship is open to graduate students enrolled
         ment with a 3-year, renewable contract. Given   undergraduate degree in geology, geophysics,   in an M.S. or Ph.D. program at any university in
         the primarily online/hybrid nature of our pro-  or in a related area and excellent analytical and   the United States. Applications must be sub-
         grams, a commitment to excellence in online/  writing  skills.  Students  holding a  BS  degree   mitted as a single PDF to JODfellowship@dri
         on-campus hybrid teaching is essential. We   may apply directly to the Ph.D. program.  .edu by November 30, 2022. Details on appli-
         seek an instructor with the ability to teach six   Faculty research covers a broad spectrum   cation  and  submission  requirements  can  be
         courses per year from the following courses or   of geosciences, with strengths in biogeosci-  found  at
         subjects: Introductory, physical, and chemical   ences, energy geoscience, hydrological and   and-scholarships/davis-fellowship/. Proposals
         hydrogeology, environmental site assessment,   surface  processes,  lithospheric  processes,   will not be returned.
         soil and water remediation, hydrogeophys-  paleoclimate, and solid Earth and planetary
         ics, environmental microbial geochemistry, or   sciences.  For  more  information  about  the
         other relevant topics. For complete information   Department of Geosciences, our research
         and to apply go to  areas, and the graduate program please visit
                                              Applications are due by January 5, 2023,   Hiring?
                                             for Fall 2023 program entry. Details about   Find those qualified geoscientists to fill
          OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS         the application process and priority deadline   vacancies. Use GSA’s Geoscience Job Board
                                             can be found here:   ( and print issues of GSA
         Ph.D. and MS Students, Baylor Univer-  geosciences/index.php?id=952059. Applica-  Today. Bundle and save for best pricing
         sity.  The Department of Geosciences invites   tions  can  be  submitted  online  here:  https://  options. That unique candidate is waiting to
         applications for Ph.D. and MS students start- Please contact us at   be found.


               GSA’S GEOSCIENCE

                       JOB BOARD

               Mobile-friendly open position postings,
                student opportunities, and fellowships.
                                                                  Part of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping
                                                                  Program, EDMAP offers funding to universities for 1-
                                 year undergraduate and graduate geologic mapping
                                                                            and data synthesis projects.

                                                                    Application period:  early October - early December, 2022
                                                                   *Applica�on Period is tenta�ve; subject to internal USGS approvals.

                                                                     To apply: visit, select "Grant
                                                                      Opportunities", and search for keyword "EDMAP".

                                                                                 For more informa�on, please contact

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