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         and experiences, we encourage all candidates   your spouse. Information can be found at http://  specializing in Structural Geology to begin Fall
         to apply.                   2023. We seek individuals who will establish
          Minimum Qualifications             dual_career_resources.php.         a vigorous research program, are enthusias-
         • Ph.D. in Geosciences or a related discipline                         tic about teaching, will involve undergraduate
          specializing in landscape evolution and land   Assistant/Associate Professor   and Masters-level students in their research,
          use/cover change                                                      and will work to improve diversity, equity, and
         • Promise of excellence in:         Positions, Indiana University      inclusivity through their teaching, research,
         •    conducting research in the field of land-  Bloomington            and service efforts.
           scape evolution and land use/cover change   The Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sci-  The ideal candidate will complement our
         •   teaching and course development in geo-  ences invites applications for one or more   existing teaching and research strengths in
           sciences at the undergraduate level  tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor   tectonics, petrology, geomorphology, and
         • Articulated commitment to the principles of   positions to begin in fall of 2023. We welcome   geophysics by developing new courses and
          diversity, equity, and inclusion in teaching at   applications that complement our research   research  avenues  in  structural  geology.  We
          the undergraduate level            strengths in climate change, critical zone sci-  broadly seek individuals who will apply field-
         • Effective written communication skills.  ence, or evolving crust, especially in the areas   based observations and analytical techniques
         •   Application Process: A complete applica-  of Earth materials, hydrology, paleoclimate,   to understand the structural and tectonic evo-
           tion consists of the following:   or  biogeochemistry.  Specific subdisciplines   lution of the Earth’s continental crust and litho-
         • a one-page cover letter addressing all mini-  could include but are not limited to mineral-  sphere. Areas of interest include but are not
          mum qualifications and all pertinent pre-  ogy/petrology, clay mineralogy, hydrogeol-  limited to the structural analysis and evolution
          ferred qualifications met          ogy, crustal fluids, isotopic proxies of climate   of mountain belts, the kinematics and rheology
         • curriculum vitae                  change, soils, or nutrient cycling. Candidates   of faults or shear zones, and the timescales
         • a statement of research interests that is no   who bridge these and other areas of Earth   and rates of continental deformation. Primary
          more than three pages              Sciences are strongly encouraged  to apply.   teaching responsibilities include structural
         • a statement of teaching interest and philoso-  Ph.D. is required at time of appointment.  geology, field mapping and methods (field
          phy of no more than two page        Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core val-  camp), and advanced courses in structural
         • a one-page statement of commitment to the   ues, and we are interested in candidates who   geology and tectonics, as well as introductory
          principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion   are committed to nurturing a climate of mutual   / physical geology courses.
          and how these principles inform your teach-  respect wherein everyone is empowered to   For details about the position, application
          ing and other aspects of your work  succeed.                          information and instructions, go to the WWU
         • Contact information for at least three refer-  Before a conditional offer of employment   Employment website: Careers - Faculty |
          ences. Letters of recommendation will be   with tenure is finalized, candidates will be asked   Human Resources | Western Washington Uni-
          required at a later part of the interview process.  to disclose any pending investigations or previ-  versity ( 9-month salary range will be
          For a full list of qualifications and to apply,   ous findings of sexual or professional miscon-  $75,000-82,000 depending on experience.
         please go to  duct. They will also be required to authorize an   Review of applications begins December
         cw/en-us/job/500314/assistant-professor-  inquiry by Indiana University Bloomington with   16, 2022, and continues until position is filled.
         specializing-in-landscape-evolution-and-  all current and former employers along these   Please contact the search committee chair,
         land-usecover-change                lines. The relevance of information disclosed or   Sean Mulcahy ( or the
          Applications must be received by 11:55 PM   ascertained in the context of this process to a   Geology Dept chair, Bernie Housen (bernieh@
         EST on December 1, 2022.            candidate’s eligibility for hire will be evaluated for questions about this position.
          The University of Dayton is a top tier, Catho-  by Indiana University Bloomington on a case-
         lic Research University with offerings from the   by-case basis. Applicants should be aware,  Tenure-Track Faculty, Assistant
         undergraduate to the doctoral levels. Founded   however, that Indiana University Bloomington   or Associate Professor, College of
         in 1850 by the Society of Mary, the University is   takes the matters of sexual and professional   Charleston
         a diverse community committed to advancing   misconduct very seriously.  The College of Charleston Department of
         the common good through intellectual curios-  Indiana University is an equal employment   Geology and Environmental Geosciences
         ity, academic rigor, community engagement and   and affirmative action employer and a provider   invites applicants with a Ph.D. in Geosciences
         local, national, and global partnerships. Guided   of ADA services. All qualified applicants will   or closely related field for a tenure-track fac-
         by the Marianist educational philosophy, we   receive consideration for employment based   ulty position to begin in August 2023. We seek
         educate the whole person and link learning and   on individual qualifications. Indiana University   a faculty colleague able  to teach courses in
         scholarship with leadership and service.   prohibits discrimination based on age, ethnic-  marine geology, seafloor mapping, introduc-
          Informed by its Catholic and Marianist mis-  ity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation,   tory geology, and one or more courses in their
         sion, the University is committed to the princi-  gender identity or expression, genetic informa-  field of specialty, and mentor student expe-
         ples of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Informed   tion, marital status, national origin, disability   riential learning activities. Candidates who
         by this commitment, we seek to increase diver-  status or protected veteran status.  can develop their own research program and
         sity, achieve equitable outcomes, and model   Apply online at https://indiana.peopleadmin   secure external funds in areas such as marine
         inclusion across our campus community. As   .com/postings/13870 with a cover letter, a CV,   geology, hydrography, and geoinformatics are
         an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity   statements on research, teaching, and diversity   strongly desired.
         Employer, we will not discriminate against   equity and inclusion, and contact information   Read the complete position description and
         minorities, women, protected veterans, indi-  for referees. Review of applications will begin   apply at
         viduals with disabilities, or on the basis of race,   November 15, 2022, and continue until the posi-  Any questions should be directed to Timothy
                                             tions are filled. Queries can be sent to depart-
         color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orien-  ment chair David Polly (   Callahan at Applications
         tation, or gender identity.                                            will be reviewed beginning on November 11,
          The University is also pleased to provide sup-                        2022; the position will remain open until filled.
         port for spouses of prospective and newly hired  Structural Geologist, Western
         faculty through its dual career program. While  Washington University
         we cannot guarantee placement, we serve as   The Geology Department invites applications   “… the GSA job board is THE job board for
         an effective resource and support system for   for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position   geologists.” –Mount Holyoke College

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