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Special paper 556

                                                            Understanding the Monterey Formation and Similar
                 Understanding the Monterey For�ation      Edited by Ivano W. Aiello, John A. Barron, and A. Christina Ravelo
                       Special Paper 556
                                                                 Biosiliceous Units across Space and Time
                      and Similar Biosiliceous Units
                         across Space and Time
                                                           The Monterey Formation is a Miocene marine unit that occurs extensively
                                                            in the Coast Ranges and in the continental margins of California, and anal-
                                                             ogous biosiliceous deposits are found around the Pacific Rim and else-
                                                                where in the world. Classic studies on the diatomaceous deposits
                                                                 that characterize the hemipelagic/pelagic facies of the Monterey
                                                                  Formation have been key to understanding the oceanographic
                                                     56            and tectonic conditions that lead to the preservation of large vol-
                                                   $ $    MeMBer price  umes of organic-rich hemipelagic biosiliceous sediments, and the
                                                                   properties of these sedimentary deposits once they convert into
                                                                   rocks. This volume presents a collection of recent studies on the
                                                                  Monterey and other similar biosiliceous deposits that offer modern
                                                                 and updated interpretations of this classic unit and its analogues.
           across Space and Time
                                                                The volume is dedicated to the memory of Professor Bob Garrison.
                                                                           SPE556, 315 p., ISBN 9780813725567
                                                                          list price $80.00  |  member price $56.00
                           Edited by Ivano W. Aiello, John A. Bar�on, and A. Christina Ravelo
          Understanding the Monterey For�ation and Similar Biosiliceous Units

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