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MAY 2022  |  VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5

                                                4     What’s Soil Got to Do with
                                                     Climate Change?
                                                     Todd Longbottom et al.
         GSA TODAY (ISSN 1052-5173 USPS 0456-530) prints news
         and information for more than 22,000 GSA member readers
         and subscribing libraries, with 11 monthly issues (March-  Cover: Soils support life on Earth, storing twice as much carbon as
         April is a combined issue). GSA TODAY is published by The   Earth’s atmosphere and vegetation combined. For this reason, soils are
         Geological Society of America  Inc. (GSA) with offices at
         3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado, USA, and a mail-  inherently vulnerable to enhanced degradation due to conventional
         ing address of P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA.   agriculture and anthropogenic climate change. Strategies aimed at
         GSA provides this and other forums for the presentation   conserving the global soil resource not only mitigate rising atmo-
         of diverse opinions and positions by scientists worldwide,   spheric carbon dioxide concentrations, but also promote numerous
         regardless of race, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation,
         religion, or political viewpoint. Opinions presented in this   ecosystem co-benefits. Effective soil conservation is necessary to secure food, fuel, and fiber for a
         publication do not reflect official positions of the Society.  burgeoning human population. Image from Shutterstock. See related article, p. 4–10.
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                                                     Geological Hypothesizer           Re-Deposition May Limit Carbon
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                                                Erratum: The March-April issue of GSA Today listed Barry Raleigh as deceased. This is not true. GSA
                                                Today deeply regrets this error.
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