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can provide, such as water retention and   its sensitivity to environmental changes.   This  process  promotes  SOC-mineral  asso-
         nutrient cycling (Veldkamp et al., 2020).   Contrary to the positive relationship between   ciation(s) (Rumpel and Kögel-Knabner,
         Similarly, histosols (wetland soils, including   temperature and SOC decomposition rate,   2011) that build up soil C stock in the slow-
         peatlands with no underlying  permafrost)   increases in water availability can increase   cycling soil C savings account (Schmidt et
         can play a critical role because they make up   (Kaiser et al., 2015; Min et al., 2020) or   al.,  2011). Recent  estimates suggest that
         only 1% of soils globally, yet contain a larger   decrease  SOC  decomposition  (Freeman  et   paleosol C is a significant global C reser-
         proportion  of  SOC  (179  Pg  C,  or  ~12%  of   al., 2001), depending on the systems of   voir (Lehmkuhl et al., 2016), but it is spa-
         SOC  in  the  upper  100  cm  globally:  Brady   interest. Precipitation can also indirectly   tially variable depending on landscape and
         and  Weil,  2017).  This  SOC  accumulation   affect SOC storage by inducing soil erosion,   climate history, thus making it difficult to
         can be attributed to a lower rate of decom-  changes in pore connectivity, and altering   estimate the total storage. The effect of any
         position  of  SOC  due  to  waterlogging  and   ecosystem structure (Pimentel et al., 1995;   environmental  change  on  buried  SOC  is
         resultant limitation in availability  of  free   Smith et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2018). In erod-  complex and poorly understood because
         oxygen for the heterotrophic soil microor-  ing landscapes, lateral distribution of top-  paleosols are not considered for the global C
         ganisms  that  can  otherwise  effectively   soil C and its deposition in lower-lying land-  stock inventory and models. The possibility
         decompose organic matter. Histosols have   form positions (Berhe et al., 2018) causes   of the vast storage of SOC raises questions
         historically been targets for drainage and   mixing  of  the  relatively  fast-cycling  C   on  how  the  previously  buried  SOC  will
         conversion to  high-yielding  agricultural   with slow-cycling C in deep soil layers.  interact  in  the  presence  of  water, modern
         lands  (Holden  et  al.,  2004).  Draining  of   The response of carbon stored in soil to   soil surface microbes, and addition of new
         histosols, due to atmospheric warming   climate change and other perturbations var-  fresh SOC, and finally if they will become a
         and/or anthropogenic practices, can lead   ies depending on the nature of the soils and   sink or a source of greenhouse gasses in
         to rapid decomposition of SOC release to   the type of change to the system (Berhe,   the presence of all the optimal conditions
         the atmosphere (Couwenberg et al., 2011).   2019b). Here, we highlight how SOC will   for decomposition.
         Overall, the soil system stores large   respond  to  climate  change  using  three
         amounts of carbon, but it has continued to   important areas of concern and uncertainty   Deep Soil
         experience rapid degradation due to human   (e.g., gelisols, paleosols, and deep soil).  The  overwhelming  majority  of  soil  C
         actions. However, adoption of climate-                                 studies have focused on shallow soil depths,
         smart land management practices has a clear   Gelisols                 with little attention paid to the amount of C
         potential  to  reduce  the  atmospheric  CO    Gelisols are soils of very cold climate   stored in or the vulnerability of C in deep
         burden and increase the amount of carbon   conditions and store ~1000 Pg C in the upper   soil layers. Soils can develop to >10 m
         stored in the soil carbon bank, with multiple   3 m of active and underlying layers of per-  depth,  and  deep  soils  (below  30  cm)  can
         benefits for improving ecosystem health and   mafrost soils (Tarnocai et al., 2009; Hugelius   store up to 74% of the total profile C with
         human welfare.                      et al., 2014). Gelisols have accumulated C   radiocarbon ages of 5,000–20,000 years old
                                             because of climate-driven slow decomposi-  (Moreland et al., 2021). It is estimated that
         VULNERABILITY OF SOC TO LOSS        tion rates (Ping et al., 2015; Turetsky et al.,   28 Pg C is stored in soils with deep weath-
         WITH UNCERTAIN FUTURE               2020). Warming in the northern hemisphere   ered bedrock, suggesting that deep soil C
          Climate is a primary factor driving the   is  predicted  to  release  12.2–112.6  Pg  C  by   is a large C reservoir that may be poten-
         rate of decomposition of SOC (Brady and   2100,  according  to  Representative  Con-  tially vulnerable to a changing climate
         Weil,  2017).  Global  climate  change  can   centration Pathway 4.5 and 8.5 warming sce-  (Moreland et al., 2021). Some soils are already
         accelerate  SOC  losses  due  to  increasing   narios (IPCC, 2013). This huge uncertainty   showing evidence of warming by 2 °C, since
         global atmospheric temperature, altered   in the projected C release in the northern   1961, which has been observed at up to 3 m
         precipitation patterns, and other changes   hemisphere is partly due to considerable   depths (Zhang et al., 2016). Although decom-
         (Bellamy et al., 2005; Walker et al., 2018).   variability in hydrology, soil conditions, and   position rates are slower in deeper soils than
         Warming often increases the rate of micro-  vegetation (McGuire et al., 2009; Schuur and   in surface soils, recent studies have shown
         bial decomposition of SOC and subsequent   Abbott,  2011;  Ping  et  al.,  2015).  The  rapid   that  deep  SOC  is  more  vulnerable  to  loss
         CO   efflux  to  the  atmosphere  (Lloyd  and   destabilization of polar and high-altitude   than previously thought (Rumpel and Kögel-
         Taylor, 1994; Lehmeier et al., 2013; Min et   environments, often referred to as the most   Knabner, 2011; Hicks Pries et al., 2017; Min
         al., 2019). The effects of increasing temper-  sensitive barometers of climate change,   et al., 2020). Experimental warming to a
         ature  on  SOC  losses  vary  with  molecular   serves as a benchmark for understanding   depth of 1 m found that warming increased
         complexity of SOC and environmental con-  anthropogenic modifications to the global   annual soil respiration by ~35% and estimated
         ditions (e.g., water limitation, aggregation,   climate system.        that with a 4 °C increase, deep soils have the
         mineral association) (Davidson and Janssens,                           potential to release 3.1 Pg C yr , equivalent
         2006). Complex SOC, with high activation   Paleosols                   to 30% of fossil fuel emissions (Hicks Pries
         energy, is more sensitive to temperature   Paleosols are soils that developed in dif-  et al., 2017; Friedlingstein et al., 2020).
         than simple SOC (Lehmeier et al., 2013;   ferent environmental conditions when top-  In  the  following  section,  we focus  on
         Lefèvre et al., 2014). The temperature sensi-  soil was transported downhill and buried by   “working lands,” where the global soil
         tivity of protected, slow-cycling C has been   alluvial, colluvial, aeolian deposition, vol-  degradation  problem  can be effectively
         less  studied  (Karhu  et  al.,  2019),  which   canic eruption, or human activities over   addressed (in a cost- and time-efficient
         necessitates future studies that explore the   centuries to millennia (Marin-Spiotta et al.,   manner) through a suite of natural climate
         relationship between slow-cycling C and   2014; Chaopricha and Marin-Spiotta, 2014).   change solutions.

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