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than afforestation/reforestation, and con-  Recent advances in plant-based strategies   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
         verting grasslands to forest may yield less   have also provided new insights to address   This article was supported by the National Science
         net SOC storage than converting cropland   net SOC loss. These strategies rely on the   Foundation (EAR 1623812) and University of Califor-
                                                                                nia Merced and Falasco Endowed Chair to AAB; and
         to  forest  (Li  et  al.,  2012;  Bárcena  et  al.,   ability of plants to self-regulate and self-  University  of  California  Merced  Chancellor’s  Post-
         2014). Soil restoration, specifically for   optimize resource uptake and allocation, and   doctoral Fellowship and the National Research Foun-
         wetlands, has the potential to return these   thus are considered cost-effective and sus-  dation of Korea (MSIT, NRF-2018R1A5A7025409) to
         environments  to  a  net  C  sink  (Table  1;   tainable with limited environmental foot-  KM. Icons used in Figure 1 made by Freepik and Flat
         Waddington et al., 2010) and represents a   prints. Plant roots are known to be a main   Icons, from
         cost-efficient mitigation strategy—projected   source of SOC (Rasse et al., 2005), and root-
         to  cost  ~US$20  per  Mg  of  sequestered  C   derived SOC is preferentially retained by   REFERENCES CITED
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