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What’s Soil Got to Do with Climate Change?

         Todd Longbottom, Leila Wahab, Dept. of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of California Merced, Merced, California 95343,
         USA; Kyungjin Min, Dept. of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of California Merced, Merced, California 95343, USA, and
         Center for Anthropocene Studies, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea; Anna Jurusik, Dept. of
         Life and Environmental Sciences, University of California Merced, Merced, California 95343, USA; Kimber Moreland, Atmospheric,
         Earth, and Energy Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550, USA; Manisha Dolui, Touyee
         Thao, Melinda Gonzales, Yulissa Perez Rojas, Jennifer Alvarez, Zachary Malone, Jing Yan, Teamrat A. Ghezzehei, and Asmeret
         Asefaw Berhe, Dept. of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of California Merced, Merced, California 95343 USA

         ABSTRACT                            Soils are a necessary part of the solution for   is driven by microbial decomposition of
          Soils are the foundation of life on land   human-induced climate change because they   organic C inputs to CO  and dissolved and
         and represent one of the largest global   represent one of the largest terrestrial car-  particulate transport of C through leaching
         carbon (C) reservoirs. Because of the vast   bon (C) reservoirs, storing twice as much C   and/or erosion.
         amount of C that they store and the continu-  as the earth’s atmosphere and vegetation   The SOC that exists in soil can be subdi-
         ous fluxes of C with the atmosphere, soil   combined (up to 2500 Pg C; IPCC, 2013;   vided into “slow-cycling” and “fast-cycling”
         can either be part of the solution or problem   Friedlingstein et al., 2020). Terrestrial C   pools akin to checking and savings accounts
         with  respect  to  climate  change.  Using  a   pools are a powerful C sink, with the poten-  (Lavallee and Cotrufo, 2020), respectively.
         bank account analogy, the size and signifi-  tial to offset up to 30% of anthropogenic C   Slow-cycling C is either mineral-associated
         cance of the soil organic C (SOC) pool is   emissions, where some of the sequestered C   C that is found physically protected in soil
         best understood as the balance between   persists in soil over millennial time scales   aggregates or chemically bound to the sur-
         inputs (deposits) from net primary produc-  (Friedlingstein et al., 2020). Because of the   faces of reactive soil minerals; both mecha-
         tivity and outputs (withdrawals) from SOC   relative sizes of the different C reservoirs,   nisms restrict decomposition and associated
         through decay and/or physical transport.   even  slight  changes  in  the  amount  of  C   losses of SOC, allowing it to persist in soil
         Reversing the current problematic trend of   stored  in  soil  can  represent  significant   for decadal to millennial time scales (Schmidt
         increasing concentration of greenhouse   changes in the global atmospheric con-  et al., 2011; Hemingway et al., 2019). In
         gases in the atmosphere must be met with   centration  of  carbon  dioxide  (CO ) and   contrast,  fast-cycling  C  is  more  readily
         reduced fossil fuel emissions. At the same   the earth’s climate future.  degradable and prone to physical transport
         time, we argue that “climate-smart” land   How do we unlock soil’s potential for   in shorter time scales (Schmidt et al., 2011;
         management can promote both terrestrial   combating climate change? An important   Hemingway et al., 2019). Fast C cycling,
         sequestration of atmospheric carbon diox-  component of a comprehensive response is   which is akin to funds in a checking account,
         ide (CO ) and contribute to improving soil   to store more C in soils, particularly in soil   is critical for maintenance of life in soil,
         health and benefits. In this review, we high-  pools that cycle C at slower rates compared   because decomposition is the main mecha-
         light environments that are particularly vul-  to the other reservoirs (ex., atmosphere, bio-  nism that recycles nutrients needed by organ-
         nerable to SOC destabilization via land use   mass, and on near surface soil layers)   isms that call the soil home (Janzen, 2006).
         and climatic factors and outline existing   (Schmidt et al., 2011). The amount of carbon   Even small, but sustained, deposits into the
         and emerging strategies that use soils to   stored in soil (soil organic C or SOC) is a   soil C savings account over time allow for
         address anthropogenic climate change.  balance between inputs and outputs of car-  long-term buildup of C in the slow-cycling
                                             bon (Berhe, 2019a; Lavallee and Cotrufo,   pool with significant potential for climate
         INTRODUCTION                        2020). SOC storage in a given area (plot,   change mitigation.
          The health and diversity of natural eco-  catchment, region, or another spatially con-  Increasing urgency for addressing the
         systems—and human civilization—depend   strained system) has been likened to a bank   global climate emergency demands that we
         on our coordinated responses to global   account, where the “balance” is the bulk   reduce the release of greenhouse gasses
         changes that threaten earth’s long-term   SOC  stock  or  inventory  (Fig.  1).  Bank   from burning of fossil fuels, while finding
         habitability. Soils, the thin veneer on the   “deposits” are contributed by vegetation lit-  appropriate alternatives to draw down some
         global land surface that supports terrestrial   ter, root exudates, living soil biota, deposi-  atmospheric carbon through soil carbon
         life, are an integral component of anthropo-  tion of eroded C, and remains of formerly   sequestration and other means. As we seek
         genic climate change mitigation strategies   living organisms. The depletion of the   these solutions, it is important to remember
         (Paustian et al., 2016; Loisel et al., 2019).   balance in the soil carbon bank account    that decomposition of organic matter (i.e.,

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