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Registration, Housing, and

                          Other Need-to-Know Information

         REGISTRATION                                          ACCOMMODATIONS & SERVICES
         Early registration deadline: 7 Sept., noon MDT         GSA strives to create a welcoming, inclusive, and professional
         Cancelation deadline: 11:59 p.m. MDT on 12 Sept.      experience for every attendee. Let us know in advance of the
         Register now at   meeting if you have needs that require further attention. Most
                                                               dietary considerations can be met without any extra charge. Be
         STUDENT VOLUNTEERS                                    sure to provide your request when registering online. GSA will
          GSA student members in good standing: Help us out by volun-  also have a self-care room and nursing room on site.
         teering to work at least ten hours at the meeting, and we’ll help
         you out by covering the cost of your registration! See how the   CRITICAL HOUSING DATES
         meeting works from the inside and fill vital roles that help to make   6 Sept.: Last day to cancel rooms without a penalty
         the meeting a success for everyone. Sign up now at community   14 Sept.: Room rates are guaranteed as long as there are rooms      available in the GSA room block
                                                               29 Sept.: All changes, cancelations, and name substitutions must
         EVENTS REQUIRING TICKETS/ADVANCE                      be finalized through Orchid.Events (OE)
         REGISTRATION                                          After 29 Sept.: You must contact the hotel directly for all
          Several GSA Divisions and Associated Societies will hold   changes, cancelations, and new reservations
         breakfasts, lunches, receptions, and awards presentations that   Once you receive your hotel acknowledgment and have booked
         require a ticket and/or advance registration (go to community   your travel, please review your hotel arrival/departure dates for for a complete list).   accuracy. If you do not show up on the date of your scheduled
         Ticketed events are open to everyone, and tickets can be purchased   arrival, the hotel will release your room and you will be charged
         in advance when you register. If you are not attending the meeting   for one night’s room and tax. If you have travel delays and cannot
         but would like to purchase a ticket to one of these events, please   arrive on your scheduled arrival date, please contact the hotel
         contact the GSA meetings department at   directly to make the hotel aware of your new arrival date.

         EVENT SPACE REQUEST                                   ROOM SHARING/RIDE SHARING
          The Group Alumni Reception is back for 2022, and we hope to   Use the GSA Roommates and Rides board at community
         see many schools return. The first of September is the LAST day to share housing,
         to submit a request for event space and event listing at community   airport shuttles, and/or carpool. You can also use this service to          meet up with your colleagues at the meeting.

                                                               HEALTH AND SAFETY
                                                                Learn more about how GSA Connects 2022 is making this meet-
                                                               ing happen with health and safety as a top priority at community

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