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equivalent model to recognize rock fea-  A                                              B          R-G-B
         tures, we first need to think about the prop-  0.16
         erties of the  images themselves and how
         well they capture those features. A potential
         advantage for automated classification of   re ectance  0.12   Hematite VNIR spectrum
         rock elements is that geological materials                     RGB spectral sampling    UV ( uorescence)
         are made up of minerals with distinctive   0.08                Sensor spectral range
         reflectance (Bishop et al., 2019) and bire-                    Added color bands
         fringence (Cesare et al., 2022) characteris-
         tics. Capturing these spectral properties   400      800        1200       1600
         with a camera sensitive to more color bands                wavelength [nm]
         than the human eye can heighten contrast   C                          150MP                        10 cm
         between features in images and reduce the   RGB photography  Our setup D
         number of training examples needed for    White        Single, narrow  achromatic
         accurate classification models (Soomro et   light        band light   sensor
         al., 2017). Here, we introduce a multispec-                           LED re ected
         tral camera optimized for petrographic   Color                        light array
         study, which can facilitate image analysis as    lter
         a  laboratory  method  to  complement  other                          Multispectral
         geochemical and geophysical measurements.
                                                                               light table
          The imaging setup presented herein is a        Optical sensor        with crossed
         modification of the grinding, imaging, and                            polarizers
         reconstruction instrument (GIRI), housed   Figure 1. Motivating principles and setups for multispectral petrographic imaging with both reflected
         at Princeton University (Mehra and Maloof,   and transmitted light. (A) The addition of bands within the sensitivity range of a standard optical sen-
         2018). While GIRI is a specialized solution   sor allows for the sampling of distinctive spectral characteristics, such as the hematite peak and
                                             trough near 750 nm and 850 nm, respectively. (B) Ultraviolet (UV) fluorescence is an informative source
         for either two- or three-dimensional imag-  of contrast when studying materials responsive to UV light, like the apatitic and organic components
         ing, a similar imaging setup could be real-  of this fish fossil (from Tischlinger and Arratia, 2013). (C) Traditional cameras filter incoming light to
         ized independent of GIRI with widely avail-  just red, green, and blue signals, limiting spectral range and reducing the spatial resolution of each
                                             color. We use narrowband lights (one at a time), which allows us to capture signals from the full range
         able cameras and lights.            of sensitivity, and at the full resolution of the optical sensor. (D) Photograph of our setup. RGB—red-
                                             green-blue; VNIR—visible to near-infrared.
         Field of View and Spatial Resolution
          There is a trade-off between field of view   resolution. To reduce glare and improve image   imager with continuous spectral coverage
         (FOV) and spatial resolution, and so a cam-  contrast, we place a broadband polarizer over   throughout the VNIR spectrum and instead
         era for geological samples must balance   the lens.                    choose to optimize for the trade-off between
         these two variables to capture a broad size                            spatial and spectral resolution (Ma et al.,
         range of rock features. For many geological   Spectral Resolution      2014). Our optical sensor (sensitive from 300
         applications, pixels on the order of 5 µm are   One of the key lessons learned from 50   to 1000 nm) maintains the highest available
         needed to maintain sharp grain boundaries.   years of satellite-based remote sensing of   spatial resolutions  while  still  detecting
         Most current camera attachments for petro-  Earth’s surface is the utility of bands out-  important spectral properties beyond RGB.
         graphic or dissecting microscopes achieve   side  the  traditional  red-green-blue (RGB)   In particular, metallic oxides, clay minerals,
         this resolution or greater, but only with   visible spectrum to take advantage of the   pyroxenes, and olivines have absorption
         FOVs smaller than 1 cm , which limits   unique reflective characteristics of rocks   bands at wavelengths less than 1000 nm that
         feature sizes and can add uncertainty to   and vegetation (Melesse et al., 2007). The   can enhance contrast between geological
         modality data.                      reflective properties of certain geological   classes (Bishop et al., 2019; Fig. 1A).
          To maintain high spatial resolution while   materials in the visible to near-infrared   We create color channels by illuminating
         expanding FOV, we design our camera   (VNIR; 300–1100 nm) spectrum still apply   samples with an array of eight Smart Vision
         around the continually improving technolo-  at the scale of a hand sample and can be   S75 narrowband LEDs (Fig. 1D), which can
         gies of  optical  sensors and  macro  lenses.   used by a petrographic camera to maximize   be chosen from any of the ten wavelengths
         Our camera sensor is a Phase One IQ4   feature contrast and aid segmentation.  shown in Figure 1A. We inform our selec-
         150-megapixel digital back (Fig. 1D), which   Increasing the range and number of light   tion of lights through preliminary tests for
         measures 4.04 × 5.37 cm with 3.76 µm pix-  spectra imaged usually diminishes spatial   maximized feature  contrast and equip all
         els. We use a 120 mm Schneider Kreuznach   resolution because increasingly long wave-  lights with a polarizing film to reduce glare.
         apochromatic macro lens, which enables   length (>1000 nm) and/or narrowband light
         1:1 photography with an FOV and pixel res-  sources are low intensity, meaning cameras   Ultraviolet (UV) Fluorescence
         olution equal to the dimensions of the digi-  designed for hyperspectral imaging must   In a dark laboratory setting, fluorescence
         tal back. Other lenses can be substituted   have larger pixels to gather enough photons   from minerals like carbonates and phosphates
         to increase FOV at  the  cost of  per-pixel   to form a signal. Thus, we cannot design an   can add contrast when imaged in the visible

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