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A High-Resolution Multispectral Macro-

                          Imager for Geology and Paleontology

         Ryan A. Manzuk, Dept. of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA,; Devdigvijay
         Singh, Dept. of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA; Akshay Mehra, Dept. of Geosciences, Princeton
         University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA, and Dept. of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, USA;
         Emily C. Geyman, Dept. of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA, and Division of Geological and
         Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA; Stacey Edmonsond, Dept. of Geosciences,
         Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA, and School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, Victoria,
         British Columbia V8W 2Y2, Canada; Adam C. Maloof, Dept. of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA

         ABSTRACT                            morphic history. At points on a map or beds   are significant (Solomon, 1963; Neilson and
          Accurately assessing the shape, size, and   in a stratigraphic section, lithofacies obser-  Brockman, 1977), and the small fields of
         modality of features in rock samples is a   vations from field campaigns form the   view available in most microscopes limit
         longstanding problem in geology. Recent   backbone of geologic study. Throughout   the scale of features studied to those only a
         advances in machine learning have intro-  recent decades, the rise of geochemical   few millimeters in size (Higgins, 2000). To
         duced  the  possibility  of  performing  these   techniques has increased the value of sam-  build on previous petrographic findings and
         tasks through automated image analysis. To   ples brought back from the field. For exam-  contextualize geochemical data, we can
         leverage these methods for geological and   ple, many measured sections through car-  develop techniques to quantify lithofacies
         paleontological applications, we first need a   bonate stratigraphies now include bed-by-bed   over a broader range of feature sizes and
         way to acquire high-resolution images of   isotope  and trace  element  measurements   with more continuous spatial sampling.
         polished slabs and thin sections with a field   that give insights into local carbon cycling
         of view large enough to fit samples con-  (Ahm et al., 2021), global marine redox   New Potential for Petrographic Data
         taining crystals, fossils, bedforms, etc. We   state (Dahl et al., 2019), sediment diagene-  through Image Analysis
         describe a new multispectral setup that can   sis (Ahm et al., 2018), and correlations   Geologists could outline, count, and mea-
         acquire images at ~3.76 mm per pixel spa-  within (Hay et al., 2019) and between basins   sure all the fossils, grains, or crystals in sam-
         tial resolution over a 21 cm  field of view,   (Halverson et al., 2005; Maloof et al., 2010).   ples to extract these data, but manual petro-
         equipped with 8-band (470–940 nm) spectral   However, reliable interpretations of these   graphic study is too time-consuming to
         resolution, plus a band for ultraviolet (365   geochemical  data  benefit  from  knowledge   accompany each of the hundreds or thou-
         nm) fluorescence. Additionally, we present a   of the physical properties of the rock sam-  sands of geochemical measurements and
         5-band (470–940 nm) light table with auto-  ples, such as grain/crystal sizes and modal-  observations made on a single map. We can,
         mated rotating polarizers, which allows use   ities (Geyman and Maloof, 2021), primary   however, turn to recent advances in machine
         of the camera as a high-throughput transmit-  mineralogy, porosity/permeability, and   learning that have introduced the possibility
         ted light thin section imager. The use of color   cross-cutting relationships between fabrics   of training models to recognize rock fea-
         bands outside the visible spectrum, as well as   (Bergmann et al., 2011; Hood et al., 2016;   tures (Yesiloglu-Gultekin et al., 2012;
         the registration of multiple cross-polarized   Corsetti et al., 2006; Dyer et al., 2017)—  Koeshidayatullah et al., 2020). The need for
         rotations, encode rock properties that   data that also serve to refine analyses of   automated feature classification is familiar
         heighten  image  contrast  and  improve  the   sedimentary environment (Geyman et al.,   to many fields, and effective solutions now
         accuracy of machine learning models. Our   2021). The above examples come from sedi-  are being realized in industries such as
         setup and methods provide an efficient way   mentary geology, but the need to match   autonomous vehicles (Tian et al., 2018) and
         to (1) build reproducible image archives of   geochemical data to quantitative lithofacies   biomedical image processing (Li et al., 2018).
         rock specimens to complement field obser-  also applies to interpretations of igneous   A  variety  of  machine  learning  models
         vations, (2) classify and segment those   and metamorphic conditions (Higgins, 2000).  can be trained to perform these tasks, but
         images, and (3) quantitatively compare litho-  Workers have developed methods to   they all learn to classify image features
         facies and fossil assemblages.      approximate rock contents from samples,   through repeated practice on example images
                                             often by point counting on the stage of a   manually labeled by humans (LeCun et al.,
         INTRODUCTION                        microscope (Shand, 1916). Although this   1989), and some of the most effective mod-
          Geologists have developed an eye for the   technique has brought about many geologi-  els for general applications require more
         physical rock characteristics that encode   cal insights, the uncertainties that stem   than 300,000 traced examples (Lin et al.,
         Earth’s sedimentary, igneous, and meta-   from incompletely sampling a rock’s surface   2014; He et al., 2017). Prior to training an

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