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         B                                                                 C            D            E

         Figure 4. Example of a reproducible, quantitative lithofacies data set. (A) The lower Ordovician Kinblade Formation outcropping in Ardmore Oklahoma (GPS
         location: 34.372821, –97.145353) is a 791 m succession of carbonate strata containing 1,922 beds. (B) Following bed-by-bed field study, sampling, and geo-
         chemical measurement, we epoxy 1 cm  chips from each sample for efficient grinding, polishing, and imaging. The chip size is chosen to best encapsulate
         the dominant grain, fossil, and bedform sizes in the data set. The resulting ~2,000 images (examples C–E, shown here in red-green-blue space, but all are
         8-channel multispectral images) now are a documentation of the lithofacies in the measured section at Ardmore and ready for image analysis, classifica-
         tion, segmentation, and interpretation.

         data that quantify spatio-temporal patterns   tend to be documented primarily in field   sions. We also appreciate the constructive feedback
         in grain, crystal, and fossil characteristics,   notes or illustrative outcrop/sample photo-  received from reviewer Sarah Jacquet and editor
         while allowing new tests of geochemical   graphs. For corroboration or expansion upon   James Schmitt.
         interpretations (e.g., Geyman and Maloof,   previous outcrop-based studies, this system
         2021; Ahm et al., 2019).            requires workers to visit the locality them-  REFERENCES CITED
          At the same time, amassing a standard-  selves. Instead, open access to standardized   Ahm, A.S.C., Bjerrum, C.J., Blättler, C.L., Swart,
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