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archaeocyathid boundstone sample, wherein   Because these crystals are large relative to a   pixel takes on a broader range of the color
         each of the four classes (dolomite, micritic   microscope FOV (Fig. 3A), the concentration   and textural properties that a mineral may
         calcite, archaeocyathid, and calcite-filled   of minerals in an image will be variable   exhibit in cross-polarized light, which helps
         crack) shows well-correlated pixel values   depending on the portion of the thin section   the machine learning model generalize and
         (Fig. 2B). When segmenting these samples,   placed under the lens. For example, the con-  leads to more accurate classifications with
         the class overlap in RGB space hinders pixel-  centration of plagioclase assessed through   the same number of training samples (Figs.
         wise classification, leading to uncertain   classification may range from 29% to 55%   3C, 3D, and 3G).
         boundaries between classes (Figs. 2D and   when using the 2.5× objective on a petro-
         2E). The same image in a UV-yellow-red col-  graphic microscope (Fig. 3H). The variation   DISCUSSION
         orspace (Fig. 2A) shows reduced channel   in concentrations increases if magnification   Because our camera improves outcomes
         covariance for all four classes (Fig. 2C).   increases (reducing FOV) or point counts are   when using machine learning techniques to
         With the new spectral information available   used to assess modality as opposed to pixel   produce petrographic data, we now are
         in UV-yellow-red space, an SVM has 30%   classifications (Fig. 3H).    focused on high-throughput methods for
         improved accuracy, and produces resolved   This example also illustrates the benefit   complete sample image analyses within
         regions with distinct  boundaries for each   of building additional image channels from   stratigraphic sections or geologic maps. Our
         class (Figs. 2D and 2F).            polarizer orientations (as opposed to addi-  workflow takes the same samples gathered
                                             tional wavelengths of light). With a single   for geochemical or geophysical laboratory
         Case Study 2: Feature Mapping in    RGB image from one orientation of the   analyses and photographs them as pol-
         Transmitted Light                   crossed polarizers, capturing all possible   ished slabs and/or thin sections. As an
          A primary limitation of performing image   birefringence and extinction properties for   example,  we  created a  bed-by-bed  library
         analysis on thin sections with existing micro-  a given mineral class in a training set can be   containing nearly 2,000 images that chroni-
         scope cameras is the FOV. In this example,   difficult and time-consuming, and the end   cles paleoenvironmental  change through
         we use a granite sample from the Golden   result can be inaccurate classification (Fig.   the lower Ordovician  Kinblade  Formation
         Horn Batholith (Eddy et al., 2016) that has   3F). When multiple rotation XPL images   (Fig. 4). Within a single map or section, sys-
         crystals with diameters approaching 1 cm.   are stacked together in the training set, each   tematic image analysis can yield lithofacies

         A                              C                D                             E


         B                             H                                I

         Figure 3. Improved modality data from multiple rotations of crossed polarizers for transmitted light imagery of thin sections. (A) Red-green-blue (RGB), cross-
         polarized (XPL) image of a granite thin section from the Golden Horn Batholith showing the full field of view (FOV) possible with our setup compared to those
         obtainable with a microscope camera. (B) False color image obtained using green (530 nm) light at three separate XPL orientations, 18° apart. (C) In principal
         component (PC) space, the pixel values for the four mineral classes (quartz, plagioclase, orthoclase, and mafics) in a single rotation RGB XPL image mostly
         overlap in one area of the plot. For an RGB XPL image containing five 18° rotations stacked into a 15-channel image, the pixel values spread out into a cone,
         where the position on the cone occupied by a given pixel relates to the class of the mineral and the relative orientation of its crystallographic axis. This added
         separation of the classes in the PC space of the five rotation XPL image improves the accuracy of pixel classifications from machine learning models, like the
         example given in (D). (E–G) In a zoomed-in portion of the image (E), we see that a support vector machine (SVM) using just a single rotation XPL RGB image
         (F) is 27% less accurate at classifying pixels compared to an SVM that is given the five-rotation image (G). Even with accurate classifications, analyzing only
         a relatively small FOV can add uncertainty. We see in (H) that the resulting modality data from the classification in (C) have highly variable values when
         assessed within the FOV of a traditional petrographic microscope. Each point in the plot represents the modality assessed in a randomly selected area of the
         segmentation equal to the size of a microscope FOV using either a 2.5× or 10× objective. The variation in these errors between classes stems from the char-
         acteristic size and relative abundance of the minerals. (I) To show the effect of crystal size and abundance, we calculate the number of images that correctly
         estimate the modality of a given mineral in a view size normalized to the mineral abundance (determined using a 4.5 × 5.5 × 4 cm 3D grinding, imaging, and
         reconstruction instrument [GIRI] reconstruction of the sample). In an experiment randomly drawing thin sections from the full volume of this granite sample,
         we see that an approximately equal fraction of images estimates the mafic mineral modality within a 90% correctness threshold when comparing GIRI to a
         2.5× microscope objective. However, at the 95% threshold, as well as with the larger plagioclase crystals, the GIRI FOV performs nearly twice as well.

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