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spectrum. For example, in carbonate rocks at   grain boundaries (Rogers and Kerr, 1942).   contends with chromatic aberration, whereby
         successive stages of calcite precipitation,   Additionally, crossed polarizers in transmit-  each wavelength of light achieves maximal
         diagenesis, and recrystallization, differ-  ted light setups heighten contrast between   sharpness at a different focal depth due to the
         ences in the trace element chemistry of   features by creating differential extinction   wavelength-dependence of light refraction
         the stages will produce heterogeneities in   and birefringence patterns (Rogers and Kerr,   (Jacobson et al., 2013). In the supplemental
         the strength of fluorescence and thus con-  1942). To image thin sections with transmit-  material , we demonstrate how we apply blur
         trast in the image (Dravis and Yurewicz,   ted plane-polarized (PPL) and cross-polar-  modeling and deconvolution  to  achieve
         1985). Additionally, organic or apatitic fossil   ized (XPL) light, we have created a light   multispectral images that are sharper than a
         materials often fluoresce, making UV fluo-  table that can be used with GIRI or any cam-  standard RGB camera.
         rescence photography a valuable tool for cre-  era stand setup (Fig. 1D). The light source for
         ating contrast in paleontological samples   this table is a dense Ramona Optics LED   RESULTS
         (Tischlinger and Arratia, 2013; Fig. 1B). To   board with five wavelengths (470, 530, 620,   In the following case studies, we illustrate
         image fluorescence, we illuminate samples   850, 940 nm), which illuminates the sample   two examples where the added spectral data
         with a 365 nm SmartVision LED. To reduce   through a diffuser and a broadband linear   from our reflected and transmitted light set-
         noise in the images, we place a bandpass fil-  polarizer. To image XPL, we attach a second   ups enhance our ability to distinguish fea-
         ter with a cut-off wavelength of 395 nm over   polarizer over the sample, perpendicular to   tures within geological samples. To classify
         the UV light to remove any visible compo-  the lower linear polarizer (Fig. 1D). Unlike   pixels, we use a support vector machine
         nents of the emitted spectrum and use a 400   traditional petrographic microscopes, this   (SVM), which is a simple machine learning
         nm cut-on UV filter in front of the lens to   light table holds the sample fixed, while a   model, to show the potential for future
         eliminate any UV light from reaching the   NEMA 17 stepper motor rotates both polar-  machine learning  efforts  when  trained  on
         camera sensor. Note that when imaging with   izers synchronously (Fueten, 1997) with a   these more informative spectral data.
         UV, the camera records the fluorescence of   precision of 2.8 × 10  degrees.
         the materials in the VNIR spectrum.                                    Case Study 1: Feature Mapping in
                                             Data Processing                    Reflected Light
         Transmitted Light                    In the case of both transmitted and   A lack of contrast between classes in
          Thin section transmitted light imagery   reflected light, all captured image channels   reflected light imagery commonly stems
         offers another opportunity for increased con-  are perfectly aligned, allowing the user to   from all pixel values falling near a brightness
         trast. Anisotropy, cleavage, and twinning   view any three channels in a false color   line—a 1:1 intensity line where values are
         create distinctive qualities in grains and   image or analyze all captures as a single mul-  well-correlated between channels (Fig. 2B).
         crystals within a thin section and delineate   tichannel image. Our setup, like all cameras,   In Figure 2A, we show an RGB image of an

         A                  Red - Green - Blue        0.8 Pixel values  D                 Red - Green - Blue
                                                     Green (530 nm)  0.6  Brightness
                                                               (TLS: 0.025)
                                                          Blue (470 nm)  1
              1 mm     UV - Yellow - Red             Yellow (590 nm)   0.8  5.5875              UV - Yellow - Red
                  Dolomite     Archaeocyath           0.2      Brightness    E                   F
                                                               (TLS: 0.105)
                  Micrite      Crack                    0      0.5    1     R-G-B  65% accuracy  UV-Y-R  91% accuracy
                                                           UV (365 nm)
         Figure 2. Improved segmentation results with multispectral reflected light imagery. (A) We take the same image of an archaeocyathid boundstone sample
         in a traditional red-green-blue (RGB) colorspace, as well as a false color ultraviolet (UV)-yellow-red space and sample the same pixels for four feature
         classes in each (colored boxes). (B) In the RGB image, all classes show covariance between color channels, and most pixels fall around the brightness line.
         (C) In the UV-yellow-red (UV-Y-R) image, covariance between channels is removed for all classes, as evidenced by the fourfold increase in average distance
         between each pixel and the brightness line (reported as total least squares, TLS). The movement of all classes away from the brightness line into distinct
         regions of the color space eases segmentation. (D–F) Using a support vector machine (SVM), an automated classification of the RGB image is 65% accurate
         and does not give high-resolution borders between classes and regions (D, E). In contrast, an SVM segmentation of the UV-yellow-red image is 91% accu-
         rate and gives sharp region and class boundaries more suitable for measurements (D, F).

         1 Supplemental Material. This supplement is intended to show our multispectral setup in more detail and explain how we mitigate chromatic aberration. We include a figure
         with annotated computer-aided design renderings of our transmitted and reflected light setups, and details for our light emission spectra. The text begins with background
         on the problem of chromatic aberration, details our experimental setup and blur modeling calculations, and discusses our final results. Go to
         GSAT.S.19773532 to access the supplemental material; contact with any questions.

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