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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

GSA TODAY | NOVEMBER 2016 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities    Positions Open                                               tory analysis of planetary materials or their terres-   Oil Recovery Laboratory located in Discovery Park.
                                                                                                                            trial analogues. Candidates must have completed         Faculty members have a long history of working
                                                                   TENURE-TRACK, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                        their PhD in an appropriate field. The appointee is     closely with and providing leadership to various
                                                                             PETROLOGY/MINERALOGY                           expected to develop and maintain a vigorous, exter-     Purdue University Discovery Park Centers (www
                                                                              UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA                         nally funded, internationally recognized research The successful applicant will
                                                                                                                            program and to teach and mentor students at the         conduct research, will advise graduate students, will
                                                                 The Dept. of Geology at the University of Georgia          undergraduate and graduate levels.                      teach undergraduate and graduate level courses, and
                                                                 seeks to fill a position for a tenure-track assistant                                                              will perform service. The successful applicant will
                                                                 professor in the field of petrology/mineralogy,               Applications should be submitted electronically      be expected to work across these existing areas of
                                                                 welcoming applications from scientists in both the         at Applications      Purdue expertise and build on them with a focus on
                                                                 Earth and Planetary sciences to complement the             should include a curriculum vitae, a statement of       unconventional resources. Applicants should have a
                                                                 department’s growing focus in planetary sciences.          research, a teaching statement, and contact informa-    vision for the design and execution of a cross-func-
                                                                 We encourage applications from petrologists/               tion of three individuals who can provide letters of    tional program that achieves the intended mission as
                                                                 mineralogists with strong backgrounds in chemistry         reference. Questions related to this position should    described above.
                                                                 and physics who may employ unconventional and              be addressed to Dr. Chris Andronicos (candroni@
                                                                 interdisciplinary approaches to address big-picture, Chair of the Search Committee.                Interested applicants should visit https://hiring
                                                                 questions including but not limited to petrologic          Review of applications will begin on December 1,; submit a curriculum vitae, a
                                                                 and/or mineralogical aspects of planetary evolution        2016, and continue until the position is filled.        research statement, a vision statement, a teaching
                                                                 involving core, mantle, and/or crustal processes.                                                                  statement, and complete contact information for
                                                                 A Ph.D. in Geology, Earth or Planetary Science or             Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer. All         at least 3 references. Review of applications will
                                                                 other related discipline is required by August 1,          individuals, including minorities, women, individ-      begin October 31, 2016, and continue until the
                                                                 2017. The successful candidate must be comfortable         uals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged     position is filled. Questions related to this position
                                                                 teaching our undergraduate core curriculum classes         to apply.                                               should be sent to Ken Ridgway, Chair of the Search
                                                                 in mineralogy and/or petrology, a graduate course                                                                  Committee, email Applications
                                                                 in their specialty, as well as introductory courses in                       ENDOWED CHAIR                         will be accepted until the position is filled.
                                                                 geology. The successful candidate will be expected                  (ASSOCIATE/FULL PROFESSOR)
                                                                 to establish an externally funded research program                 OF UNCONVENTIONAL ENERGY                           Purdue University is a dynamic, growing
                                                                 to attract outstanding graduate students in their                                                                  university and a great place to work. Our inclusive
                                                                 field, and our core electron microprobe facility with                     PURDUE UNIVERSITY                        community of scholars, students and staff impart an
                                                                 dedicated, long-standing technical support may be          The Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary          uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute
                                                                 critical to that effort. Applicants should submit          Sciences at Purdue University invite applications       creative ideas to further the university’s mission of
                                                                 a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of           for the Stephen and Karen Brand Chair in uncon-         teaching, discovery and engagement.
                                                                 research and teaching interests and contact informa-       ventional energy resources. Candidates with a core
                                                                 tion for 3 references. Application materials should be     expertise in unconventional energy with a strong           Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer.
                                                                 uploaded to Review of applica-        and consistent track record of applying this exper-     Purdue University is committed to maintaining
                                                                 tions will begin January 16, 2017. The position will       tise to unconventional petroleum resources will be      a community which recognizes and values the
                                                                 remain open until filled, but to ensure full consider-     considered. Candidates with expertise including,        inherent worth and dignity of every person. In
                                                                 ation, all application materials should be submitted       but not limited to, unconventional exploration          pursuit of its goal of academic excellence, the
                                                                 by 5 PM January 16, 2017.                                  and production, tight reservoir characterization,       University seeks to develop and nurture diversity.
                                                                                                                            geophysics and seismic data analysis, subsurface        All qualified applicants for employment will receive
                                                                    The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, its          integration, hydraulic fracture mechanics, pore/        consideration without regard to race, religion, color,
                                                                 many units, and the University of Georgia are              fluid interactions, water and environmental issues,     sex, national origin or ancestry, genetic information,
                                                                 committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty       and enhanced oil and gas recovery are encouraged to     marital status, parental status, sexual orientation,
                                                                 and students, and sustaining a work and learning           apply. Excellence in and/or commitment to multi-        gender identity and expression, disability or status
                                                                 environment that is inclusive. The University is an        disciplinary research and teaching is a requirement.    as a veteran.
                                                                 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.             It is expected that the candidate hired would signifi-
                                                                 All qualified applicants will receive consideration for    cantly enhance Purdue’s visibility and impact in this              TENURE TRACK ASSISTANT
                                                                 employment without regard to race, color, religion,        key area; increase opportunities for industry collabo-               PROFESSOR POSITION IN
                                                                 sex, national origin, disability, gender identity, sexual  ration and grant funding; and inspire and train the         GEOMORPHOLOGY AND/OR COASTAL
                                                                 orientation or protected veteran status. Georgia is        next generation of leaders in the field.                          PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY,
                                                                 well known for its quality of life in regard to both                                                                         DEPT. OF EARTH, OCEAN AND
                                                                 outdoor and urban activities (            This is an open-rank search; senior or mid-career                 ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE
                                                                 UGA is a land and sea grant institution located in         scientists with academic, national laboratory, and             THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY
                                                                 Athens, 90 miles northeast of Atlanta, the state           industry background are all encouraged to apply.        The Dept. of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric
                                                                 capital (;              Applicant must hold a doctorate in an appropriate       Science (EOAS) at the Florida State University
                                                                                                                            field; salary and rank are commensurate with quali-     (FSU) announces a search for a tenure track Assis-
                                                                               ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                          fications and experience. The Dept. of Earth, Atmo-     tant Professor in coastal/land-sea processes, specif-
                                                                             OF PLANETARY MATERIALS                         spheric, and Planetary Sciences, and the College        ically Geomorphology and/or Coastal Physical
                                                                                                                            of Science at Purdue embrace diversity and seek         Oceanography. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or
                                                                                 PURDUE UNIVERSITY                          candidates who will have experience working with        its equivalent in an Earth Science or closely related
                                                                 The Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary             diverse groups.                                         field. The successful applicant will be expected
                                                                 Sciences (EAPS), within the College of Science,                                                                    to develop an internationally visible research
                                                                 Purdue University, invites applications for a                 The department, in collaboration with other          program, mentor students and postdocs and teach
                                                                 tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assis-        departments, has expertise in solid earth geophysics    at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Inter-
                                                                 tant Professor in the area of Planetary Materials.         and crustal seismology, fracture mechanics, fluid       ested parties should submit a cover letter, curric-
                                                                 The Planetary Science Group within EAPS has an             flow in porous media, hydrogeology, clay miner-         ulum vita, statement of teaching and research and
                                                                 international reputation, extensive involvement in         alogy and surface chemistry, and basin analysis. The    contact information for three references using
                                                                 spacecraft missions, and newly developed under-            department has a long tradition of training students    FSU’s electronic submission system at http://jobs.
                                                                 graduate and graduate programs. We seek to grow            for careers in the petroleum industry and is part of a, job title# 40820.
                                                                 and are looking for someone who conducts labora-           new multidisciplinary initiative at Purdue University      EOAS has over 40 faculty members, approxi-
                                                                                                                            aimed at addressing the energy needs of the country
                                                           38                                                               and is affiliated with the newly established Enhanced
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