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ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                        teaching and advising, and a significant level of       ences and particular strengths in Geochemistry,
            OF GEOLOGY, CALIFORNIA                       professional service.                                   IUPUI’s Earth Sciences department provides oppor-
       STATE UNIVERSITY BAKERSFIELD                                                                              tunities for graduate training and research in the
The Dept. of Geological Sciences at California State        To apply, applicants must submit as single           heart of downtown Indianapolis. We offer an M.S. in
University Bakersfield (CSUB) invites applica-           pdf document a curriculum vitae, a statement of         Geology and a Ph.D. in Applied Earth Sciences. The
tions for tenure-track Assistant Professor position      research accomplishments and goals, a description       Ph.D. program provides opportunities for advanced
beginning in Fall 2017. We seek a broadly trained        of teaching interests, and a list of four professional  interdisciplinary research at the interface of earth
Geologist with a preferred specialization in engi-       references to: E&ES Faculty Search, Dept. of Earth      sciences, public health, and geospatial analysis, and
neering geology, soil science, or hydrology/aqueous      and Environmental Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic      will prepare graduates for tackling interdisciplinary
geochemistry. Review of applications will begin          Institute, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180-3590;         problems of the 21st century. Given the interdisci-
December 1, 2016 and continue until the position         Email: (electronic submissions are       plinary nature of this program, we welcome individ-
is filled. CSUB fosters and appreciates ethnic and       preferred). Up to four select publications may be       uals with backgrounds in Geology, Environmental
cultural diversity among its faculty and students,       sent as separate files. Consideration of candidates     Science, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Engineering,
and is committed to increasing the diversity of its      will begin upon receipt of application. Applications    Medical or Mathematics and who have an interest in
faculty to reflect the diversity of the campus commu-    are encouraged by midnight, December 24, 2016,          working on earth and environmental science issues.
nity. Applications from women, ethnic minori-            and recruiting will continue until the position is      Several new state-of-the-art geochemistry labs have
ties, veterans, and individuals with disabilities are    filled. Preliminary interviews will be conducted at     been built and equipped with stable isotope ratio
welcome. The full announcement and instructions          GSA and AGU in Fall 2016.                               mass spectrometers, cavity ring down spectrom-
on how to apply can be found at                                                                    eters, GC-MS, ICP-MS, ICP-OES, electrochemical
geology/_files/Geology-TT-Search-2016-position-             We welcome candidates who will bring diverse         equipment, chromatographs (IC, HPLC, GC), spec-
announcement%20PDF.pdf.                                  intellectual, geographical, gender, and ethnic          troscopes, XRD, multisensor core scanner, and a full
                                                         perspectives to Rensselaer’s work and campus            suite of chemical and biological lab and field equip-
     ASSOCIATE OR FULL PROFESSOR IN                      communities. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is        ment. Assistantships include salary, tuition remis-
       ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCES                         an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity, Race/          sion, and health insurance. Visit http://earthsciences.
                                                         Gender/Veterans/Disability Employer.           for more informa-
    DEPT. OF EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                               tion on our graduate degrees, or contact Dr. Pierre
              SCIENCES, RENSSELAER                       Opportunities for Students                              Jacinthe for general inquiries

            POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE                        Lindahl Ph.D. Scholarships, The University of           MS Student in Structural Geology, University of
             Troy, New York 12180-3590                   Alabama. The University of Alabama, Dept. of            Alaska Anchorage. Opportunity for a fully-funded,
The Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences              Geological Sciences seeks Ph.D. students with           graduate student research assistantship position
at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY          specializations that complement faculty research        broadly in the field of structural geology at the
invites applications for the position of Associate or    interests. Exceptional students will receive Research   University of Alaska Anchorage (www.uaa.alaska.
Full Professor in Environmental Geosciences, with        or Teaching Assistantships and a Lindahl Scholar-       edu/geology) beginning in the Spring 2017 or Fall
emphasis on individuals with research interests in       ship totaling $22,000 for a nine month appointment,     2017 semester. Our MS degrees in geological sciences
the areas of environmental geochemistry, hydro-          and the cost of non-resident tuition is covered.        are offered through the UAA Interdisciplinary
geology, environmental remote or local sensing,          Funding is renewable for 4 years if expectations are    Studies program (
global climate science/modeling (paleo or future),       met. Other fellowships are available from the Grad-     college-of-arts-and-sciences/departments/geology/
environmental data analysis, or environmental field-     uate School. Further details are at    ms-inds-geol.cshtml). Applicants must have a BS
imaging visualization.                                   Applicants should contact Dr. Robinson (dmr@            in geology or a closely related field. Please note that
   The successful candidate will have duties that to express interest. Review of applications     acceptance into the university is not a guarantee of
include teaching graduate and undergraduate              for Fall 2017 admission will begin January 15, 2017.    funding. Inquiries may be sent to Dr. Simon Katten-
courses in the Dept. of Earth & Environmental                                                                    horn (
Sciences, fulfilling the duties of the Director of the   Graduate Assistantship Opportunities at Indiana
Environmental Sciences undergraduate program,            University–Purdue University Indianapolis
developing and maintaining robust programs of            (IUPUI). With broad expertise in applied geosci-
research and scholarship, and providing service to
the department, the School of Science, and to Rens-         Check out the                                                                                                 GSA TODAY |
selaer.                                                        Job Board
   Rensselaer has recently initiated several bold, new           for the
initiatives; the successful candidate should interface
with one or more of these areas. Examples of these       latest recruitment
include the Rensselaer Institute for Data Exploration           postings.
and Applications (IDEA;, the
Darrin Fresh Water Institute (DFWI), a comprehen-  
sive freshwater ecological field station and Institute-
wide research effort that hosts The Jefferson Project
at Lake George (
In addition, the Institute is conceptualizing a new,
broader initiative that will bring together research
and education activities in water, environment,
ecology, and sustainability.
   The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. or
foreign degree equivalent in geoscience or related
discipline, along with the ability to demonstrate,
through accomplishments achieved over a post-
graduate academic career of seven or more years,
an international reputation and record of excel-
lence in scholarship, along with a sustained level
of high quality educational activities including

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