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mately 160 graduate students, a diverse undergrad- WIESS VISITING PROFESSOR ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE GSA TODAY |
uate population and grants graduate degrees in DEPT. OF EARTH SCIENCE PROFESSOR OF INVERTEBRATE
Meteorology, Oceanography, Geology and Aquatic RICE UNIVERSITY PALEONTOLOGY, DREXEL UNIVERSITY
Environmental Sciences. FSU resources include The Dept. of Biodiversity, Earth & Environmental
the Center for Ocean-Atmosphere Prediction We are soliciting applications for the Wiess Visiting Science at Drexel University seeks applicants for
Studies, the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute Professor in the Dept. of Earth Science at Rice Univer- a tenure-track assistant or associate professor
and the National High Magnetic Field Labora- sity. Our department has lively research programs in appointment in invertebrate paleontology. Areas of
tory. A recent research initiative at FSU empha- 1. Carbonate and Clastic Sedimentology and interest include, but are not limited to, Systematic
sized Coastal and Marine Science by adding eight and Evolutionary Biology, Paleoecology, Clima-
faculty members within the Departments of EOAS, Coastal Processes tology and Conservation Paleobiology, with the aim
Biological Science and Geography. This position 2. Paleoclimatology of deploying paleontological data to understand
continues to build on this initiative. Tallahassee is 3. Atmospheric Chemistry patterns of global change. The successful candidate
the capital city of Florida, home to three institu- 4. Biogeochemistry will develop a research program in their subject area;
tions of higher learning and was recently named an 5. Geobiology will teach courses in Invertebrate Paleontology and
All-American City by the National Civic League. 6. Low and High Temperature Geochemistry Stratigraphy, and other potential courses; and will be
7. Petrology Curator of the Invertebrate Paleontology collection
Applications will be considered until the posi- 8. Rock Physics and Geomechanics at Drexel’s Academy of Natural Sciences. The ability
tion is filled; those received by December 1, 2016 9. Environmental, Exploration, Solid Earth and to collaborate with other research groups at the
are assured of full consideration. Women and university, such as Environmental Biogeochemistry
members of minority groups are especially encour- Theoretical Seismology and Environmental Engineering, is a plus. Drexel
aged to apply. Please direct questions to Profs. 10. Crustal and Mantle Structure and University emphasizes experiential learning and
William K Dewar ( and Vincent field-oriented candidates are encouraged to apply.
Salters ( Geodynamics, Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Geology, Inver-
11. Planetary Science tebrate Paleontology or a related field, a record of
An Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative scientific achievement, a strong interest in under-
Action Employer. Florida State University We invite applications from established scientists graduate and graduate teaching, and must be able to
subscribes to Equal Opportunity and complies whose research falls in any of these areas, and request develop a high-quality, externally-funded research
with the Americans with Disabilities Act. All that you identify one or more of our faculty whose program. For the Associate level, the candidate must
eligible candidates are invited to apply for position research interests overlap yours. The department is demonstrate extramural funding.
vacancies as appropriate. Florida State University characterized by collegiality and interdisciplinary Qualified candidates should submit a cover letter,
is a public records agency pursuant to Chapter 119, research. Our faculty have ties to the Rice Depart- CV, a summary of research experience, a statement
Florida Statues. ments of Biosciences, Chemistry, Computational of teaching philosophy, and a list of three or more
and Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, references with postal address, email address, and
GEOCHEMISTRY RESEARCH and Physics and Astronomy. We also have strong ties telephone number.
ASSOCIATE 2, WESTERN to the local petroleum industry, the NASA Johnson Applicants should apply online at drexeljobs.
Space Center, and the Lunar Planetary Institute. com (Position # 7849). Review of applications will
WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY begin December 1st, 2016 and will continue until the
Geochemistry Research Associate 2 (LA-ICP-MS). The Wiess Visiting Professorship provides travel position is filled. Inquires may be sent to Dr. Gary
Western Washington University invites applications expenses to and from Rice, and living expenses while Rosenberg, Search Committee Chair at gr347@
for a professional staff position, with the primary role in residence, details are negotiable. Visiting Profes-
being to train, supervise, and assist students, faculty sors are typically in residence from a few months to a Drexel University is an Equal Opportunity/
and visitors in the operation of the LA-ICP-MS full academic year. Ideally Wiess Visiting Professors Affirmative Action Employer and is proactively
for geoscience applications. We expect the person interact at a high level with members of our depart- committed to diversity and inclusion in all of its poli-
we hire to collaborate with faculty and students on ment, often through topical seminars. We particu- cies, practices and services. We are especially inter-
research projects, to develop and pursue projects larly encourage women and minority geoscientists ested in qualified candidates who can contribute to
and proposals for external funding, and to refine to apply. the varied diversity and excellence of the academic
and develop laboratory methods and procedures for community, and all of its complements.
geoscience applications of geochemistry. Required See: for more details
qualifications for the position are 1) M.S. in geosci- about our Department, and http://earthscience.rice ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
ence or physical science 2) Minimum 1 year of expe- .edu/directory/wiess-visiting-professor/ for a list of GISCIENCE, 9-MONTH, FULL-TIME
rience maintaining LA-ICP-MS instrumentation and previous Wiess Visiting Professors. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA
performing data reduction for geological samples 3) The School of Geosciences at the University of South
Computer skills (e.g. Glitter, or other LA-ICP-MS Please provide a curriculum vita, research state- Florida seeks to fill a 9-month, full-time and tenure-
data reduction software) 4) Demonstrated commit- ment, and indication of availability. Applications earning, Assistant Professor position in the field
ment to work effectively with a diverse student body and inquiries can be sent to: Chair, Wiess Visiting of GIScience with an emphasis on spatial analysis,
5) Good oral and written communication skills. For Professor Committee, Dept. of Earth Environ- statistics, and modelling. The successful candidate
full position announcement, including all required mental and Planetary Science, Rice University, could have any research specialty, though preference
and preferred qualifications, and to apply, see MS-126, 6100 Main Street, Houston, TX 77005; may be given to candidates with strengths in medical or Please put Wiess Visiting geography, transportation, or human security. The
Review of applications begins Oct 19, 2016; posi- Professor on the subject line. successful candidate will be expected to develop
tion is open until filled. To apply, submit a letter of an externally funded research program, mentor
application that specifically addresses the listed job Rice University, located in Houston, Texas, is graduate students, and teach undergraduate and/or
qualifications, a current vita, and three professional a private, coeducational, nonsectarian university graduate courses. Salary is negotiable.
references to WWU’s Electronic Application System that aspires to path-breaking research, unsurpassed Additional information is available at the School
for Employment (linked to electronic job posting). teaching, and contributions to the betterment of of Geosciences website: http://hennarot.forest.usf.
Questions regarding this position should be directed our world. Rice fulfills this mission by cultivating a edu/main/depts/geosci/ or by emailing the search
to Bernard Housen ( or diverse community of learning and discovery that committee chair, Dr. Joni Downs (
Susan DeBari ( position is produces leaders across the spectrum of human Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. in Geography
open until filled. WWU is an EO/AA employer and endeavor. From its beginning in 1912, Rice has been
encourages applications from women, minorities, dedicated to excellence in all regards.
persons with disabilities, and veterans.
Rice University is an Equal Opportunity
Employer with commitment to diversity at all levels,
and considers qualified applicants without regard
to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity, national or ethnic origin, genetic
information, disability or protected veteran status.