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connections to WWU departments and programs in               The successful candidate is expected to conduct        additional research funding throughout their pre-           GSA TODAY |
marine and environmental sciences and allied fields.      a robust, funded program of planetary/terrestrial         tenure probationary period. Colby faculty are
The faculty member will be expected to participate        research, mentor graduate students, effectively           afforded professional travel funding, and can apply
in service activities, including departmental commit-     teach courses in mineralogy and/or petrology at the       for divisional research grants and summer research-
tees and student advising.                                undergraduate and graduate levels, and collabo-           assistant funding on a competitive basis. More infor-
                                                          rate in department research dealing with miner-           mation about the resources and instrumentation
   Required Qualifications: Earned doctorate by           alogy, petrology, geochemistry, and solar system          available at Colby and collaborating institutions can
hire date in the geosciences with an emphasis and         exploration. Salary and benefits are competitive          be found at and www
experience in stable isotope geochemistry; Record         and commensurate with experience. The Knoxville 
of or potential for high quality undergraduate            campus of the University of Tennessee is seeking
teaching; Commitment to establishing a vigorous           candidates who have the ability to contribute in             Complete applications will include a brief cover
research program involving graduate and/or                meaningful ways to the diversity and intercultural        letter, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching
undergraduate students; Ability to establish an           goals of the University.                                  philosophy and research interests, three letters of
externally-supported research program; Demon-                                                                       recommendation, and reprints of recent journal
strated commitment to working effectively with a             To apply, please email the following to jmoersch@      articles. Please submit all materials via Interfolio at:
diverse student body.                           , with the subject line “Planetary faculty Applications received
                                                          application”: C.V., cover letter describing research      by November 30, 2016 will receive full consider-
   Preferred Qualifications: Post-doctoral research       and teaching experience and plans, and names of           ation, but applications will be reviewed until the
experience in the geosciences; Experience teaching in     4 references with contact information. Applications       position is filled. Inquiries may also be directed to
a BS and/or graduate program; Ability and interest to     received by November 15, 2016, are ensured review,
work with other interdisciplinary programs in mate-       but earlier submission is encouraged. The position
rials science, marine and environmental science;          will remain open until filled. Questions about the           Colby is a private, coeducational liberal arts college
Experience or demonstrated ability managing               position should be directed to J. Moersch.                that admits students and makes employment deci-
geochemistry research lab.                                                                                          sions on the basis of the individual’s qualifications
                                                             The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/              to contribute to Colby’s educational objectives and
   Application Instructions: Applications must            Title VI/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in              institutional needs. Colby College does not discrimi-
include (1) a detailed cover letter that addresses the    the provision of its education and employment             nate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orienta-
required and preferred qualifications and describes       programs and services. All qualified applicants           tion, gender identity or expression, disability, religion,
the applicant’s background and interest in joining        will receive equal consideration for employment           ancestry or national origin, age, marital status, genetic
the department, (2) a statement outlining the candi-      without regard to race, color, national origin, reli-     information, or veteran’s status in employment or in
date’s plans and approaches for teaching and course       gion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orien-       our educational programs. Colby is an Equal Oppor-
development at WWU, including a statement on              tation, gender identity, age, physical or mental          tunity employer, committed to excellence through
how the applicant’s background and experiences            disability, or covered veteran status.                    diversity, and encourages applications from qualified
(academic and non-academic) have prepared them                                                                      persons of color, women, persons with disabilities,
to effectively teach increasingly diverse students and                  ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                         military veterans and members of other under-repre-
work effectively with diverse colleagues, (3) a detailed            MARINE/COASTAL GEOLOGY/                         sented groups. Colby complies with Title IX, which
research statement including plans for laboratory               GEOCHEMISTRY, COLBY COLLEGE,                        prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in an insti-
development and undergraduate/graduate student                                                                      tution’s education programs and activities. Questions
involvement in future research projects, (4) a full                       WATERVILLE, MAINE                         regarding Title IX may be referred to Colby’s Title IX
curriculum vitae including the names, addresses,          The Colby College Dept. of Geology invites applica-       coordinator or to the federal Office of Civil Rights. For
e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three          tions for a tenure-track position in marine geology/      more information about the College, please visit our
professional references, and (5) undergraduate and        geochemistry at the level of Assistant Professor to       website:
graduate transcripts. Submit all application mate-        begin September 1, 2017. This position is part of
rial to the WWU Electronic Application System             a cluster hire in support of Colby’s new Environ-                    FULL-TIME, TENURE-TRACK
for Employment (           mental Science initiative. Colby requires strong,                       ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
.aspx?JPID=7158). Inquiries may be addressed to           innovative teaching at all levels of the undergrad-                      AUGUSTANA COLLEGE
Prof. Brady Foreman at (360) 650-2546 or Brady.           uate curriculum and an active research program WWU is an AA/EO employer.                involving undergraduate collaborators. Ideal candi-       Geology: Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois,
For disability accommodation call (360) 650-3774.         dates for this position also will (1) teach a 200-level,  invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track
Review of applications begins December 19, 2016;          low-temperature-geochemistry or biogeochemistry           assistant professor in geology beginning August
position open until filled.                               course in addition to other courses in the Geology        2017. We seek a colleague, committed to excel-
                                                          Department; (2) present ambitious research plans          lence in teaching, advising, mentoring, and research
      FACULTY POSITION IN PLANETARY                       focusing on the marine/coastal record of environ-         involving our diverse undergraduates, who is a
           MINERALOGY/PETROLOGY/                          mental change over 100–1,000,000-year timescales;         broadly trained geoscientist with expertise in pale-
                                                          and (3) strengthen collaborations between Colby           ontology, stratigraphy and/or sedimentology, and
         GEOCHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY                         College and the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean              who should be able to capitalize on and help oversee
           OF TENNESSEE, KNOXVILLE                        Sciences on the coast of Maine (         the extensive collections of the Augustana’s Fryxell
                                                          There also are opportunities for collaborations with      Geology Museum. The successful candidate will
   The Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences at The         scientists at Colby and other nearby institutions         teach a range of undergraduate courses and will
University of Tennessee seeks to fill a faculty posi-     including the University of Maine Climate Change          advise students on directed research projects. In
tion in mineralogy/ petrology/geochemistry with           Institute, Bowdoin College, and Bates College. A          addition, the successful candidate must contribute
emphasis in planetary geoscience at the rank of           Ph.D. is required at the time of appointment. The         to field trips and seek ways to collaborate with other
Assistant Professor. The position begins August           search committee is especially interested in candi-       programs on campus. The application deadline is
1, 2017. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville,          dates with diverse perspectives and backgrounds,          December 16, 2016. Application instructions and
is a Research I University and the flagship campus        and candidates who have a record of success advising      more information can be found at https://academic-
of the UT system. The Dept. (          and mentoring individuals from groups under-     . Augustana College
focuses on geology and has an active emphasis on          represented in higher education.                          is an equal opportunity employer and actively
planetary research, including the study of terrestrial                                                              encourages applications from women and persons
analogs, through its Planetary Geosciences Institute         Tenure-track faculty at Colby receive competi-         of diverse ethnic backgrounds. We do not discrimi-
( Requirements for the           tive startup packages and are eligible for a pre-         nate based on age, race, color, ethnic origin, gender,
position are: Ph.D. in geology or a related field, and    tenure sabbatical. Female U.S. citizens are eligible      sexual orientation, disability or creed.
demonstrated research experience in planetary/            for a Clare Booth Luce Endowed Chair that provides
terrestrial geoscience.

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