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GSA TODAY | NOVEMBER 2016 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities  or related field is required and must be conferred by      Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The      to understand and model the movement of water
                                                             appointment start date.                                    main duties of the successful candidate will be to       between the atmosphere, land surface, soil, and/or
                                                                                                                        develop an active and rigorous research program          subsurface reservoirs, and how changes in future
                                                                This position is subject to a criminal background       that is supported by external funding and to teach       climate affect water resources and/or environment
                                                             check. USF is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access            undergraduate and graduate courses. In addition,         from regional to global scales. The successful candi-
                                                             Institution that embraces diversity in the workplace       the candidate will co-supervise curation of the inter-   date will be expected to establish a strong, externally-
                                                                                                                        nationally significant mammal collections within         funded research program and to attract high-quality
                                                                First review of applications begins on November         the Vertebrate Paleontology Division of the Univer-      Ph.D. and M.S. graduate students. The candidate
                                                             15, 2016. This position is open until filled.              sity of Nebraska State Museum (UNSM). We seek            will also be expected to teach introductory courses
                                                                                                                        applicants with research and teaching interests that     related to their field and undergraduate and grad-
                                                                Apply online at USF Careers                complement departmental strengths in the related         uate courses in hydroclimate sciences and modeling,
                                                             administrative-services/human-resources/careers/.          fields of paleontology, sedimentary geology, and         water resources, and water-atmosphere interactions,
                                                                                                                        paleoclimatology. The candidate should demon-            advise graduate students, and contribute to the
                                                                            JOINT APPOINTMENT                           strate strong potential for research and teaching and    Department’s research program in water resources
                                                                     GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS DEPT.                         must hold a Ph.D. in a related field at the time of      and environmental geology. Existing working rela-
                                                                    AND THE ENERGY & GEOSCIENCE                         appointment. Female and ethnic minority candi-           tionships and collaboration with entities such as
                                                                   INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF UTAH                        dates are strongly encouraged to apply.                  NOAA, NASA, USGS, NCAR, DOE, and/or NSF is
                                                             The Dept. of Geology and Geophysics (GG) and the                                                                    seen as positive. Opportunities for research collabo-
                                                             Energy & Geoscience Institute (EGI) at the Univer-            The Sedimentary Geology and Paleontology              ration also exist with the NOAA National Water
                                                             sity of Utah invite applications for a position equally    program is one of the primary components of the          Center, the Environmental Institute, the Geological
                                                             split between GG and EGI, to begin Fall Semester           Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. The             Survey of Alabama, the Center for Sedimentary Basin
                                                             2017. The position in GG will be at the Associate          department offers B.S. degrees in Geology and            Studies, the Center for Freshwater Studies, and the
                                                             Professor or Professor level with the possibility of       Meteorology/Climatology, as well as M.S. and Ph.D.       Water Policy and Law Institute, all located on The
                                                             tenure at appointment; the position at EGI will be at      degrees in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences. Find out        University of Alabama campus. The Department
                                                             the level of Senior Research Scientist. The successful     more about our department at        has a broad range of resources and existing facilities,
                                                             candidate will bring expertise in energy geosci-           The UNSM fossil vertebrate collection contains           including modeling and computational resources,
                                                             ence, and will develop a strong, externally funded,        some 1.5 million specimens, over 90% of which are        field and laboratory equipment, and chemical and
                                                             and internationally recognized research program            mammals ranging in age from late Eocene to Holo-         stable isotope analytical facilities. Questions should
                                                             involving students and supported by industry and           cene, and provides outstanding opportunities for         be directed to Dr. Geoff Tick (, Chair
                                                             government resources. We seek experts with skill           research. For more about the museum see: http://         of the Integrated Hydroclimate Modeler Search
                                                             sets that can be broadly applied to current and future                      Committee. Applicants should submit a cover letter,
                                                             energy systems, including hydrocarbon and renew-                                                                    curriculum vitae, research statement, teaching state-
                                                             able energies, as well as allied fields in carbon science     To apply, go to            ment, and names and contact information for at
                                                             measurement and mitigation such as carbon capture          postings/51184 and complete the “faculty/adminis-        least three referees through the UA Jobs Website at:
                                                             and storage or other geo-engineered solutions.             trative form.” Applicants must attach a cover letter, Review
                                                             Candidates must have a completed Ph.D. at the time         curriculum vitae, statement of research, teaching,       of applications will begin December 1, 2016, and
                                                             of appointment and a strong record of research and         and curatorial interests, and names of at least three    continue until the position is filled. The Univer-
                                                             publication. The appointee will participate in collab-     references via the above website. We will begin to       sity of Alabama is an equal opportunity/affirma-
                                                             orative, bridge-building efforts between GG and EGI        review applications on November 15, 2016, but the        tive action employer and actively seeks diversity in
                                                             and will have offices at both locations. More infor-       position will remain open for applications until it      its employees. Minority and women candidates are
                                                             mation can be found online at           is filled.                                               especially encouraged to apply.
                                                                To apply, upload a letter of application, curric-          The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is committed                     ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
                                                             ulum vitae, names and contact information for              to a pluralistic campus community through affirma-              STABLE ISOTOPE GEOCHEMISTRY
                                                             three references, and statements of research and           tive action, equal opportunity, work-life balance,           WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY
                                                             teaching interests to         and dual careers. Please see         About the Position: Applications are invited for a
                                                             postings/52704. Review of applications will begin          notice-nondiscrimination.                                tenure track Assistant Professor position in Stable
                                                             July 15, 2016, but applications may be considered                                                                   Isotope Geochemistry in the Geology Dept. at WWU
                                                             until the position is filled. Questions should be             For further information contact, Dr. David K.         in Bellingham, WA, with an expected start date of
                                                             addressed to Cari Johnson (Cari.Johnson@utah               Watkins, Search Committee Chair by email, phone,         September 2017. We encourage applications from
                                                             .edu) and Ray Levey (                 or mail at:; 1-402-472-2177;           candidates from underrepresented backgrounds
                                                                The University of Utah is an Equal Opportu-             Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University      who are interested in this faculty position.
                                                             nity/Affirmative Action employer and educator.             of Nebraska-Lincoln, 214 Bessey Hall, Lincoln, NE           Position Responsibilities: The ideal candidate
                                                             Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities           68588-0340.                                              will enhance our existing strengths in geoscience
                                                             are strongly encouraged to apply. Veterans prefer-                                                                  teaching and research by developing new courses
                                                             ence. Reasonable accommodations provided. For                   TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION                       and research avenues in stable isotope geochemistry
                                                             additional information, see www.regulations.utah.                   INTEGRATED HYDROCLIMATE                         applied to any of a diverse range of geoscience prob-
                                                             edu/humanResources/5-106.html. The University                                                                       lems. Areas of interest include, but are not limited
                                                             of Utah values candidates who have experience                    MODELER, DEPT. OF GEOLOGICAL                       to paleoclimatology/paleolimnology/paleocean-
                                                             working in settings with students from diverse                 SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA                      ography/paleoecology, fluid flow and fluid-rock
                                                             backgrounds, and possess a strong commitment to            The University of Alabama (UA) Dept. of Geolog-          interactions, applications of stable isotopes to (bio)
                                                             improving access to higher education for students          ical Sciences invites applications for a tenure-         geochemical processes and (bio)mineralization. The
                                                             from historically underrepresented groups.                 track faculty position in integrated hydroclimate        applicant will be expected to successfully contribute
                                                                                                                        modeling, beginning August 2017. The position            to the department’s course and curricular offerings,
                                                                           ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                          will be filled at the Assistant Professor level. Candi-  establish a successful research program that includes
                                                                      OF EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC                          dates must have a strong record of research and a        BS and MS students and securing external funding
                                                              SCIENCES (VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY)                        Ph.D. by the time of appointment in hydro-climate        for support of major research instrumentation,
                                                                 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA–LINCOLN                         systems science, water-atmospheric science, and/or       work with department faculty and staff to develop
                                                             Applications are invited for a tenure track position as    a closely related field, preferably with specialization
                                                             Assistant Professor with specialization in vertebrate      in integrated modeling of atmospheric processes
                                                             paleontology in the Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric         and hydrologic response, as they impact water
                                                                                                                        management, availability, distribution, and sustain-
                                                                                                                        ability. The candidate’s research would ideally aim

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