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GSA TODAY | NOVEMBER 2016 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities TENURE-TRACK POSITION IN APPLIED GEOINFORMATICS ment to diversity. In that spirit, we are particularly
SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY AND DARTMOUTH COLLEGE interested in receiving applications from a broad
PALEOCLIMATOLOGY, UNIVERSITY spectrum of people, including women, minorities,
The Dept. of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth College individuals with disabilities, veterans or any other
OF MARY WASHINGTON invites applications for a junior rank tenure-track legally protected group.
The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences at position in the area of geoinformatics with appli-
the University of Mary Washington seeks appli- cation to one or more of our core research areas WIESS POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH
cations for a full-time, tenure-track position at including (i) ice and climate systems, (ii) water and FELLOWSHIP, DEPT. OF EARTH
the rank of Assistant Professor to begin Fall 2017. environmental biogeochemistry, and (iii) planetary SCIENCE, RICE UNIVERSITY
Candidates must have expertise in sedimentary evolution and surface processes. We especially
geology and paleoclimatology. Additional exper- welcome applications from candidates who link The Dept. of Earth Science at Rice University is
tise in estuarine/coastal processes, paleontology, traditional geologic approaches and state-of-the- inviting applications for the Wiess Post-Doctoral
or closely related fields is desirable. The successful art computational geoinformatics in their research. Research Fellowship in the broad fields of Earth,
candidate will teach classes in introductory geology Particular attention will be given to candidates who atmospheric, and planetary sciences.
and oceanography, upper-level undergraduate combine a focus on understanding fundamental
classes in sedimentation/stratigraphy and Earth’s processes with laboratory and/or field research Applicants must have a Ph.D. awarded within
climate history, and other classes in their area of programs that complement and contribute to three years of the time of appointment.
expertise. The successful candidate must also be ongoing research activities in the Departments
able to mentor undergraduate research students of Earth Sciences, Mathematics, and Computer The research fellowship will be supported by the
and engage them in fieldwork. Candidates must Sciences, as well as the Thayer School of Engineering. Dept. of Earth Science for two years pending satis-
possess the Ph.D. in an appropriate discipline at the The successful candidate will continue Dartmouth’s factory progress in their first year. The fellowship
time of appointment. strong traditions in graduate and undergraduate covers an annual stipend of $60,000 with a benefits
research and teaching. Teaching responsibilities package and an additional annual discretionary
The University of Mary Washington is a consist of three courses spread over three of four research allowance of $3,500.
primarily undergraduate, public, liberal arts insti- ten-week terms.
tution that stresses teaching excellence and the Applicants are requested to develop a proposal
engagement of students in research. The University The Dept. of Earth Sciences is home to 11 tenured of research to be undertaken during the fellowship
is located in the Chesapeake Bay watershed on the and tenure-track faculty members in the School of period. The principal selection criteria are scientific
margin between the Coastal Plain and Piedmont Arts and Sciences, and enjoys strong Ph.D. and M.S. excellence and a clearly expressed research plan to
of Virginia, with nearby access to Washington, programs and outstanding undergraduate majors. address questions at the forefront of Earth science,
D.C. (including the Smithsonian Institute), the To create an atmosphere supportive of research, broadly defined. Applicants are encouraged to
Chesapeake Bay, and Appalachian Mountains. The Dartmouth College offers new faculty members explore possible research synergies with faculty in
Department currently has expertise in GIS, struc- grants for research-related expenses, a quarter of the Dept. of Earth Science (http://earthscience.rice.
tural geology, mineralogy/petrology, soil science, sabbatical leave for each three academic years in edu), but the proposed research should encompass
watershed analysis, aquatic ecology, hydrology, residence, and flexible scheduling of teaching independent research ideas and explore new direc-
environmental geochemistry, and environmental responsibilities. tions beyond the applicant’s Ph.D. Preference will
policy, and is well equipped for sedimentological be given to candidates whose proposals demonstrate
work, with sampling and coring equipment, sub- Dartmouth College has undergraduate and independence and originality, and also the potential
bottom profiling instrumentation, and a new 22-ft graduate student populations that are diverse by for collaboration with one or more faculty in the
research boat. Faculty in the Department work many measures. We seek applicants with a record of Dept. of Earth Science.
closely with those in the Biology and Chemistry successful teaching and mentoring of students from
departments and have access to well-equipped, all backgrounds (including first-generation college Candidates are required to submit: (1) A cover
shared laboratories with instrumentation for the students, low-income students, racial and ethnic letter addressed to the search committee chair;
chemical analysis of water, soil, and sediment (e.g., minorities, women, LGBTQ, etc.). Dartmouth (2) A research proposal of no more than 3 pages
variable-pressure SEM, ICP-AES, GC-MS, etc.). provides opportunities to participate in undergrad- (single-spaced) including figures; (3) A current CV,
uate diversity initiatives in STEM research, such as including a list of publications.
To obtain additional information about the our Women in Science Program, E. E. Just STEM
Department or University, please visit our websites Scholars Program, Academic Summer Undergrad- All documents should be submitted as a single
at and https://www.umw. uate Research Experience (ASURE), and the Mellon PDF file by 15 November, 2016, to the chair of the
edu. Applications must be submitted online via Mays Undergraduate Fellowship. fellowship search committee (esci-postdoc@rice
the UMW Careers site at .edu). In addition, three letters of reference should
Only applications submitted through the university Dartmouth, a member of the Ivy League, is located be submitted separately by each referee to the chair
site will be considered; faxed, mailed, or emailed in Hanover, New Hampshire (on the Vermont of the fellowship chair committee (esci-postdoc@
applications or documentation will not be consid- border). Dartmouth has a beautiful, historic campus by 15 November, 2016.
ered. A complete application package includes located in a scenic area on the Connecticut River.
a completed online application form, letter of Recreational opportunities abound all year round. The highest ranked candidates will be invited to visit
application, curriculum vitae, undergraduate and Rice in early 2017. Following acceptance, the appoint-
graduate transcripts, a brief statement of teaching To learn more about Dartmouth College and ment may begin any time before January 1st 2018. For
philosophy, a brief statement of how undergrad- the Dept. of Earth Sciences, visit www.dartmouth further information or questions contact the chair of
uate students would be engaged in research, and .edu/~earthsci. the search committee at
contact information for three references. The dead-
line for application submission is November 15, To submit an application, upload a cover letter, Rice University, located in Houston, Texas, is
2016. Send e-mail enquiries to curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and research a private, coeducational, nonsectarian university
interests and objectives, reprints or preprints of up that aspires to path-breaking research, unsurpassed
The University of Mary Washington seeks to enrich to three of your most significant publications, and teaching, and contributions to the betterment of
its academic environment by continuing to provide the name, address (including street address), e-mail our world. Rice fulfills this mission by cultivating
equal educational and employment opportunities. address and fax/phone numbers of at least three a diverse community of learning and discovery that
We actively encourage women, minorities, individuals references to: produces leaders across the spectrum of human
with disabilities, and veterans to apply. Employment endeavor.
offers are contingent upon the successful completion Application review will begin November 1, 2016,
of criminal background checks. and continue until the position is filled. The appoint- Rice University is an Equal Opportunity
ment will be effective July 1, 2017. Employer with commitment to diversity at all levels,
and considers for employment qualified appli-
Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity/ cants without regard to race, color, religion, age,
affirmative action employer with a strong commit- sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national
or ethnic origin, genetic information, disability or
protected veteran status.