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along-strike changes in the batholith can serve to illuminate pro- 12 Aug., Arrivals & evening ice breaker;
cesses affecting batholith growth. The forum will highlight these
gaps and facilitate discussion of productive avenues for further 13 Aug., Day 1: Stikine terrane & sedimentary basins on
research. Specific questions that will be addressed during the the eastern flank of the batholith;
forum include: What drove changes in crustal thickness and how
did these changes influence magmatic processes? What is the 14 Aug., Day 2: Shames River Detachment and the
kinematic history of crustal-scale shear zones; is transcurrent slip Ponder Pluton;
a significant factor in development of the orogen? How do crustal-
scale shear zones influence batholith formation? Did crustal 15 Aug., Day 3: High-grade migmatite, Kwinitsa Quarry, and
deformation result from formation and intrusion of melts? What Central Gneiss by helicopter;
were the contributions of mantle and crust to the melts? What was
the role of sediments to the generation of melts? What were the 16 Aug., Day 4: The western metamorphic belt: low grade
roles of metamorphism, assimilation, and contamination in form- to high grade;
ing melts? Did lithosphere delamination occur? Was there ridge
subduction? Existing age data for the plutons require high magma 17 Aug., Day 5: Kasiks, Quottoon, and Ecstall plutons along
flux events; what triggered these? the western flank; wrap-up discussions and plans for future
research and collaboration;
This Thompson Field Forum Will Emphasize:
18 Aug., Departures.
• Critical evaluation of data diagnostic of HFE, using the Coast
Mountains batholith as an example; ATTENDEES AND ESTIMATED COSTS
• Cross-disciplinary assessment of batholith structure; The registration fee will cover hotel lodging for six nights
(double occupancy), breakfast, lunch, and snacks for six days,
• Factors contributing to HFE in the batholith; handouts, and transportation for the field trip. Airfare is not
included, and participants must make their own travel arrange-
• The role of external and internal mechanisms on batholith ments. Registration fees have not been finalized. Please check the
growth; GSA website for updates at
• Structural controls on the growth and architecture of batholiths; APPLICATION & REGISTRATION
Application deadline: 31 Jan. 2018
• The nature of metamorphism and its role in magmatism. Registration deadline: 31 Mar. 2018
The Coast Mountains batholith is an ideal location for the Participants must commit to attending the full five days of the
field forum because exceptional exposure provides a window field conference. Group size will be limited to 30 participants.
into the relevant scale of batholithic process. Existing datasets To apply, please contact the conveners through
help define key problems and productive study sites. Superb with a letter of intent that includes a statement of interests, the
exposures, fresh rock, and road-based access make the Prince relevance of your recent work to the themes of the field confer-
Rupert transect an attractive field area. Most critically, insights ence, the subject of a proposed presentation, and contact informa-
into batholith formation, terrane accretion, and orogenic evolu- tion. Interested graduate students and early career faculty are
tion can be gained from studies ranging from large, multidisci- strongly encouraged to apply. Once you have been selected to par-
plinary collaborations to student-scale projects. The field forum ticipate, you will be sent registration information. Please check the
will set the stage for researchers interested in investigating conference website for updates.
batholith formation and related orogenic processes in the Coast
Mountains or elsewhere. REFERENCE CITED
PRELIMINARY AGENDA Gehrels, G., Rusmore, M., Woodsworth, G., Crawford, M., Andronicos, C.,
Hollister, L., Patchett, J., Ducea, M., Butler, R., Klepeis, K., Davidson, C.,
The forum will be based in hotels in Terrace and Prince Rupert, Friedman, R., Haggart, J., Mahoney, B., Crawford, W., Pearson, D., and
British Columbia. A few of the outcrops will require hiking in Girardi, J., 2009, U-Th-Pb geochronology of the Coast Mountains batholith
steep and very slippery terrain. The weather is likely to be wet in north-coastal British Columbia: Constraints on age and tectonic evolution:
and cool during the trip. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 121, p. 1341–1361, doi: https://
36 GSA Today | November 2017