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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities
The Dept. of Geological Sciences at the University The Dept. of Geological Sciences at the University The Dept. of Geology at the University of Georgia
of Florida invites applications for a tenure track of Florida (UF) invites applications for a tenure- seeks applications for a tenure-track faculty posi-
position in Geophysics at the Assistant Profes- track position in Solid Earth Petrology/Geochem- tion at the Assistant Professor level in the general
sor level. Applicants should be able to contribute istry at the Assistant Professor level. Applicants field of Hydrogeology with backgrounds in geo-
to an existing internationally known program in should be able to contribute to an existing inter- chemical, quantitative, and/or geophysical methods
observational and computational solid Earth geo- nationally known program in analytical, observa- starting August 2018. Expected areas of research
physics. We have a preference for candidates with tional and theoretical petrology, solid Earth geo- and teaching interest include critical zone science,
expertise in Earth or space-based sensor analyses chemistry and geodynamics. We have a preference assessing water fluxes, surface and groundwa-
of neotectonics, geodesy, seismology, natural haz- for candidates who have expertise in magmatic and ter interactions, mineral weathering impacts on
ards, remote sensing of planetary surfaces, water chemical processes of the whole Earth (and plan- groundwater quality, determining aqueous geo-
resources, basin analysis, and resource explora- ets), rock-fluid interactions, tectonics, geochronol- chemical mass balances, coastal aquifer dynam-
tion. We seek scholars committed to teaching ogy and volcanic/hydrothermal systems. We seek ics, assessment of recharge and sustainable yields
classes in their discipline at the undergraduate and scholars with the desire to teach classes in their in complex hydrologic systems, simulation of flow
graduate levels and who show evidence of strong discipline at the undergraduate and graduate levels and reaction transport processes, and contaminant
research trajectories. The successful candidate and who show evidence of strong research trajec- fate and transport and source identification.
will be expected to develop an active, externally tories. The successful candidate will be expected
funded research program that includes support- to develop an active, externally funded research The applicant must have a strong record of
ing and mentoring graduate students. Preference program that includes supporting and mentoring research and a Ph.D. in Geology or related disci-
will be given to candidates whose research inter- graduate students. Preference will be given to can- pline by the time of appointment. The successful
ests complement and enhance existing research didates whose research interests complement and candidate will be expected to teach introductory
programs in the department ( enhance existing research programs in the depart- geology courses, and undergraduate and graduate
Candidates who would utilize and benefit from ment ( Researchers who would courses in their research specialty, supervise stu-
University of Florida’s high performance comput- benefit from our established and new analytical dent research projects at the masters and doctoral
ing facilities are also encouraged to apply (https:// facilities (field emission EMPA and MC-ICP-MS) levels, and establish a vigorous externally-funded Applicants are also encouraged to apply. Applicants must research program. The successful candidate will
must hold a Ph.D. and preferably have some post- hold a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences and preferably have have opportunities to interact with the University-
doctoral experience. The salary is competitive and some post-doctoral experience. The salary is com- wide Water Resources Faculty that includes rep-
commensurate with qualifications and experience, petitive and commensurate with qualifications and resentatives from Forestry & Natural Resources,
and includes a full benefits package. experience, and includes a full benefits package. Crop and Soil Science, Ecology, Marine Science,
Geology, Geography, and Engineering.
For full consideration, applications must be For full consideration, applications must be
submitted online at submitted online at Find the full job posting at https://facultyjobs
en-us/listing/. Applications should include a cover cw/en-us/listing/. The application should include
letter, curriculum vitae, a summary of current and a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a summary of
future research plans, an overview of teaching current and future research plans, an overview Please submit a cover letter, research and teach-
experience and goals, and the names and contact of teaching experience and goals, and the names ing statements, curriculum vitae, and contact
information of three references. The Search Com- and contact information of three references. The information for at least three referees. Applica-
mittee will begin reviewing applications on Octo- Search Committee will begin reviewing applica- tions received by December 20, 2017 will be
ber 31, 2017; the position will remain open until tions on October 31, 2017, and remain open until assured full consideration. For more information,
filled. The start date is August 2018. Inquiries can filled. The position will begin as early as August please contact search committee chair, Dr. Adam
be directed to the Search Committee Chair, Ray 2018. Inquiries can be directed to the Search Com- Milewski:
Russo, ( mittee Chair, Michael Perfit, (
The University of Georgia is an EOO/AA insti-
The successful candidate will be required to The final candidate will be required to provide tution, and does not discriminate based on race,
provide an official transcript to the hiring depart- an official transcript to the hiring department upon color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender
ment upon hire. A transcript will not be considered hire. A transcript will not be considered “official” identity, national origin, disability, or protected
“official” if a designation of “Issued to Student” if a designation of “Issued to Student” is visible. veteran status.
is visible. Degrees earned from an educational Degrees earned from an educational institution
institution outside of the United States require outside of the United States require evaluation ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, ROCK PHYSICS
evaluation by a professional credentialing service by a professional credentialing service provider UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO BOULDER
provider approved by the National Association of approved by the National Association of Creden- The Dept. of Geological Sciences at the Univer-
Credential Evaluation Services (NACES), which tial Evaluation Services (NACES), which can be sity of Colorado Boulder invites applications for
can be found at found at a tenure-track faculty position in the field of Rock
Physics. We seek a scientist who will examine the
The University of Florida is an equal oppor- The University of Florida is an equal oppor- relationship between stress and deformation in
tunity institution dedicated to building a broadly tunity institution dedicated to building a broadly earth materials. The focus and research direction
diverse and inclusive faculty and staff. The suc- diverse and inclusive faculty and staff. The suc- can include experimental, theoretical, applied, or
cessful candidate must be able to work with stu- cessful candidate must be able to work with stu- field methods related to the mechanics of deforma-
dents, faculty and staff from a wide range of social dents, faculty and staff from a wide range of social tion in any part of the earth.
and cultural backgrounds. We are especially and cultural backgrounds. We are especially
interested in candidates who can contribute to the interested in candidates who can contribute to the Candidates should describe their plans to build
diversity and excellence of the academic commu- diversity and excellence of the academic commu- collaborations with our existing faculty, and com-
nity. Searches are conducted in accordance with nity. Searches are conducted in accordance with plement one or more of our strengths in petroleum
Florida’s Sunshine Law. If an accommodation due Florida’s Sunshine Law. If an accommodation due geology, seismology, geodesy, geomorphology,
to disability is needed to apply for this position, to disability is needed to apply for this position, tectonics, hydrogeology, petrology, mineral phys-
please call (352) 392-2477 or the Florida Relay please call (352) 392-2477 or the Florida Relay ics, and structural geology. The successful can-
System at (800) 955-8771 (TDD). System at (800) 955-8771 (TDD). didate will need to develop an externally funded,
innovative and impactful research program, and
contribute to departmental teaching at both under-
graduate and graduate levels. 37