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Applications must include statements of                               active in the Earth and Planetary Sciences, includ-     salts) common to the Permian Basin region of the
research and teaching interests; a curriculum                            ing the Departments and Faculties of Geography,         Southwestern United States. The formation also
vitae; reprints of three papers; and names and                           Civil and Environmental Engineering, Forestry,          includes a number of clay seams (layers) at vari-
contact information of three individuals who can                         Land and Food Systems, Chemical and Biological          ous depths throughout the formation. The under-
provide letters of recommendation. Research                              Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, Statistics,         ground facility (the mine) serves as a permanent
statements should include a description of what                          and Computer Science, as well as the Institute of       storage facility for transuranic nuclear waste
applicants consider to be the important problems                         Applied Mathematics and Institute for Resources,        which is a by-product of the nation’s nuclear weap-
in their field, and how they will design a research                      Environment and Sustainability. EOAS is also            ons production programs.
program to address these problems. Teaching                              known for its dedication to teaching, and evidence
statements should address goals and approaches to                        of the potential for teaching excellence and interest      See more details and apply at: Chief of Mining
instruction. Applications will receive full consid-                      in innovative teaching methods is required.             (
eration if received by November 8, 2017 and must                                                                                 +NM&q=Chief+of+Mining).
be received by November 22, 2017. For further                               Applications should include a cover letter, a
information, contact the Chair of the search com-                        detailed curriculum vita, a summary of research                        FACULTY POSITION
mittee, Craig Jones (                               interests including a one-page outline of a poten-                   ECONOMIC GEOLOGY
                                                                         tial five-year research program, a statement of                       AUBURN UNIVERSITY
   This 9-month tenure-track position is at the                          teaching philosophy, three recent publications (pdf     The Dept. of Geosciences at Auburn University
Assistant Professor level with a start date as early                     format), and the names and contact details of three     invites applications for a new nine month, tenure-
as July 1, 2018. A Ph.D. in Earth science or a                           individuals from whom the search committee can          track Assistant Professor Position in Economic
related field must be conferred prior to the start of                    request letters of reference. Submit your appli-        Geology.
the appointment. The Dept. of Geological Sciences                        cation online at            The economic geologist will be expected to
is affiliated with several research centers and                          postings/faculty.php posting #27706. Review of          teach courses at the undergraduate and gradu-
institutes (EMARC, INSTAAR, CSDMS, CIRES,                                applications will start November 14, 2017 and           ate level, including (but not limited to) Economic
LASP) and offers a diverse set of resources for                          applications will be accepted until the position is     Geology, Mineral Resources and the Environ-
teaching and research. The department has an                             filled. The anticipated start date is July 1, 2018 or   ment, Introductory Geochemistry, and Aqueous
ongoing GeoEnergy initiative that the successful                         upon a date of mutual agreement. This position is       and Environmental Geochemistry. The successful
applicant can help shape. Visit                        subject to final budgetary approval.                    applicant will stimulate and promote departmental
GeolSci to learn more about the department, these                                                                                and interdisciplinary research in the environment,
affiliations and resources.                                                 Equity and diversity are essential to academic       energy and mineral resources (strategic, precious,
                                                                         excellence. An open and diverse community fos-          and industrial), and the application of isotopic
   Applications are accepted at                    ters the inclusion of voices that have been under-      and geochemical data in their research. We seek
c a r e e r s e c t i o n / 2 / j o b d e t a i l . f t l? j o b =10145  represented or discouraged. We encourage appli-         a dynamic individual who will play a leadership
&lang=en (job posting #00735505).                                    cations from members of groups that have been           role in building cross-disciplinary collaborations
                                                                         marginalized on any grounds enumerated under            within and beyond the Geosciences department
   The University of Colorado is an Equal Oppor-                         the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex,              and in launching our new interdisciplinary Ph.D.
tunity/Affirmative Action Employer committed to                          sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,      program in Earth System Science.
building a diverse workforce. We encourage appli-                        racialization, disability, political belief, religion,     Auburn University is a Land Grant Institution
cations from women, racial and ethnic minorities,                        marital or family status, age, and/or status as a       and this faculty hire will support that mission as
individuals with disabilities, and veterans. Alter-                      First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.       well as the University’s new Strategic Plan that
native formats of this ad can be provided upon                                                                                   emphasizes research in areas of the environment,
request for individuals with disabilities by con-                           If you have questions, please contact the            energy, and natural resources and their critical
tacting the ADA Coordinator at adacoordinator@                           Search Committee Chair by email at the follow-          connectivity with public health.                                                             ing address: Professor Lee Groat (email: groat@            Applicants must possess a Ph.D. in Geol-
                                                                                                          ogy or related fields. The successful candidate is
               SEDIMENTOLOGIST                                                                                                   expected to develop a vigorous, externally funded
  UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                 CHIEF OF MINING, NUCLEAR                        research program, publish scholarly work with
The Dept. of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sci-                                WASTE PARTNERSHIP LLC (NWP)                        international recognition, and advise graduate and
ences (EOAS) at the University of British Colum-                         Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC (NWP) has                 undergraduate students. The Dept. of Geosciences
bia invites outstanding applicants for a full-time,                      an opportunity for a degreed Chief of Mining.           is equipped with an array of analytical instru-
tenure-track faculty position in Sedimentology at                        The successful candidate will have a minimum            ments (see
the level of Assistant Professor. The successful                         of fifteen (15) years of mining experience with         geosciences/Equipment/index.htm).
candidate will integrate fieldwork with state of the                     increasing levels of responsibility including mine         The candidate selected for this position must
art analytical and/or numerical methods to inves-                        management. Experience in mining geology (bed-          meet eligibility requirements to work in the United
tigate sedimentological processes that have shaped                       ded salt) particularly in geology requiring strin-      States and have completed requirements for their
Earth through time. S/he is expected to develop a                        gent ground control monitoring and maintenance          Ph.D. on the date the appointment is scheduled
strong, externally funded and internationally rec-                       is preferred. Previous experience with Dept. of         to begin (August 2018), and must be able to con-
ognized research program, successfully supervise                         Energy projects or facilities is a plus. Prior expe-    tinue working legally for the proposed term of
graduate students, effectively teach undergraduate                       rience working with the Mine Safety & Health            employment.
and graduate courses, and actively participate in                        Administration (MSHA) desired.                             The candidate must possess excellent written
departmental activities.                                                    NWP is the Managing & Operating Contrac-             and interpersonal communication skills.
   Research and teaching interests in EOAS, the                          tor for the Dept. of Energy’s (DOE’s) Waste                Applications must include curriculum vitae,
top-ranked and largest earth sciences department                         Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) located near Carlsbad,     letter of application describing professional expe-
in Canada, span the history of the Earth and the                         New Mexico. NWP is an AECOM led partnership,            rience, research and teaching statements, copies
evolution of its structure from core to stratosphere                     which includes BWXT Technical Services Group,           of official transcripts, and the names and contact
( We seek candidates who                               Inc. and AREVA Federal Services LLC.                    information for three professional references.
demonstrate potential in establishing a successful                          The WIPP underground facilities (MSHA Mine           To apply please go to: http://aufacultypositions
research program and have capacity and interest in                       ID # 29-01857) comprise a mine constructed and , complete the
interacting with other research groups both within                       maintained at a depth of 2,150 feet below the sur-      online form and upload the required application
and outside the department. Opportunities exist                          face, within the Salado Formation found in south-       documents.
for the successful candidate to forge research ties                      eastern New Mexico. This formation is primarily
with other parts of the UBC community that are                           composed of evaporates to include halite (rock

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