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P. 40 and submit their cover letter, tee Chair; 319-335-1818; jeffrey-dorale@uiowa the classroom and in the field), and active partici-
vitae/resume, statements of teaching and research, .edu) or Dr. C.T. Foster, Jr. (Dept. Chair; 319- pation in scholarly and service activities.
and a list of four references with names, e-mail 335-1820; The Dept. of
addresses, and mailing addresses. Questions Earth and Environmental Sciences is home to The Dept. of Geology offers both B.S. and B.A.
or requests for information may be addressed sixteen faculty conducting research in environ- degrees in Geology as well as a B.A.E. in Earth
to the Chair of the Hydrogeology Search Com- mental science, geochemistry, paleontology, and and Space Science/Secondary. A B.S. in Envi-
mittee, Dr. Shannon Dulin, at 405-325-3253 or tectonics. The selected candidate will have the ronmental Science with Geology emphasis is also opportunity to interact with researchers associ- offered. The department currently consists of
ated with the Intensively Managed Landscapes 5 tenured faculty, an instructional technician, two
The University of Oklahoma (OU) is a Carne- Critical Zone Observatory ( full-time lecturers and an office manager.
gie-R1 comprehensive public research university iml), the Iowa Flood Center, IIHR-Hydroscience
known for excellence in teaching, research, and and Engineering (, the Iowa Screening of applications will begin after the
community engagement. In 2014, OU became the Geological Survey (, and GSA meeting (to be held in Seattle). We will con-
first public institution ever to rank #1 nationally the Center for Global and Regional Environmental tinue to accept applications until December 1st,
in the recruitment of National Merit Scholars. The Research (, and have access 2017. Your materials will be held in confidence,
277-acre Research Campus in Norman was named to University-administered high-performance and references will not be contacted without can-
the No.1 research campus in the nation by the computing clusters. The Dept. of Earth & Environ- didate notification.
Association of Research Parks in 2013. Norman mental Sciences and the College of Liberal Arts
is a culturally rich and vibrant town located just & Sciences are strongly committed to diversity; Requirements Include:
outside Oklahoma City. With outstanding schools, the strategic plans of the University and College • PhD in Geological Sciences or related field
amenities, and a low cost of living, Norman is a reflect this commitment. All qualified applicants • Demonstrated ability to teach lower- and upper-
perennial contender on the “Best Places to Live” are encouraged to apply and will receive consid-
rankings. Visit for more eration for employment free from discrimination division courses in introductory
information. on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, geology, historical geology, and sedimentary
age, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender stratigraphy and other courses depending on
The University of Oklahoma is an equal oppor- identity, genetic information, religion, associa- department needs and applicant’s area of spe-
tunity employer and all qualified applicants will tional preference, status as a qualified individual cialization
receive consideration for employment without with a disability, or status as a protected veteran. • Evidence of field-based or lab-based research
regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orienta- The University of Iowa is an equal opportunity/ and productivity in sedimentary stratigraphy
tion, gender identity, national origin, disability sta- affirmative action employer. and/or historical geology
tus, protected veteran status, or any other charac- See our website at
teristic protected by law. We encourage members FACULTY POSITIONS postings/2297 for complete position information,
of underrepresented groups to apply. DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES required and preferred qualifications, and applica-
NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY tion instructions. Questions? Call Jenny Thomson
TENURE-TRACK POSITION The Dept. of Geosciences at NTU is seeking active at 509-359-7478
HYDROGEOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA scientists to fill two faculty positions starting from
The Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences at August 1st, 2018. The positions are open to candi- ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
the University of Iowa ( dates from all fields in geosciences, but those who (SEDIMENTOLOGY)
invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant have strong background in the fields of petrology
Professor position with interdisciplinary interests and geochemistry, geo-resources, energy explora- UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA
in the broad field of hydrogeology. We seek an out- tion, stratigraphy, sedimentology, structural geol- The Dept. of Geosciences at the University of West
standing researcher with expertise in, but not lim- ogy and hydro- and applied geology will receive Georgia invites applications for a full-time tenure-
ited to, physical hydrogeology, groundwater and more favorable consideration. Applicants are track position in Sedimentology or Stratigraphy at
shallow subsurface flow, surface/ground water requested to submit the following documents: CV, the rank of Assistant Professor beginning August
interaction, fluid flow through rocks, geothermal list of publications, statements of teaching and 2018. A Ph.D. in Geology focusing on sedimentol-
energy, reactive and/or contaminant transport, or research interests, names and contact information ogy, stratigraphy, basin analysis or a related field
environmental hydrogeology who best comple- of three referees, and three to five articles pub- is required at time of employment. The successful
ments current strengths in the Earth and Environ- lished within the last seven years (one of which applicant will be expected to teach introductory
mental Sciences Dept.. The candidate is expected need to be designated as representative paper and courses in geology as well as upper level courses
to develop an active, externally-funded research must be published after August 1st, 2013). Appli- in sedimentology, stratigraphy, and possibly addi-
program, mentor graduate and undergraduate cation materials should be sent by email to Profes- tional undergraduate courses in their specialty.
students, and teach introductory geology courses sor J. Bruce H. Shyu, the Chair of the Searching This applicant will also be expected to develop a
as well as upper division and graduate courses in Committee, at vigorous research program that involves under-
hydrogeology and related fields. Deadline for application: December 15th, 2017. graduate students.
For more information, please refer to the website:
The start date of the appointment is August 15, The University of West Georgia (UWG) is a
2018. A Ph.D. in geological sciences or a related comprehensive regional public university located
field is required by the time of appointment. Can- TENURE TRACK, ASSISTANT an hour west of Atlanta in Carrollton, GA. Part
didates must submit applications online at http:// PROFESSOR of the University System of Georgia, UWG has a (requisition #71638). The appli- total enrollment of approximately 13,000 students
cation should include a cover letter, a curriculum SEDIMENTARY STRATIGRAPHY and is growing annually. The Geosciences depart-
vitae, a statement detailing current and future HISTORICAL GEOLOGY ment consists of thirteen faculty and manages
research activities, a statement of teaching inter- facilities including GIS teaching labs, the Center
est, and contact information for three referees. EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY for Water Resources, and the West Georgia
Referees will receive directions by e-mail regard- The Dept. of Geology at Eastern Washington Microscopy Center. The department also houses
ing the electronic submission of letters to the Uni- University invites applications for a tenure-track research equipment including rock and fossil
versity of Iowa. Assistant Professor position in sedimentary stra- preparation equipment, petrographic microscopes,
tigraphy and historical geology located on our XRD, ICP-OES, and variable-pressure SEM-EDS
Screening of applications will begin Novem- Cheney campus to begin September 2018. Respon- instrumentation.
ber 17, 2017 and will continue until the position sibilities will include teaching and curriculum
is filled. Questions regarding this position can development at the undergraduate level (both in Applicants should submit a single PDF that
be directed to Dr. Jeff Dorale (Search Commit- includes a cover letter, CV, separate statements of
teaching and research interests, transcripts, and
contact information for a minimum of three refer-
ences to Review of appli-
40 GSA Today | November 2017 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities