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cations will begin on November 30, 2017. The Uni-     service have not only prepared them to fulfill our                           five references electronically (as a single PDF file)
versity of West Georgia is an Equal Opportunity       commitment to inclusion, but have also given them                            to Dr. Brian Schubert, at
Employer; applications from traditionally under-      the confidence to fully engage audiences in higher                           To ensure full consideration, receipt of a complete
represented groups are encouraged. Questions          education from a wide spectrum of backgrounds.                               application is required on or before November 15,
should be directed to Dr. Bradley Deline, Search                                                                                   2017. The review process will continue until the
Committee Chair:                     Application Instructions https://ap.washington                            position is filled. UL Lafayette is an Equal Oppor-
                                                      .edu/ahr/academic-jobs/position/aa25465/.                                    tunity Employer and encourages applications from
     DIRECTOR, PACIFIC NORTHWEST                                                                                                   minority group members and women.
               SEISMIC NETWORK                           To apply, please send a curriculum vitae with
                                                      publication list, and the contact information of                                          PROGRAM DIRECTORS
       UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON                       3 references. Applicants should also send 4 state-                                   DIVISION OF EARTH SCIENCE
The University of Washington (UW) seeks an            ments (less than 10 pages total for all statements                               NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION
energetic and visionary leader to become Direc-       combined): 1) A statement addressing research                                The Division of Earth Science (EAR) at the
tor of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network          and leadership accomplishments, as well as future                            National Science Foundation is seeking candidates
(PNSN). The tenured faculty position within the       research plans. 2) A strategic vision for the seismic                        for program directors in Education and Human
Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences is expected to        network. 3) A statement on teaching and mentor-                              Resources, Geoinformatics, Geophysics, Geo-
be at the rank of associate or full professor. The    ing. Applicants are also encouraged to include                               morphology and Land-use Dynamics, Geobiology
Director will advance the mission of the PNSN         evidence of teaching effectiveness (e.g. teaching                            and Low-Temperature Geochemistry, Sedimen-
( through scien-       evaluations). 4) A statement on their past or poten-                         tary Geology and Paleobiology, and Tectonics.
tific pursuits, advocacy, and effective leadership.   tial contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion                       In addition, we seek program directors to support
Operational and managerial duties with the PNSN       (s e e w w w.w a s h i n g t o n .e d u /d i ve r s i t y/d i ve r s i t y-  integrated research activities across the division.
will be shared or divided among existing faculty      blueprint/), including reflections on social vulner-                         Further information about EAR and these pro-
and staff.                                            ability with respect to natural hazards.                                     grams can be found at
   As part of the Advanced National Seismic Sys-         Electronic materials (.pdf) should be sent to                                The individuals selected for these positions will
tem, the PNSN is the authoritative regional seismic with “PNSN Director Search:                                   be knowledgeable in the scientific areas covered
monitoring network in the states of Washington        [Your Name]” in the subject line. Consideration of                           by the respective programs and will help identify
and Oregon. It is a collaboration of the UW, the      applications will begin immediately and continue                             emerging opportunities in the Geosciences. In
University of Oregon, and the US Geological Sur-      until the position is filled. Preference will be given                       addition, the incumbent will undertake the design,
vey. Currently there are 15 FTE PNSN staff posi-      to applications received prior to December 1, 2017,                          development, analysis, documentation, manage-
tions at the UW. With a current annual budget of      but applications received after this date may be                             ment and implementation of programs and activi-
approximately 4 million dollars, PNSN staff oper-     considered. Questions pertaining to the applica-                             ties within the program and across disciplinary
ate more than 300 seismic stations in the Pacific     tion process or potential disability accommoda-                              boundaries. Program Director responsibilities
Northwest, and make and distribute earthquake         tions can be addressed to Scott Dakins (essasst@                             include long-range planning for the areas of sci-
alerts, earthquake catalogs, ground motion maps, Questions about the position can be                                 ence represented by the program; administration
and earthquake early warnings (ShakeAlert). The       addressed to Professor David Schmidt, search                                 of the merit review process and proposal recom-
network also monitors seismicity at the region’s      committee chair (                                               mendations; preparation of press releases, feature
9 high-threat active volcanoes, and has provided                                                                                   articles and material describing advances in the
critical data for studies of abundant regional non-      University of Washington is an affirmative                                research supported; and coordination with other
volcanic tremor.                                      action and equal opportunity employer. All quali-                            NSF programs as well as those at other Federal
                                                      fied applicants will receive consideration for                               agencies and organizations.
   The Director is expected to maintain a vigor-      employment without regard to race, color, religion,                             Candidates must have a Ph.D. in an appropri-
ous externally funded research program and to         sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender                             ate field plus, after award of the Ph.D., six or more
demonstrate a commitment to both undergraduate        expression, national origin, age, protected veteran                          years of successful research, research administra-
and graduate teaching. The successful candidate       or disabled status, or genetic information.                                  tion, and/or managerial experience pertinent to the
will have: research expertise in geophysics or                                                                                     position.
related discipline and evidence of an innovative      DIRECTOR (RANK OF FULL PROFESSOR)                                               Individuals interested in applying for these
and collaborative research portfolio; skills at men-           SCHOOL OF GEOSCIENCES,                                              vacancies should submit their materials to the
toring staff and students; the ability to communi-             UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA                                             appropriate announcement:
cate effectively to a broad range of stakeholders,                       AT LAFAYETTE                                              • 	 Education and Human Resources: Rotator
including politicians, corporate partners, funding                                                                                    (
agencies and foundations, the media, the pub-         The School of Geosciences at the University of                                  479206600); Permanent (https://www
lic, and students; and the ability to identify new    Louisiana at Lafayette (UL Lafayette) invites                         
opportunities, pursue funding, and facilitate proj-   applications for the position of Director in the rank                        • 	 Geoinformatics: Rotator (https://www
ect management.                                       of Full Professor, beginning August 1, 2018 (EEO#:                    ;
                                                      SC 3-17). The successful candidate should have a                                 Permanent (
   This is a 100% FTE, multi-year, 9-month service    proven record of strong research and publications,                              GetJob/ViewDetails/479177900)
period position with six months of state funded       leadership in academic settings, an ability to lead                          • 	 Geophysics: Rotator (https://www.usajobs
support and three months of salary support from       and advance a diverse group of accomplished                                     .gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/479207600)
PNSN operations. The accompanying admin-              teachers and scholars, excellent administrative                              • 	 Geomorphology and Land-Use Dynamics:
istrative appointment as Director of PNSN is a        and interpersonal skills, a proven ability to attract                           Rotator (
12-month appointment that provides an additional      external funding, and an ability to teach geosci-                               ViewDetails/479207700); Permanent (https://
3 months of salary support at 100% FTE. Teaching      ence courses at all levels and to mentor graduate                     
duties are expected to be 2 courses per year.         students. The School includes 11 faculty members,                               479176600)
                                                      4 full time instructors, a research scientist, lab                           • 	 Geobiology and Low-Temperature Geochem-
   Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or foreign equiva-    technician, and ~150 total undergraduate majors                                 istry: Rotator (
lent in Geophysics or similar field, with a prefer-   and 85 graduate students. More information on                                   GetJob/ViewDetails/479207200)
ence towards seismology. All University of Wash-      the position can be found here: https://humanre-                             • 	 Integrated Research Activities: Rotator
ington faculty engage in teaching, research and                               (
service. The UW promotes diversity and inclu-         SC%203-17_0.pdf.
sivity among our students, faculty, and staff and                                                                                                                                         41
the public; we seek applicants who are committed         Applicants should send complete application
to these principles. Thus, we are strongly seek-      packages, including a letter of application, cur-
ing candidates whose research, teaching, and/or       riculum vitae, statement of academic leadership,
                                                      statement of research, and contact information of

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