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Applicants are encouraged to visit the AU web-    expected to perform university and professional             EEO/AA. Women, under-represented groups,
site to learn more about Auburn University and       service as appropriate for career stage. Appoint-        individuals with disabilities, and veterans are
Geosciences program         ment at the tenured level will require evidence of       encouraged to apply.
cosam/. Review of applications will begin Janu-      excellence in research and teaching. We are partic-
ary 10, 2018, and will continue until the position   ularly interested in candidates who can contribute                   ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
is filled.                                           to an inclusive environment, bring new perspec-                        OF HYDROGEOLOGY,
                                                     tives on mentoring and educating students from
   Auburn University is an EEO/Vet/Disability        diverse backgrounds, and propel novel approaches                CONOCOPHILLIPS SCHOOL OF
employer.                                            to research. We aim to add new faculty who value                 GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS
                                                     collegiality and collaboration in both research                  UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA
         TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT                      and teaching. The Dept. of Geoscience comprises          The University of Oklahoma invites applications
                     PROFESSOR                       highly rated graduate programs and several state-        for a tenure-track hydrogeology faculty position at
                                                     of-the-art analytical facilities across the fields of    the Assistant Professor rank. We are seeking appli-
        GEODYNAMICS/GEOPHYSICS                       Isotope Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Geochronol-            cations from a broad range of hydrogeology expe-
        FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY                     ogy, Sedimentary Geology, Paleontology, Struc-           riences, including hydrogeochemistry and hydro-
The Dept. of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sci-       tural Geology & Tectonics, Glacial Geology,              geophysics. This new applied hydrology position
ence (EOAS) at the Florida State University (FSU)    Geophysics, Hydrogeology, and Biogeochemistry            will complement the ConocoPhillips School of
invites applications for a tenure track Assistant    (                            Geology and Geophysics’ existing strengths in
Professor position in the field of Geodynamics/                                                               petroleum, geophysical, and geochemical research
Geophysics. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or its         Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Geoscience or a       while also diversifying research and career options
equivalent in Earth Science. The successful appli-   related field at the time of appointment. Applicants     for our students with non-petroleum interests. We
cant will be expected to develop and maintain an     should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a        seek an innovative colleague who will teach and
internationally visible research program, mentor     statement of professional interests (research and        mentor undergraduates and graduate students at
students and postdocs and teach at the graduate      teaching), and the names and contact information         the M.S. and Ph.D. level. We expect the successful
and undergraduate levels.                            of three references. These materials must be sub-        applicant to develop a strong research and teaching
   EOAS has over 40 faculty members, approxi-        mitted online at: Appoint-        program that includes a substantial field compo-
mately 160 graduate students, a diverse under-       ments may begin as early as August 20, 2018.             nent and integrates local, regional, national, and
graduate population and grants graduate degrees      Review of applications will begin on November            international issues. The candidate should have
in Meteorology, Oceanography, Geology and            27, 2017, and continue until the positions are filled.   an interest and ability to develop into an excellent
Aquatic Environmental Sciences. FSU resources        For further information or questions, please con-        teacher; the candidate will teach 3 courses a year,
include the High Performance Computing at            tact Professor Brad Singer, Chair of the Search          including a hydrogeology course and a graduate
FSU’s Research Computing Center, the Center for      Committee at                           course in the applicant’s area of expertise. The
Ocean-Atmosphere Prediction Studies, the Geo-                                                                 candidate may also participate in our summer field
physical Fluid Dynamics Institute and the National      The University of Wisconsin–Madison is an             course. The successful candidate will hold a Ph.D.
High Magnetic Field Laboratory.                      equal opportunity, affirmative action employer,          at the time of appointment, have a demonstrated
   Interested parties should submit a cover let-     and is committed to providing employment oppor-          research record, and strong potential to acquire
ter, curriculum vita, statement of teaching and      tunities to all qualified applicants without regard      externally derived funding.
research and contact information for three refer-    to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation,     Salary, benefits, and start-up funds will be
ences using FSU’s electronic submission system at    gender identity, national origin, disability or pro-     competitive and commensurate with experience., job opening# 42323.             tected veteran status.                                   The ConocoPhillips School of Geology and Geo-
   Applications will be considered until the posi-                                                            physics has a large, vibrant faculty with a broad
tion is filled; review of applications will com-                 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                          range of research activities from fundamental to
mence by November 1, 2017. Women and mem-                     EARTH SURFACE DYNAMICS                          applied science and strong ties to the petroleum
bers of minority groups are especially encouraged          UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO                         industry. The student body currently includes
to apply. Please direct questions to Prof. Vincent   The Dept. of Geological Sciences and Engineer-           180 undergraduates and 95 M.S. and Ph.D.
Salters (                          ing at the University of Nevada, Reno seeks an           students. The University of Oklahoma employees
   FSU is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirma-       Earth Scientist for a tenure-track faculty position      many faculty with water research programs in
tive Action Employer. FSU subscribes to Equal        at the Assistant Professor level specializing in the     different departments on campus as well as sev-
Opportunity and complies with the Americans          general theme of Earth Surface Dynamics. This            eral active initiatives focused on water monitor-
with Disabilities Act. FSU is a public records       geoscience discipline includes the coevolution of        ing, conservation, remediation, and management
agency pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statues.     landscapes, climate, tectonic systems, life, and         (e.g., OU WaTER Center, Hydrometeorology and
                                                     the study of Earth’s sedimentary record. We seek         Remote Sensing Laboratory, Oklahoma Water
  TENURE-TRACK/TENURED FACULTY                       a new faculty member that uses some combina-             Survey, Oklahoma Geological Survey Hydroge-
 POSITIONS, ISOTOPE GEOCHEMISTRY                     tion of fieldwork, petrology, controlled experi-         ology Lab, Water-Energy-Food Institute (WEFI),
UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN–MADISON                      ments, computational modeling, remote sensing,           the Neeson Lab, and Center for Restoration of
The Dept. of Geoscience at The University of         and theory to decipher the sedimentary record            Ecosystems and Watersheds). This environment
Wisconsin–Madison invites applications for           and quantify earth surface dynamics, and in              will provide the successful applicant with many
two faculty positions in Isotope Geochemistry.       doing so, will establish an innovative, world-class      opportunities for collaboration both within the
Appointment will be at the assistant professor       externally-funded research program. It is expected       College of Earth and Energy and the broader
(tenure-track) or associate professor (tenured)      that, depending on the candidate hired, s/he will        University community.
level depending on qualifications. We seek col-      contribute to the geology curricula including               Review of applications will begin immedi-
leagues who are innovative in using isotopes to      introductory courses, field courses, undergradu-         ately, with on-campus interviews taking place
address fundamental problems in any domain           ate and graduate classes in sedimentology, Earth         in November 2017. The anticipated start date is
from the Earth’s deep interior to its surface envi-  surface processes, and courses developed in their        August 2018. The position will remain open until
ronments. Successful applicants will be expected     research focus area. The successful applicant will       filled. Members of the search committee will be
to contribute to the research and teaching mission   be expected to direct graduate student research at       available for in-person meetings during the 2017
of the department through the development of a       the M.S. and Ph.D. levels.                               GSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. Please con-
vibrant, internationally recognized and externally      For more information about the position, and          tact Dr. Shannon Dulin to schedule a meeting.
funded research program, and through teaching        to apply, please visit        Applicants are encouraged to apply at http://apply
courses at the undergraduate and graduate lev-       postings/25909.
els in geoscience. Successful candidates will be

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