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479207400); Permanent (https://www.usajobs and who is acquainted with the geologic evolu- advise students, and facilitate interdisciplinary
.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/479175100) tion of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. research.
• Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology: (3) has research interests designed to advance
Rotator ( fundamental understanding of processes in the Applicants should submit a letter of applica-
ear17003/ear17003.jsp?org=OCE) Earth’s surface and subsurface. tion, a curriculum vitae including a full list of
• Tectonics: Rotator ( (4) has a strong background in quantitative publications, a statement of research, a statement
pubs/2017/ear17004/ear17004.pdf) approaches such as GIS, numerical models, or of teaching interests, and four confidential letters
Position requirements and application proce- geoinformatics, and utilizes novel measurement of reference. Applications should be submitted
dures are located on the NSF Home Page at www techniques, models, and datasets. online at Appli- Hearing impaired The successful candidate is expected to have cations that arrive before November 1, 2017 will
individuals may call TDD 703-292-5090. Applica- research and teaching interests that can strengthen receive full consideration. For information regard-
tions must be received by November 9, 2017. departmental connections with other science pro- ing Yale Geology and Geophysics, visit our web
NSF is an Equal Opportunity Employer. grams at Colorado College (e.g. biology, chemis- site at Yale University is an
try, mathematics, physics, archaeology, and envi- Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR ronmental science). They are also expected to be Yale values diversity among its students, staff, and
GEOLOGY, CALIFORNIA STATE excited to spend extended time in the field and the faculty and strongly welcomes applications from
classroom engaging with highly motivated under- women, persons with disabilities, protected veter-
UNIVERSITY, BAKERSFIELD graduate students as both a teacher and mentor on ans, and underrepresented minorities.
The Dept. of Geological Sciences at California the Block Plan.
State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) invites The College is committed to increasing the FACULTY POSITION
applications for a tenure-track Assistant Profes- diversity of the college community. Further, Colo- CLIMATE SCIENCES, YALE UNIVERSITY
sor position beginning in Fall 2018. We seek a rado College is dedicated to the development of The Dept. of Geology & Geophysics at Yale Uni-
broadly trained geologist with applied research faculty and staff who are committed to inclusive versity invites applications for a tenure-track
and teaching interests. Preferred specializations practices in teaching, learning, and working. Can- Assistant Professor appointment in the broad area
include (but are not limited to) petrophysics, basin didates who can contribute to that goal are particu- of climate sciences. Relevant fields include (but
analysis, subsurface fluid dynamics, and geo- larly encouraged to apply. are not limited to) the physics and chemistry of the
physics. Teaching responsibilities will include a The College has a distinctive academic system atmosphere and ocean, climate change, paleocli-
course in petroleum geology, introductory geol- in which professors teach, and students take, one mate, and the dynamics of planetary and exoplan-
ogy, and upper-level undergraduate and graduate course at a time. Each block is three and a half etary atmospheres.
courses in the faculty member’s specialty. Review weeks long, with an academic year of eight and
of applications will begin December 1, 2017, and a half blocks. Maximum class size is 25 or fewer We seek candidates with outstanding prospects
continue until the position is filled. CSUB fos- students. Applicants should submit a cover let- for research, scholarly leadership, and teach-
ters and appreciates ethnic and cultural diversity ter, curriculum vitae, a statement of research and ing excellence who will complement the existing
among its faculty and students, and is committed teaching interests, evidence of teaching effective- strengths of the department. A successful appli-
to increasing the diversity of its faculty to reflect ness, sample of scholarly publications, and three cant will develop and implement independent,
the diversity of the campus community. Applica- letters of recommendation to: https://employment. externally-funded research programs, teach and
tions from women, ethnic minorities, veterans, advise students, and facilitate interdisciplinary
and individuals with disabilities are welcome. Review of applications will begin October 15, research.
The full announcement and instructions on how 2017 (we will have an information booth at GSA)
to apply can be found at:; and the deadline is November 15, 2017. If you Applicants should submit a letter of applica-
email: have any questions, please contact geology@ tion, a curriculum vitae including a full list of publications, a statement of research, a statement
TENURE TRACK EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: of teaching interests, and four confidential letters
ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Colorado College is an equal opportunity of reference. Applications should be submitted
employer committed to increasing the diversity online at Appli-
GEOLOGY, COLORADO COLLEGE of its community. We do not discriminate on the cations that arrive before November 1, 2017 will
MISSION: At Colorado College our goal is to pro- basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, receive full consideration. For information regard-
vide the finest liberal arts education in the country. religion, gender identity or expression, disability, ing Yale Geology and Geophysics, visit our web
Drawing upon the adventurous spirit of the Rocky or sexual orientation in our educational programs site at Yale University is an
Mountain West, we challenge students, one course and activities or our employment practices. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.
at a time, to develop those habits of intellect and Yale values diversity among its students, staff, and
imagination that will prepare them for learning FACULTY POSITION faculty and strongly welcomes applications from
and leadership throughout their lives. GEOCHEMISTRY, YALE UNIVERSITY women, persons with disabilities, protected veter-
The Dept. of Geology & Geophysics at Yale Uni- ans, and underrepresented minorities.
Title: Assistant or Associate Professor of versity invites applications for an open-rank fac-
Geology ulty appointment in the broad area of geochemis- TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT
try at the Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, PROFESSOR
Position Summary: or Professor level. Relevant fields include (but are
Colorado College is seeking applications for a not limited to) geochemical cycling, biogeochem- SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY
tenure-track faculty position at the rank of expe- istry, geomicrobiology, cosmology, planetary evo- TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY
rienced Assistant or Associate Professor. We seek lution, petrology, and Earth surface processes. The Dept. of Geosciences at Texas Tech University
a dynamic scientist with the following character- We seek candidates with outstanding prospects invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant
istics: for research, scholarly leadership, and teach- Professor position in the broader field of sedimen-
(1) has expertise in a subfield(s) of geology that ing excellence who will complement the existing tary geology to begin in fall 2018. Applicants who
complements, but does not overlap, those of strengths of the department. A successful appli- demonstrate skills in carbonate sedimentology,
current faculty members in the department. cant will develop and implement independent, paleoclimatology, basin analysis, or micropaleon-
Areas of expertise could include, but are not externally-funded research programs, teach and tology will be preferred. The ideal candidate will
limited to: geobiology, evolution of earth sys- employ a combination of field, laboratory and/
tems, hydrology, geochronology, geohazards, or computational techniques and be willing to
and environmental geophysics. participate in the development of petroleum-rele-
(2) has an educational and/or research program vant research and teaching programs in the univer-
that focuses in some part on geologic questions sity. The department has a broad array of in-house
in the Rocky Mountains/western United States, analytical equipment; interested applicants should
42 GSA Today | November 2017 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities