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tus, military service, genetic information, and dis-        Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity/            Several new state-of-the-art geochemistry labs
ability. As a religious educational institution, Bay-    affirmative action employer with a strong commit-        have been built and equipped with stable isotope
lor is lawfully permitted to consider an applicant’s     ment to diversity. In that spirit, we are particularly   ratio mass spectrometers, cavity ring down spec-
religion as a selection criterion. Baylor encourages     interested in receiving applications from a broad        trometers, GC-MS, ICP-MS, ICP-OES, electro-
women, minorities, veterans and individuals with         spectrum of people, including women, minorities,         chemical equipment, chromatographs (IC, HPLC,
disabilities to apply.                                   and individuals with disabilities, veterans or any       GC), spectroscopes, XRD, multisensor core scan-
                                                         other legally protected group.                           ner, and a full suite of wet chemical, solid state, and
       EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                                    biological lab and field equipment. Assistantships
         GEOSCIENCE INFORMATICS                          Opportunities for Students                               include salary, tuition remission, and health insur-
            DARTMOUTH COLLEGE                                                                                     ance. Indianapolis is a very affordable, livable, and
                                                         Doctoral Fellowship in Transdisciplinary Tec-            vibrant city with a wealth of outdoor, cultural, and
The Dept. of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth Col-            tonics at Utah State University. The Dept. of            sporting activities. Visit http://earthsciences.iupui.
lege invites applications for an assistant or associ-    Geology at USU seeks outstanding PhD applicants          edu/ and
ate rank tenure-track position in the area of earth      for a Presidential Doctoral Research Fellowship          degrees for additional information on our depart-
and environmental geoscience informatics with            pursuing research in tectonics, starting fall 2018.      ment and graduate degrees, respectively.
specific application to one or more of our core          This selective fellowship provides four years
research areas: ice and climate systems, watershed       of support in the form of a competitive stipend,         Graduate Student Opportunities at Case West-
and soil processes, or environmental (bio)geo-           tuition, and health benefits. Two research themes        ern Reserve University. Students with back-
chemistry. We are especially interested in candi-        in tectonics within the department are:                  grounds in geology, physics, chemistry, biology,
dates who combine a focus on understanding fun-          1. What controls fault zone and plate boundary           engineering, and related fields are encouraged to
damental physical and/or geochemical processes                                                                    apply for our Ph.D. and MS programs in Earth,
in modern or ancient systems using innovative               behavior through time? Critical to under-             Environmental, and Planetary Sciences. Areas of
analyses of big and/or broad datasets and to candi-         standing these processes are constraints on           active research in the department include plan-
dates who provide synergy with ongoing research             earthquake process, timing, and physics, char-        etary geology and geodynamics, planetary materi-
activities within the department and elsewhere at           acterization of Earth material properties and         als, high-pressure mineral physics and geochem-
Dartmouth.                                                  petrology, the role of fluids in fault slip, and the  istry, core and mantle processes, sedimentary
                                                            rheological evolution of the lithosphere.             geology, and sediment transport. For more infor-
   The Dept. of Earth Sciences is home to                2. What are the interactions among tectonics,            mation, please visit or write to
11 tenured and tenure-track faculty members in              surface processes, and landscape evolution?  Financial assistance is
the School of Arts and Sciences, and enjoys strong          Research in tectonic geomorphology and                available. Application deadline: 1/15/2018.
Ph.D. and M.S. programs as well as outstanding              geodynamics involves deep-Earth and near-
undergraduate majors. To create an atmosphere               surface/critical zone processes, drainage             Lindahl Ph.D. Scholarships: The University
supportive of research, Dartmouth College offers            analysis, and natural hazards.                        of Alabama, Dept. of Geological Sciences seeks
new faculty members grants for research-related             The Dept. of Geology at USU is field oriented,        Ph.D. students with specializations that comple-
expenses, a quarter of sabbatical leave for each         has a dynamic graduate program, and is located           ment faculty research interests. Exceptional stu-
three academic years in residence, and flexible          in northern Utah surrounded by excellent outdoor         dents will receive Research or Teaching Assistant-
scheduling of teaching responsibilities. We have         opportunities.                                           ships and a Lindahl Scholarship totaling $22,000
strong traditions in graduate and undergraduate             Visit for more informa-        for a nine month appointment, and the cost of
teaching, and the successful candidate will help         tion about our program and possible faculty men-         non-resident tuition is covered. Funding is renew-
develop curricular and research opportunities            tors, and contact for            able for 4 years if expectations are met. Other fel-
in the analysis of big and/or broad data. Teach-         questions. Applications are due January 8, 2018 at       lowships are available from the Graduate School.
ing responsibilities consist of three courses per                             Further details are at Applicants
year at both introductory and graduate-levels.                                                                    should contact Dr. Robinson ( to
To learn more about Dartmouth College and the            Graduate Assistantships at Indiana Univer-               express interest. Review of applications for Fall
Dept. of Earth Sciences, visit www.dartmouth             sity–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI).             2018 admission will begin January 15, 2018.
.edu/~earthsci.                                          With broad expertise in geosciences and par-
                                                         ticular strengths in Geochemistry, IUPUI’s Earth              Hiring?
   Dartmouth College has undergraduate and               Sciences department provides opportunities for
graduate student populations that are diverse by         graduate training and research in downtown India-             Find qualified geoscientists to fill
many measures. We seek applicants with a record          napolis. We offer an M.S. in Geology and Ph.D. in           vacancies. Use print issues of GSA
of successful teaching and mentoring of students         Applied Earth Sciences. The Ph.D. program pro-               Today and GSA’s Geoscience Job
from all backgrounds (including first-generation         vides opportunities for advanced interdisciplinary           Board (web). Bundle and save for
college students, low-income students, racial            research at the interface of earth sciences, public
and ethnic minorities, women, LGBTQ, etc.).              health, and geospatial analysis, and will prepare                    best pricing options.
Dartmouth provides opportunities to participate          graduates for solving important interdisciplinary
in undergraduate diversity initiatives in STEM           problems of the 21st century. Our interdisciplin-              That unique candidate is waiting
research, such as our Women in Science Program,          ary program welcomes individuals from diverse                             to be found.
E. E. Just STEM Scholars Program, and Academic           backgrounds in Geology, Environmental Science,
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience                 Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Engineering, Medi-
(ASURE).                                                 cal or Mathematics. Applicants will be consid-
                                                         ered for our Mirsky Fellowship, along with other
   To submit an application, upload a cover let-         teaching and research assistantships available in
ter, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and        the department for Fall 2018. The department has
research interests and objectives, reprints or pre-      14 full time faculty with active research programs
prints of up to three of your most significant pub-      in topics including aqueous and microbial geo-
lications, and the name, address (including street       chemistry, stable isotopes, paleoclimatology and
address), e-mail address and fax/phone numbers           global change, medical geology, surface and hard
of at least three references to http://apply.interfolio  rock geology, planetary geology, remote sensing,
.com/43899                                               biogeosciences, geomorphology and hydrology.

   Application review will begin November 1,
2017, and continue until the position is filled.

   The appointment will be effective July 1, 2018.

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