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visit the department website www.geosciences.ttu       courses and we welcome ideas from candidates                 Baylor seeks to fill the following tenure track
.edu/geo.php.                                          for ways in which they might develop courses that         faculty position within the College of Arts and
                                                       would cross traditional disciplinary lines and build      Sciences: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor,
   The successful candidate is expected to estab-      dynamic intellectual bridges between Geosciences          Paleobiology.
lish an innovative, externally funded academic         and other departments.
research program, teach and advise graduate and                                                                     The Baylor University Dept. of Geosciences
undergraduate students, and provide service to the        The Geosciences Dept.                ( seeks a dynamic
department, college, university and the commu-         Geoscience/ is committed to providing excellent           scholar to fill this position beginning August,
nity. A PhD in Geology or a closely related field is   training for future geoscientists, as well as teach-      2018. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Paleobiol-
required at the time of appointment.                   ing earth science as part of a balanced liberal arts      ogy, Paleontology, Geology, Ecology and Evolu-
                                                       education. Our department works closely with the          tionary Biology, or a closely related discipline. We
   Applicants must first visit the TTU employ-         Center for Environmental Studies ces.williams.            seek an individual with a research focus in aspects
ment website at Once        edu/, and the successful candidate will be expected       of biological paleontology such as invertebrate
there, go to “Search Jobs”, search for requisition     to mount courses that would be cross-listed with          paleontology, vertebrate paleontology, ichnology,
number 11599BR, and provide the required infor-        that program. The College is especially interested        palynology, micropaleontology, paleoecology,
mation. Afterwards, applicants must submit a let-      in candidates who can contribute to the growing           paleogeography, molecular paleontology, tapho-
ter of application, curriculum vitae, a statement of   diversity of the academic community through their         nomy, phylogeny, systematics, macroevolution,
teaching and research interests, names and contact     teaching, scholarship and service. Enthusiasm for         functional morphology, and other biological and
information (including e-mail address) of at least     teaching, mentoring and advising a diverse popula-        paleobiological processes and patterns. Regardless
three professional references. These documents         tion of students is essential.                            of research focus area, enthusiasm for interdisci-
must be uploaded to the employment website.                                                                      plinary research and cultivation of new collabora-
Inquiries regarding the position should be sent to        Applicants should have a Ph.D. or disserta-            tions is essential to this position. The successful Review of applications will      tion completed by the time of appointment, dem-           candidate will contribute to the undergraduate
begin November 27, 2017, and will continue until       onstrated teaching experience, and a vigorous             curriculum by teaching courses in historical geol-
the position is filled.                                research program suitable for undergraduate stu-          ogy and invertebrate paleontology and to the grad-
                                                       dent involvement. Deadline for applications is            uate programs (MS and PhD) in Geosciences by
   As an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affir-           30 November 2017. We welcome applications from            teaching graduate courses and seminars in his/her
mative Action employer, Texas Tech University          members of groups traditionally underrepresented          areas of specialization, establish and participate
is dedicated to the goal of building a culturally      in the field, and applicants are asked to state in their  in externally-funded research, and successfully
diverse faculty committed to teaching and work-        cover letter how they will enhance the diversity of       mentor M.S. and Ph.D. candidates to graduation.
ing in a multicultural environment. We actively        offerings and educational experiences if hired. All       The department currently consists of 18 tenured
encourage applications from all those who can          offers of employment are contingent upon comple-          and tenure-track geoscientists, and has consid-
contribute, through their research, teaching, and/     tion of a background check. Further information           erable analytical and computing facilities with
or service, to the diversity and excellence of the     is available here:             equipment including Stable Isotope, Gas Chro-
academic community at Texas Tech University.           prospective-faculty/background-check-policy/.             matograph, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, FTIR,
The university welcomes applications from minor-                                                                 and Raman Spectrometers. Additionally, shared
ities, women, protected veterans, persons with dis-       Candidates should apply via Interfolio (http://        Mass Spectrometry, Molecular Biosciences, and
abilities, and dual-career couples.           The letter of appli-         Microscopy and Imaging Centers are available.
                                                       cation should include a cover letter, statements of       Research space is available in the 500,000 ft2
         TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT                        teaching and research philosophy, curriculum vita,        “state-of-the-art” Baylor Sciences Building.
                     PROFESSOR                         and contact information for three references.
                                                                                                                    The application package for this position should
              WILLIAMS COLLEGE                            Williams College is a liberal arts institution         include a cover letter, current curriculum vitae,
The Geosciences Dept. at Williams College invites      located in the Berkshire Hills of western Mas-            official transcripts, reprints of three peer-reviewed
applications for a tenure-track appointment in the     sachusetts. The college has built its reputation          publications, separate statements of your research
broad field of climate science, at the rank of Assis-  on outstanding teaching and scholarship and on            plan and teaching philosophy, and the names
tant Professor, beginning 1 July 2018. We seek a       the academic excellence of its approximately              and contact information of three references. The
colleague committed to excellence in undergradu-       2,000 students. Please visit the Williams College         application package should be submitted elec-
ate teaching, who will provide a balance of class-     website ( Beyond meeting                tronically to: Dr. Daniel Peppe, Search Commit-
room, field, and laboratory experiences for our        fully its legal obligations for non-discrimination,       tee Chair, Dept. of Geosciences, One Bear Place
students, and develop a vibrant and productive         Williams College is committed to building a               #97354, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798-7354
research program that engages undergraduates.          diverse and inclusive community where members             USA (Telephone: +1-254-710-2629; email:daniel_
We are particularly interested in candidates who       from all backgrounds can live, learn, and thrive.
take an interdisciplinary approach to climate sci-
ence, and who will be likely to develop research                   ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                              Salary is commensurate with experience and
and teaching collaborations across departmental                        OF PALEOBIOLOGY                           qualifications. Applications will be reviewed
boundaries.                                                                                                      beginning 11/01/2017 and will be accepted until
                                                                     BAYLOR UNIVERSITY                           the position is filled. To ensure full consider-
   The successful candidate will teach three           Baylor University is a private Christian univer-          ation, complete applications must be submitted by
courses per year (lectures plus labs). Teaching        sity and a nationally ranked research institution,        11/17/2017.
responsibilities are likely to include an introduc-    consistently listed with highest honors among The
tory course in weather and climate, as well as         Chronicle of Higher Education’s “Great Colleges             To lear n more, please visit these links: www.baylor
higher-level courses based on the candidate’s          to Work For.” The university is recruiting new            .edu/geology/,,
interests. Examples of such courses include, but       faculty with a deep commitment to excellence in           and
are not limited to: climate system analysis and pre-   teaching, research and scholarship. Baylor seeks
diction; physical climatology; climate and society;    faculty who share in our aspiration to become a              Baylor University is a private not-for-profit
hydroclimatology; applied climatology; climate         tier one research institution while strengthening         university affiliated with the Baptist General Con-
engineering; climate dynamics; economics of cli-       our distinctive Christian mission as described in         vention of Texas. As an Affirmative Action/Equal
mate change; statistical analysis of climatologic      our strategic vision, Pro Futuris (        Opportunity employer, Baylor is committed to
data; GIS/remote sensing; environmental man-           profuturis/). As the world’s largest Baptist Univer-      compliance with all applicable anti-discrimination
agement; climate and policy; cryosphere-climate        sity, Baylor offers over 40 doctoral programs and         laws, including those regarding age, race, color,
interaction; or energy and the environment. Fac-       has almost 17,000 students from all 50 states and         sex, national origin, marital status, pregnancy sta-
ulty have broad latitude in developing their own       more than 80 countries.

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