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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Positions Open                                           Application Procedures: Candidates should sub-       tive culture and to fulfill our strong commitment
                                                      mit: (1) a letter of application including statement    to equity and inclusion through their research,
         TENURE TRACK ASSISTANT                       of teaching and research interests, (2) a curriculum    teaching, and/or service.
         PROFESSOR IN PETROLOGY                       vitae, (3) a list of possible references. Applications
                                                      should be submitted online through: https://jobs.          The University of Washington (UW) is located
              TULANE UNIVERSITY              A background check is required prior to        in the greater Seattle metropolitan area, and offers
The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences at      interviewing. Further information can be obtained       one of the most exceptional research and teach-
Tulane University invites applications for a tenure   on the departmental web page at http://www. eas.        ing environments in the United States. Seattle is
track faculty position in petrology, at the rank of or by calling +1-713-743-3399.                   a region of explosive growth, global trade, and
Assistant Professor. We seek a broad-based Earth                                                              technological advancement. It is also a cultural
scientist who complements current faculty exper-         The University of Houston is an Equal Oppor-         metropolis surrounded by the natural beauty of
tise and will build an externally funded research     tunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities,         the Pacific Northwest. Seattle offers a quality of
program that will attract high caliber Ph.D.-level    women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are      life that is among the highest in the country, with
graduate students. Possible areas of core expertise   encouraged to apply.                                    lakes and parks, walkability, bike lanes, and a
include, but are not limited to: igneous petrology,                                                           lively music and cultural scene. The UW serves
volcanology, high-temperature geochemistry,              The University of Houston is responsive to the       a diverse population of 80,000 students, faculty
metamorphic petrology and thermochronometry.          needs of dual career couples.                           and staff, including 25% first-generation college
Applicants must hold a doctorate in an appropriate                                                            students, over 25% Pell Grant students, and fac-
field and have a demonstrated ability to conduct         The University of Houston, with one of the           ulty from over 70 countries. The UW is a recipi-
outstanding research. We seek applicants com-         most diverse student bodies in the nation, seeks to     ent of a National Science Foundation ADVANCE
mitted to mentoring undergraduate and graduate        recruit and retain a diverse community of scholars.     Institutional Transformation Award to increase the
students; teaching duties are at both the gradu-                                                              advancement of women faculty in science, engi-
ate and undergraduate levels. For full consider-          FACULTY POSITION ASSISTANT OR                       neering, and math (
ation, applications should be received by January      ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN GEOLOGY                         advance).
15, 2018, but the position will remain open until
filled. Applications should include a curriculum            SUBDUCTION ZONE INITIATIVE                           The Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, located
vitae, research and teaching statements that artic-          UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON                         in the College of the Environment, has four broad
ulate how the mission of the department would be      The University of Washington (UW) seeks a geol-         and overlapping focus areas: the solid earth, sur-
enhanced, and the names and contact information       ogist with a compelling vision for subduction zone      face processes, geobiology, and space/planetary
of at least three references. Applications must be    research and the collaborative leadership skills        studies. The departmental community includes 41
submitted electronically via the following link:      to contribute to a new subduction zone initiative       research and teaching faculty, 110 graduate stu- Any inquiries may be      at UW. This faculty position is in the Dept. of         dents, and 200 undergraduate majors. The depart-
directed to Dr. Nancye Dawers, Dept. of Earth and     Earth & Space Sciences (ESS) of the College of          ment is home to USGS employees who study
Environmental Sciences, Tulane University, 6823       the Environment, and is expected to be at the rank      natural hazards in the Pacific Northwest. Several
St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118-5698          of Assistant Professor (tenure track) or Associate      centers and programs, closely linked to the depart-
( Further information about       Professor (with tenure). This position is a full-time   ment, allow for unparalleled interdisciplinary edu-
the department and university can be obtained at      position with an indefinite term and 9-month ser-       cational and research opportunities. These include Tulane University is an   vice period.                                            the School of Oceanography and other units in the
EEO/ADA/AA employer.                                     The new faculty member will be a geologist           College of the Environment; Departments of Civil
                                                      who studies the evolution of subduction systems         Engineering and Applied Mathematics; Quater-
  TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION                       through the interpretation of the rock record. Can-     nary Research Center (QRC); and Pacific North-
     SEDIMENTOLOGY/SEDIMENTARY                        didates should use geological field observations to     west Seismic Network (PNSN).
                                                      establish context for interpreting the rock record,
PETROLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON                      and combine these approaches with other analyti-           Application Instructions: https://ap.washington.
The Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at        cal, theoretical, or experimental techniques. We        edu/ahr/academic-jobs/position/aa25938/
the University of Houston invites applicants for      particularly encourage applicants who examine
a faculty appointment at the Assistant Professor      high-temperature processes, and who complement             To apply, please send a letter of interest, cur-
level in the broad areas of sedimentology and sedi-   existing strengths in ESS. We seek a colleague          riculum vitae with publication list, and the contact
mentary petrology. We encourage applicants with       whose research will connect with other scientists       information of 3 references. Applicants should
a research focus on any aspect of modern or ancient   in ESS and across the College. Candidates hired         also send three statements (1-2 pages each): (1) A
sedimentary systems who integrates field, labora-     at the Assistant Professor level should demonstrate     statement addressing research accomplishments,
tory, theoretical, and/or modeling approaches to      strong potential for collaborative, cross-disciplin-    as well as future research plans. (2) A statement
the study of sedimentary deposits.                    ary leadership contributing to a subduction zone        discussing teaching and mentoring philosophy,
                                                      initiative; candidates hired at the Associate Profes-   teaching effectiveness, and potential contribu-
   The successful candidate will join a department    sor level should have a record of leadership.           tions to teaching field geology and earth materials.
of 32 tenure-track faculty with diverse expertise        Applicants should demonstrate the potential          (3) A statement on their past or potential contribu-
in tectonics, petroleum geology, exploration          for or a track record of externally funded inter-       tions to diversity, equity, and inclusion (seehttp://
geophysics, isotope geochemistry, remote              nationally recognized research, commensurate            w w w.w a s h i n g t o n .e d u /d ive r sit y/d ive r sit y- blu e -
sensing, and anticipated growth in the study of       with experience, and show potential for high qual-      print/), including advocacy for identity groups
sedimentology/sedimentary petrology. The suc-         ity teaching in our undergraduate and graduate          other than their own.
cessful candidate will be expected to build a         programs. Specifically, the faculty member must
vigorous externally funded research program and       contribute to the undergraduate curriculum in              Electronic materials (.pdf) should be sent to
demonstrate productivity via peer-reviewed publi-     Earth Materials/Mineralogy and Field Geology,  with “Subduction Zone Faculty
cation. Candidates will also be expected to teach at  and should demonstrate the ability to attract and       Search: [Your Name]” in the subject line. Consid-
both the undergraduate and graduate levels as well    effectively advise excellent research students.         eration of applications will begin immediately and
as to mentor M.S. and Ph.D. students. We expect to    Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or foreign equivalent.     continue until the position is filled. Preference will
fill this position by August, 2018. Candidates must      The UW promotes diversity and inclusivity            be given to applications received prior to January 2,
have a Ph.D. in Earth Science or a related field at   among our students, faculty, and staff and the          2018. Questions pertaining to the application pro-
the time of the appointment. We will begin review-    public. We seek applicants who are committed to         cess or potential disability accommodations can
ing applications by December 1, 2017.                 these principles. Applicants should demonstrate         be addressed to Scott Dakins (
                                                      the potential to support ESS’s collegial, collabora-    Questions about the position can be addressed to

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