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Northwestern University Graduate Student                Hiring?                              URBAN METRO
Opportunities The Dept. of Earth and Planetary                                               TRAVEL GRANT
Sciences at Northwestern University invites appli-    Find qualified geoscientists to fill
cations for fall 2018 from prospective doctoral      vacancies. Use print issues of GSA                TO
candidates interested in the fields of planetary     Today and GSA’s Geoscience Job            NEGSA 2018
science, climate change, geobiology, paleolimnol-    Board (web). Bundle and save for
ogy, sedimentary geochemistry and earth system                                              Application deadline: 23 Feb.
history, radiogenic and stable isotope geochem-              best pricing options.
istry, stratigraphy and paleoecology, geophysics                                              Do you work full-time or care for
and natural hazard, carbon biogeochemistry and         That unique candidate is waiting     dependents while earning your under-
stratigraphy. Our program guarantees five years                   to be found.              graduate degree? You may be eligible
of competitive financial support. The deadline for                                          to apply for a travel award to attend
applications is December 20, 2017, but consider-                                            the Northeastern Section Meeting
ation after the deadline will continue for candi-                                           (NEGSA), 18–20 March 2018 in
dates with excellent credentials. Applicants should                                         Burlington, Vermont, USA. Check the
visit for submission                                             student tab on the Northeastern
instructions. AA/EOE. Northwestern Univer-                                                  Section website (
sity is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action                                            ne-mtg) for eligibility guidelines and
Employer of all protected classes including veter-                                          an application. If you have questions,
ans and individuals with disabilities. Women and                                            please email Tahlia Bear at tbear@
minorities are encouraged to apply.                                               

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                                                      “I would like to add to this very interesting discussion.” —Georges Pardo

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