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Make an Impact with Your
Year-End Giving

FINISHING STRONG—Your Giving Makes Our Mission Possible

The GSA Foundation is extremely thankful to                  forward on their career paths. Field camp is considered
            all of our friends and donors who have con-      indispensable to many employers and is a foundational
            tributed time, resources, ideas, and financial   experience in developing necessary skills. Your support is
            support toward the Geological Society of         the sole reason we can provide this important assistance
America’s programs in 2017.                                  next year. This is perhaps the year’s proudest display of
                                                             GSA members’ dedication and commitment to ensuring
  Your contributions helped provide graduate students        the next generations of geoscientists, and we thank you for
with a means to pursue their research: This year, a          making this possible.
record-setting 785 student research proposals resulted in
395 awards totaling nearly US$700,000.                         If you have not yet, please consider making a year-end
                                                             contribution to a program that is important to you. For
  Your support of GSA’s On To the Future program             every 15 people who make a US$100 year-end gift, we can
enabled 73 students to attend their first GSA Annual         offer another On To the Future scholarship next year. If just
Meeting in Seattle this past October, with nearly            10 people contribute US$200 each before the new year, we
US$52,000 distributed for travel support, meeting registra-  can offer one more field camp scholarship. Perhaps you
tions, and one year of GSA membership for participants.      have the good fortune to be able to contribute the full
                                                             amount for either of these, but your collective participation
  Thanks to you, GSAF and GSA will be able to provide        with any contribution amount can make a tremendous dif-
field camp scholarships next spring, which help students     ference. You can also set up recurring monthly donations.
attend a field camp of their choice. In light of continuing  Go to to make your year-end
challenges for some of our supporting industries, this was   gift to GSA programs by 31 December in time for a 2017
a remarkable response from many of you to continue an        charitable tax deduction.
invaluable program that propels aspiring geologists                                                                                                             37
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