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please contact Rhonda McKay at rlmckay2@               an inclusive hiring process and the welcoming of       ter understand provenance of groundwater solvent                                            diverse candidates.                                    and solute sources and processes, Environmental
                                                                                                              Geochemistry, Contaminant Hydrology, Ground-
   UA is an AA/EO employer and educational                       TENURE-TRACK FACULTY                         water Contaminant Geochemistry, and Critical
institution and prohibits illegal discrimina-                      PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY                         Zone Geochemistry. Research that interfaces with
tion against any individual:                                                                  the broad area of biogeochemistry and chemical
nondiscrimination.                                              UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY                        hydrogeology is highly desirable. Along with post-
                                                          OREM, UTAH. The Dept. of Earth Science              doctoral research this position also requires teach-
  TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION                        at Utah Valley University (UVU) invites appli-         ing 2 sections of Introductory Geology course per
     NEAR-SURFACE GEOPHYSICS OR                        cations for a full-time, tenure-track position         semester. A detailed advertisement for the posi-
         SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY                         in Physical Geography, to begin August 2018.           tion is located:
         UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY                        The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in          job/502098/fellow-post-doc-geology
                                                       physical geography, expertise in remote sensing,
OREM, UTAH. The Dept. of Earth Science at              applied research projects in physical geography,          Screening of applications begins Feb 1, 2018
Utah Valley University (UVU) invites applications      and a demonstrated commitment to excellence            and continues until the position is filled. Full con-
for a tenure-track position to begin August 2018.      in teaching. Responsibilities will include teach-      sideration will be given to applications received
We seek a talented and committed educator with         ing introductory geography courses and upper           by Feb 15, 2018. Kansas State University is an
expertise in sedimentary petrology, near-surface       division courses in the candidate’s area of exper-     EOE of individuals with disabilities and protected
geophysics, or geophysics applied to engineering       tise, including remote sensing, as well as engag-      veterans. Kansas State University actively seeks
geology. The successful candidate must have a          ing in scholarship, supervision of undergraduate       diversity among its employees. Background check
Ph.D. in geology or a closely related field at the     research, activity in professional organizations,      required.
time of appointment. Responsibilities will include     and service.
teaching introductory level geoscience courses,           UVU is a growing comprehensive state univer-          TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION
supervision of undergraduate research, possible        sity with over 30,000 students and strong support           GEOLOGY AND/OR GEOSCIENCE
development of new upper division course(s) in         for undergraduate research. The Dept. of Earth              EDUCATION, CALIFORNIA STATE
the successful applicant’s area of expertise, and      Science consists of a 13 full-time faculty, excel-              UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO
service to the institution. Excellent teaching skills  lent facilities, and new Geography programs,
and a strong commitment to effective teaching and      including a Certificate of GIS starting in the fall    The Geology Dept. in the College of Natural
undergraduate research are necessary.                  of 2017 and B.S. degree submitted to the State         Sciences and Mathematics at California State
                                                       Board of Regents. The department also offers B.S.      University, Sacramento invites applications for a
   UVU, located in Orem, Utah, is a fast-growing       programs in Geology, Environmental Science &           tenure-track Assistant Professor of Geology and/
comprehensive state institution of higher educa-       Management, and Earth Science Education. UVU           or Geoscience Education to begin August 2018.
tion with over 36,000 students and strong sup-         is located at the foot of the Wasatch Mountains,       Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in geology or related
port for engaged learning. The university sits         45 minutes south of downtown Salt Lake City. The       field by August 2018. The ideal candidate will be a
at the western front of the Wasatch Mountains,         area offers outstanding outdoor recreation oppor-      specialist in geodesy, earth materials, engineering
with superb opportunities for field-based teach-       tunities and a vibrant cultural scene including        geology, soils, or surface water. We will consider
ing and research. The Dept. of Earth Science           highly acclaimed ballet, symphony and outdoor          other specialties that fit the needs of the depart-
has a 13-member faculty with a strong record of        concert series.                                        ment. The successful candidate will embrace the
mentoring undergraduate research and offers B.S.          For more information, please visit www.uvu          opportunity to teach general education courses to
programs in Geology, Environmental Science &           .edu/earthscience and/or contact the search com-       a diverse student population, conduct a research
Management, and Earth Science Education. It has        mittee co-chairs, Hilary Hungerford (hilary.           program that involves undergraduate and gradu-
excellent facilities, including a GEODE seismo- and Nathan Toké (Nathan.           ate geology students, and be a fully engaged par-
graph, XRF, ICP-OES, SEM (EDX and CL-capa-    To apply and for details on             ticipant in a small, collegial department. Enthusi-
ble), petrographic teaching microscopes, electrical    application requirements, please visit www.uvu.        asm and a commitment to teaching and mentoring
resistivity and magnetometer instruments, as well      jobs. Applications will be evaluated beginning         are essential. Salary will be dependent on qualifi-
as a range of other geochemical, remote sensing,       12/17/17. Utah Valley University is an Affirma-        cations and professional experience. Screening of
surveying, and computing resources. The depart-        tive Action/ Equal Opportunity/ Equal Access           applications will begin January 15, 2018; position
ment also has strong ties to the University of Utah,   Employer. Employment decisions are made on the         open until filled. For the full vacancy announce-
Brigham Young University, Utah State University,       basis of an applicant’s qualifications and ability to  ment, please visit
local industry and governmental organizations.         perform the job without regard to race, color, reli-   postings/2162.
                                                       gion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gen-
   UVU is located in the Provo-Orem metropoli-         der identity, gender expression, age (40 and over),                  FACULTY POSITIONS
tan area, which has a population of over 500,000       disability, veteran status, pregnancy, childbirth,           DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES
and excellent access to numerous outdoor rec-          or pregnancy-related conditions, genetic informa-           NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY
reational activities such as snow sports, hiking,      tion, or other bases protected by applicable federal,  The Dept. of Geosciences at NTU is seeking active
mountain biking, kayaking, fishing, and hunt-          state, or local law.                                   scientists to fill two faculty positions starting from
ing. Salt Lake City is 45 minutes north by high-                                                              August 1st, 2018. The positions are open to candi-
speed commuter rail and has a major airport and a      TWO-YEAR POST-DOCTORAL POSITION                        dates from all fields in geosciences, but those who
vibrant cultural scene including highly acclaimed       LOW TEMPERATURE GEOCHEMISTRY                          have strong background in the fields of petrology
ballet, outdoor concert series, professional sports                                                           and geochemistry, geo-resources, energy explora-
and more (see and www.                      KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY                       tion, stratigraphy, sedimentology, structural geol- In addition, Utah boasts world     The Dept. of Geology at Kansas State University        ogy and hydro- and applied geology will receive
famous National Parks and Monuments. For more          invites applications for a post-doctoral position      more favorable consideration. Applicants are
information, please see      for up to two years beginning in August 2018. The      requested to submit the following documents: CV,
science/ or contact Michael Bunds at michael.          successful candidate’s research will emphasize         list of publications, statements of teaching and                                         Low temperature aqueous geochemistry. Antici-          research interests, names and contact information
                                                       pated areas of specialization could include at least   of three referees, and three to five articles pub-
   To apply, please visit        one of the following: Application of Stable Isotope    lished within the last seven years (one of which
postings/3579. Applications will be evaluated          Systematics in Hydrochemistry, Rare Earth Ele-         need to be designated as representative paper and
beginning 1/5/18.                                      ment Geochemistry in Groundwater Flow Sys-             must be published after August 1st, 2013). Appli-
                                                       tems, Use of inorganic and organic tracers to bet-     cation materials should be sent by email to Profes-
   Utah Valley University is an Equal Opportu-
nity Employer/Veterans/Disabled/Equal Access
Employer. Utah Valley University is committed to

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