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Associate Professor Katharine Huntington, search       to develop (Assistant-level), or expand upon (Asso-    learning and professional development experi-
committee chair (                        ciate-level) a rigorous, externally funded research    ences including science communication through
                                                       program, supervise graduate students at both the       our program with the Alan Alda Center for Com-
   This position is a full-time position with an       master’s and doctoral levels, and teach both gradu-    municating Science, grant writing through work-
indefinite term and 9-month service period.            ate and undergraduate classes. Preference will be      shops, and undergraduate mentorship through our
Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or foreign equiva-        given to applicants with research interests in one or  summer internship program.
lent. All University of Washington faculty engage      more of the following sub-disciplines: hydroclima-
in teaching, research and service. The University      tology; interactions among groundwater, surface           Please visit
of Washington is an affirmative action and equal       water and atmosphere; hydrogeochemistry; inno-         node/3223 for a complete description of the job
opportunity employer. All qualified applicants         vative means of characterizing water resources;        and how to apply.
will receive consideration for employment without      and/or ecohydrology and geobiologic impacts on
regard to race, religion, color, sex, sexual orienta-  water resources. Research approaches may include               TENURE-TRACK, ASSISTANT
tion, gender identity, gender expression, national     analytical, numerical, field, remote sensing and/or
origin, age, protected veterans or disabled status,    experimental techniques. The position requires a                OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
or genetic information.                                Ph.D. in an appropriate earth science discipline
                                                       from a regionally accredited college or university.            MINERALOGY & PETROLOGY
          ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN                       Salary will be competitive with those at similarly
     POTENTIAL FIELDS GEOPHYSICS                       situated institutions. Position is contingent upon       UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS
      THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA                        funding.                                               University of Alaska Fairbanks Dept. of Geosci-
The Dept. of Geological Sciences at The Univer-                                                               ences is seeking an Assistant/Associate Profes-
sity of Alabama (UA) invites applications for a           Application materials must include a cover          sor of Mineralogy & Petrology. This position is a
tenure-track faculty position in potential fields      letter, curriculum vitae, proposed research plans      9 month, tenure track position to begin in August
geophysics. This position will begin August 2018       (five page limit), statement of teaching philosophy    2018.
and will be filled at the Assistant Professor level.   and interests (two page limit), and contact infor-
Candidates who specialize in potential fields          mation for at least five referees. Review of candi-       We encourage applications from mineralogists
(gravity, magnetics, electricity, and/or electro-      dates’ materials will begin on January 10, 2018.       and/or petrologists with experience in igneous
magnetism), including data acquisition, process-       Materials should be addressed to Dr. Elisabeth         petrology. Specific areas of research and teaching
ing, and interpretation, with research interests in    Hausrath, Search Committee Chair, and submitted        focus can include, but are not limited to: intrusive
near-surface, environmental, hydrologic, explo-        at For assistance with      igneous rocks and structures; economic geology;
ration, and solid-earth geophysics are invited to      UNLV’s online applicant portal, contact UNLV           petrology and/or geochemistry of volcanic arcs;
apply. It is expected that this position will enhance  Employment Services at (702) 895-3504 or appli-        and/or geochronology. We seek a colleague who
UA research focused on water, energy, and the                                 will complement and collaborate with existing fac-
environment with an emphasis on hydrogeology,                                                                 ulty in the department who specialize in volcanol-
petroleum systems, and/or tectonics. Candidates           EEO/AA/Vet/Disability Employer.                     ogy, structural geology, metamorphic petrology,
must have a strong record of research and teach-                                                              and economic geology.
ing, and they must have received a Ph.D. in geol-          AFFILIATE PROFESSOR, GEOLOGY
ogy, geophysics, or a related field by the time of       GRAND VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY                           The successful candidate is expected to show
their appointment. The successful candidate will       The Geology Dept. at Grand Valley State Uni-           strong interest in and aptitude for teaching at the
be expected to establish a vigorous, externally        versity invites applications for an affiliate faculty  undergraduate and graduate levels. The position
funded research program and to attract and advise      position to begin in the Fall 2018. For more infor-    will include teaching, mineralogy, petrology, and
high-quality graduate students. Teaching respon-       mation about the responsibilities of the position,     introductory courses as part of our undergraduate
sibilities will include undergraduate and gradu-       please visit   geoscience curriculum, the opportunity to con-
ate courses in his/her specialty and introductory      At least an M.S. in Geosciences with teaching          tribute to the UAF Geology Field Camp, and the
geology. The department has a broad range of geo-      experience is required.                                potential to teach other courses in the candidate’s
physical and computational facilities, in addition        Apply online at Attach a letter of   area of specialty. Establishment of an externally
to University-shared facilities. Details regarding     application, vitae, statement of teaching philoso-     funded research program and attraction of excel-
existing research programs, equipment and facili-      phy and the names and contact information of at        lent graduate students to attend UAF is an impor-
ties, and departmental activities can be found at      least three references familiar with your teach-       tant component of the position. Development of                                 ing. Review of applications to begin December          a research program in Alaska is strongly encour-
   Questions should be directed to Dr. Fred Andrus     18, 2017, and continue until the position is filled.   aged. Candidates with field research experience
( Applicants should go to https://     Contact Figen Mekik ( with             and expertise in analytical research methods uti- to electroni-        any questions. The Geology department website          lizing the electron microprobe and other instru-
cally apply for this position. When submitting an      may be found at Grand            ments housed by our Advanced Instrumentation
application, candidates must provide a cover let-      Valley is an affirmative action, equal opportunity     Lab are strongly encouraged to apply.
ter, CV, research and teaching statements, and a       institution.
list with the contact information for at least three                                                             Candidates will hold a Ph.D. in geosciences
references. Applications will be reviewed start-             NUTRIENT BIOGEOCHEMISTRY                         or a related field with commitment to excellence
ing December 1, 2017 and will continue until the                 CATCHMENT HYDROLOGY                          in teaching and research involving undergradu-
position is filled. The University of Alabama is an             AND LIMNOLOGY POSTDOC                         ates, and who will maintain an active research
Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer                    UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT                        program.
and actively seeks diversity in its employees.
                                                       Vermont EPSCoR is recruiting a postdoctoral               Applicants must provide statements of research
 HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES                         associate to join our cutting-edge NSF-funded          and teaching interests; curriculum vitae; an exam-
   ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR                       research on Basin Resilience to Extreme Events         ple of their published research; and the names
  UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS                      (BREE). We are continuing a five-year interdis-        and contact information of three people who can
                                                       ciplinary research project, which studies Lake         provide letters of recommendation. For com-
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Geoscience         Champlain Basin landscape, watershed and lake          plete position information and to apply visit our
Dept. seeks to recruit an Assistant or Associate       condition responses to extreme weather events.         UA Careers site (posting 508082). http://careers
Professor in the field of Hydrology and Water          Policy scenarios for enhancing resilience are tested   . a l a s k a .e d u /c w/e n - u s /job /50 8 0 82?l A p pl ic a t io n
Resources [18545] as a tenure-track or tenured         using our comprehensive Integrated Assessment          SubSourceID=.
appointment. The successful candidate is expected      Model (IAM). As a member of the BREE team,
                                                       the successful candidate will benefit from unique         Please visit us at the Fall AGU meeting. Appli-
                                                                                                              cants are encouraged to visit us on the web http://
                                                                                                     to learn more about the College
                                                                                                              of Natural Science & Mathematics and the Geo-
                                                                                                              sciences program. Review of applications will
                                                                                                              begin December 21, 2017. For more information,

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