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sor J. Bruce H. Shyu, the Chair of the Searching 1. What controls fault zone and plate bound- geologic units throughout the ice-free regions of
Committee, at ary behavior through time? Critical to under- Antarctica. As part of a large collaborative and
standing these processes are constraints on federally funded project, the student will also work
Deadline for application: December 15th, 2017. earthquake process, timing, and physics, char- closely with researchers, computer programmers,
For more information, please refer to the website: acterization of Earth material properties and and students at collaborating institutions. A suc- petrology, the role of fluids in fault slip, and the cessful candidate will have a strong background
rheological evolution of the lithosphere. in surface geology, remote sensing, geographic
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR information systems, and/or geologic mapping.
STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2. What are the interactions among tectonics, Prior research experience and computer program-
TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY surface processes, and landscape evolution? ming skills are preferred.
The Dept. of Chemistry, Geosciences, and Phys- Research in tectonic geomorphology and geo-
ics at Tarleton State University, in Stephenville, dynamics involves deep-Earth and near-sur- The student will become a member of the
Texas, invites applications for an Assistant Pro- face/critical zone processes, drainage analysis, dynamic and evolving Dept. of Physics & Astron-
fessor tenure-track position in structural geology and natural hazards. omy at Northern Arizona University. With a grow-
to start Fall 2018. The successful candidate will The Dept. of Geology at USU is field oriented, ing emphasis on planetary sciences, students in
support the geosciences program through engag- this program develop a deep understanding of
ing, student-centered teaching, develop an active has a dynamic graduate program, and is located planetary formation and evolution, remote sens-
research program that involves undergraduates, in northern Utah surrounded by excellent outdoor ing, spectroscopy, and planetary surface processes.
and actively contribute to service and outreach opportunities. Ph.D. students benefit from a full tuition waiver,
initiatives that advance the department, college, a competitive stipend, and have the opportunity to
and university. Candidates will be expected to Visit for more informa- participate in the campus healthcare plan. Northern
instruct the following courses: Structural Geol- tion about our program and possible faculty men- Arizona University is located in beautiful Flag-
ogy, Plate Tectonics, Basin Analysis, Physical tors, and contact for staff, Arizona, a four-season town located at the
Geology, Natural Disasters, and other courses as questions. Applications are due January 8, 2018, at base of the San Francisco peaks and 70 miles from
deemed fitting. All submissions must be made the Grand Canyon. The Dept. of Physics & Astron-
electronically through Tarleton’s employment site, omy is home to a friendly, engaging, and welcom- Review of applications Graduate Student Opportunities at Case West- ing environment for individuals of all races, eth-
will begin February 1, 2018, and continue until the ern Reserve University. Students with back- nicities, sexual orientations, and world views.
position is filled. Tarleton State University is an grounds in geology, physics, chemistry, biology,
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Veterans/ engineering, and related fields are encouraged to Applications are due by December 15, 2017.
Disability Employer. As a member of The Texas apply for our Ph.D. and MS programs in Earth, Interested students should contact Dr. Salvatore
A&M System, Tarleton will provide equal oppor- Environmental, and Planetary Sciences. Areas of directly ( prior to sub-
tunity for employment to all persons regardless of active research in the department include plan- mitting an application.
race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, dis- etary geology and geodynamics, planetary materi-
ability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual als, high-pressure mineral physics and geochem- MS Graduate Student Opportunities, Ohio
orientation or gender identity and will strive to istry, core and mantle processes, sedimentary University. The Dept. of Geological Sciences at
achieve full and equal employment opportunity geology, and sediment transport. For more infor- Ohio University invites applications to its gradu-
through The Texas A&M System. mation, please visit or write to ate program for the Fall of 2018. The department
Required Qualification: Candidates must hold a Financial assistance is offers thesis and non-thesis MS degrees in Geo-
Ph.D. in structural geology or a related field. ABD available. Application deadline: 1/15/2018. logical Sciences with areas of emphasis in three
status may be considered as long as all degree research clusters: paleobiology and sedimentary
requirements, including dissertation, defense of Ph.D. Student, Antarctic Geosciences and geology, solid earth and planetary dynamics, and
dissertation, and comprehensive examinations, Remote Sensing, Northern Arizona University. environmental and surficial processes. Prospec-
have been successfully completed by time of Satellite imagery is rapidly transforming the way tive students are encouraged to contact faculty
appointment- September 1, 2018. Candidates must we see the planet, including our ability to study directly to discuss potential research topics. Quali-
have the ability to apply and teach in a dynamic the most remote parts of the Arctic and Antarc- fied students are eligible to receive teaching or
field environment. In addition, candidates must tic. Satellite imagery can help us map networks research assistantships that carry a full tuition
demonstrate potential for outstanding teaching, of rivers, study changes in the flow and thickness scholarship and a competitive stipend. For addi-
potential to develop an active research program of glaciers, identify rock and soil types, and even tional program and application information, visit
that involves students, and strong verbal and writ- find animals like penguins and seals. Because the the department website at
ten communication skills. availability of imagery in polar areas has increased cas/geology or contact the graduate chair, Dr.
Preferred Qualifications: Ability to teach addi- rapidly over the last decade, we are now faced Daniel Hembree ( Review of
tional courses from wider background is preferred, with a challenge: How do we scale-up the scien- applications begins February 1, 2018.
but not essential. A candidate whose research com- tific discoveries that have been enabled by satel-
pliments a growing concentration in petroleum lite imagery to larger spatial scales? Moving from Graduate Research Opportunities at Purdue
geology, particularly those focusing on regional small pilot-studies to pan-Arctic or pan-Antarctic University. The Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric,
or basin-scale tectonics, petroleum exploration, or analyses of geological and biological processes and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) at Purdue Univer-
subsurface fracturing and fluid flow is ideal. requires new infrastructure to link scientists, sat- sity is looking for enthusiastic and self-motivated
ellite imagery, and high performance computers. graduate students for a variety of research proj-
Opportunities for Students This new imagery-computing superhighway will ects in Geology and Geophysics, and Planetary,
make it easier for scientists to study processes at Environmental, and Atmospheric Sciences. As a
Doctoral Fellowship in Transdisciplinary Tec- much larger spatial scales than has been previously multidisciplinary department within the College
tonics at Utah State University. The Dept. of possible. Our project, called ICEBERG—Imagery of Science, EAPS draws students from a variety
Geology at USU seeks outstanding Ph.D. appli- Cyberinfrastructure and Extensible Building- of STEM backgrounds. We offer 4 years of guar-
cants for a Presidential Doctoral Research Fellow- Blocks to Enhance Research in the Geosciences, anteed financial support and a variety of fellow-
ship pursuing research in tectonics, starting fall aims to build the cyberinfrastructure required to ships. Students with demonstrated academic and
2018. This selective fellowship provides four years make the most of satellite imagery for geosciences. research excellence are invited to explore funded
of support in the form of a competitive stipend, graduate opportunities at http://www.eaps.purdue
tuition, and health benefits. Two research themes Dr. Mark Salvatore is seeking applications for a .edu/gradresearch. Come see our booth (905) at
in tectonics within the department are: Ph.D. student to start in the Fall of 2018. The stu- AGU.
dent will work with high-resolution multispectral
satellite data to identify, characterize, and map 35