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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities
          Positions Open
                                             courses over a wide range of geoscience topics, par-  on required and desired attributes, skills and charac-
                                             ticularly courses in stratigraphy, sedimentology, and   teristics of the successful candidate can be found at
               TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT/       basin analysis.          
            TENURED ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR        The department has one of the largest com-  Interested candidates should electronically sub-
                 IN CLIMATE SCIENCE,         bined graduate and undergraduate enrollments   mit their application consisting of: 1) a cover letter, 2)
            UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN    of any Earth science program in North America   a current curriculum vitae, 3) a research statement,
          The Dept. of Geological Sciences (DGS) at The    and is located in a thriving metropolitan area with   4) a teaching statement, 5) a diversity statement,
          University of Texas at Austin invites applications    a dynamic, multicultural community of over 1     and 6) complete contact information for at least four
          for  a  tenure-track  Assistant  or  tenured  Associate    million people. Further information about DGS    references  to  Missouri  S&T’s  Human  Resources
          Professor in the broad area of climate science.    is available at The    Office at: using
          The successful candidate willdevelop a high-quality   University of Texas at Austin is an Equal    Reference Number 00072548. Acceptable electronic
          research program that could include weather-  Opportunity Employer with a commitment to   formats are PDF and MS Word. Applications will
          climate interactions, climate extremes, biogeo-  diversity at all levels.  be reviewed as they are received and the review of
          chemical cycles, sea level rise, and/or paleoclimate.   Review application requirements and submit   applications will continue until the position is filled.
          Approaches involving observations, theory, field   electronic copies of these materials online at https://  For full consideration, applicants must apply by
          experiments, or modeling are all welcome. We are Applicant review will   November 25, 2018. For more information prior to
          especially interested in candidates who will expand   begin on Nov 1, 2018, and continue until the position   submitting an application, please contact the Search
          and  complement  existing  strengths  in  climate   is filled.        Committee Chair, Dr. Katherine Grote at grotekr@
          science within the department and across the Uni-  FACULTY POSITION
          versity. The selected candidate will be a committed   GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,    Missouri S&T is an AA/EEO employer and does
          educator, enthusiastically teaching undergraduate   MISSOURI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE    not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national
          and graduate courses and will be able to interact     & TECHNOLOGY    origin, ancestry, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual
          in teaching and research with colleagues having                       orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age,
          complimentary interests at The University of Texas  disability, protected veteran status, or any other
          at Austin. In addition, the applicant is expected to   The Dept. of Geosciences and Geological and Petro-  status protected by applicable state or federal law.
          have a commitment to student supervision and   leum Engineering (GGPE) at Missouri S&T is seeking   Females,  minorities, and  persons  with disabilities
          advising of both graduate and undergraduate stu-  outstanding applicants for a tenure track, open rank   are encouraged to apply. The university participates
          dents in research.                 faculty position in Geological Engineering special-  in E-Verify. For more information on E-Verify,
            The  department  has  one  of  the  largest  com-  izing in “Big Earth Data”. We seek a candidate with   please contact DHS at 1-888-464-4218.
          bined graduate and undergraduate enrollments of   expertise in Big Earth Data, including possible areas
          any Earth science program in North America and   such as Geo-computing (machine learning, artificial   ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE
          is located in a thriving metropolitan area with a   intelligence, programming, etc.), Geoanalytics,   RESEARCH HYDROGEOLOGISTS,
                                             Geostatistics, and Earth modeling. Preference will be
          dynamic, multicultural community of over 1 million   given to applicants who specialize in the collection,   MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES
          people. Further information about DGS is available   synthesis, and analysis of large datasets applied to   AND GEOLOGY
          at The University of Texas   topics such as geohazards, renewable energy, geoen-  The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (MBMG)
          at Austin is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a   vironmental and water  resources, geomechanics,   seeks one or more Assistant or Associate Research
          commitment to diversity at all levels.  and space/planetary systems. Successful  candidates   Hydrogeologists to conduct groundwater research
            Review application requirements and submit                          as part of the MBMG Ground Water Investigations
          electronic copies of these materials online at https://  will be expected to have strong commitments to (a)   Program (GWIP), based in Butte, Montana. The suc-
                                             contributing to the departmental and college research
 Applicant review will   efforts, (b) high-quality teaching both at the under-  cessful applicant will develop groundwater models
          begin on Nov 1, 2018, and continue until the position   graduate and graduate levels on topics such as com-  to address land-use change, stream depletion, and
          is filled.                                                            aquifer recharge in MT. For more information about
                                             puter applications in earth science and engineering   the MBMG, visit its website at www.mbmg.mtech.
                  ENDOWED CHAIR IN           and statistics for geologists and engineers, (c) service
                SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY,         in the applicant’s professional community and our   edu . For more information regarding the position and
                                                                                application procedures, visit http://montanatechuni-
            UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN    institution, and (d) increasing the diversity of both the .
          The Dept. of Geological Sciences in the Jackson   student body and faculty. Applicants must hold a Ph.D.
          School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at   in geological engineering or a closely related field by   ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY
          Austin is seeking an Endowed Chair in Sedimentary   the appointment start date. Eligibility for professional   CALIFORNIA STATE
          Geology to fill a tenured position at the full professor   engineering registration is considered an asset.   UNIVERSITY, BAKERSFIELD
          level. We seek a creative individual who has an inno-  Missouri S&T is one of the nation’s leading   The Dept. of Geological Sciences at California State
          vative research program in sedimentary geology and   research universities. Located about 100 miles   University, Bakersfield (CSUB) invites applications
          addresses questions related to clastic sedimentation,   west of St. Louis, Missouri S&T is an accessible,   for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position to start
          dynamic stratigraphy, depositional systems, and basin   safe and friendly campus surrounded by Ozarks   in Fall 2019. We seek a broadly trained geologist with
          architecture over geological time scales, with broad   scenery. The campus is located in Rolla, Missouri,   applied research and teaching interests that includes
          applicability to the energy industry. A demonstrated   which is also home to the USGS Center of Excel-  (but are not limited to) hydrogeology, subsurface
          ability to integrate a range of approaches and data   lence  for Geospatial  Information  Science  and  the   fluid dynamics, groundwater contamination, and
          types is required, potentially including field-based   National Geospatial Technical Operations Center,   groundwater sustainability. Use of GIS techniques is
          inquiry, linked surface and subsurface investiga-  which provide many opportunities for collaboration   desirable. Teaching responsibilities will include intro-
          tions, incorporation of seismic data, and analytical or   with USGS scientists. The GGPE Department has   ductory-level courses, hydrogeology, and upper-level
          modeling approaches. The successful candidate will   21 tenured/tenure-track faculty and approximately   undergraduate and graduate courses in the faculty
          be expected to establish an internationally recognized   600 students (roughly evenly split between gradu-  member’s specialty. Review of applications will begin
          research program and excel at teaching, mentoring,   ate and undergraduates). All of our programs offer   December 1, 2018, and continue until the position is
          and service roles within the department, and should   B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. The ABET-accredited   filled. CSUB fosters and appreciates ethnic and cul-
          have a strong record of securing external research   Geological Engineering program has approximately   tural diversity among its faculty and students, and is
          funds. We seek an individual who facilitates collabo-  80 undergraduate students, 50 on-campus graduate   committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty to
          rations among faculty, researchers, and students in the   students and 65 off-campus graduate students. More   reflect the diversity of the campus community. Appli-
          department and university, and is capable of teaching   information about the department and further details   cations from women, ethnic minorities, veterans, and
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